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Old 09-17-2016, 04:26 PM
Torchwatch Torchwatch is offline
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If you are naked in a gang shower and discover you are getting an erection you have several options. You can run like a virgin, grabbing your towel on the way out to cover up, then get changed and leave before anyone notices, the trouble is that if this happens every week at swimming club your team mates will become suspicious. You can stand facing the wall, preferably in the corner then wash your hair repeatedly while thinking about paint drying and hope the erection will go away, but you may be there for some time. You could brazen it out, continue your shower, casually chatting with friends, then march out proudly challenging anyone to comment. If someone does comment it might be in admiration, you may also set off a chain reaction of erections on the see one, get one basis.
If you happen to be alone in the gang shower but aware someone might come in at any time, you can quickly jerk one off then leave in a relaxed manner. This will work unless someone comes in and sees you in flagrante delicto, if you run you appear guilty, turning your back and pretending it's not happening won't help, you either have to brazen it out by ceasing action but finishing your shower with an obviously enlarged member or just finish what you started, clean up and leave. if your visitor doesn't immediately object he may under the see one get one rule become hard himself and unable to hide it join in.
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