Thread: On the Lake
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Old 08-14-2016, 10:42 PM
SwimTeamSpeedo SwimTeamSpeedo is offline
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Default Chapter 1: The meeting

The sun was now high in the eastern sky, soaking the cloudless sky in boundless sunshine, which accentuated the waves in the lake with glittering reflections. The red and yellow kayak was pulled up to the edge of the dock, the guy in it wore sport style sunglasses. He had ruffled, wavy black hair, the kind that looked like it was screaming for my hand to run through it. I was feeling urges that had been dormant for quite a while, as I stood looking at the cute guy in the kayak. I was wearing a red and black print Tyr suit with two inch sides and a clingy lycra that showed all when wet, which I was.
I walked back out to the end of the dock. The movement helped ease the urges inside my suit. “Great morning for a swim or kayak ride,” I said rather awkwardly.

“Yeah, fantastic,” he replied. “I was watching you swim, you swim pretty far,” Up closed he was even cuter than from afar, with an infectious smile that made you feel warm inside. He seemed kind hearted and very polite. I guessed his age at 35, a very good looking 35 with boyish features and a youthful sparkle.

“Just over two miles today,” I replied. “I love swimming in the lake, especially this time of the year when the water feels warm. My name is Ryan, by the way.” I bent down to shake hands.

“Hi Ryan,” he replied. “I’m Kelly. Nice to meet you.”

“You from around here?” I asked.

“Sort of,” he replied. “My sister has a house on the west side of the lake, so I come up here quite a bit, but actually I work down in Portland. What about you?”

“Except for college swimming and a few years after, this is my life. I farm potatoes and live right here,” I replied. “Just me, my partner of eight years left a couple years ago for the bright lights of the big city.” I added, not really sure why. I immediately thought that was stupid.

“A farmer, that is so cool,” came the reply. “I’m a pharmacist, not nearly as interesting or wholesome as what you do,”

“I don’t know about that, but thanks” I replied. I am usually a pretty confident guy about wearing my swimsuits, but for some reason I was feeling a little naked standing there chatting, partly because I knew I was getting hard. Not like my younger days when a cute guy would make me boing instantly, those days were gone, but it had been a long time since I had a boner erupt while wearing a swimsuit. Of course, the clingy, damp lycra made it all that much more obvious. I could not see what he had on except for the very tight medium blue polyester jersey he was wearing, it clung to his upper body showing his muscles in his arms. I think the cute smile, tight short, and his sweet personality were getting the best of me. I tried to adjust casually as we talked, hoping he was not picking up on my aroused state. He was.

“Well, I probably should get back to my kayaking,” he suggested after we chatted a few more minutes. Now was my chance, I thought to myself. Either let him go or see if I could make this something greater than a chance acquaintance. Clearly he was interested, or else he would not have stopped. My gaydar was telling me he was gay.

“Hey, usually I sit on the deck and have some coffee after my swims. I mean, I understand interrupting a workout, but you are welcome to join me, if you want? I asked rather than stated.

“That sounds great,” he replied. He paddled the kayak to shallow water and climbed out. He was more cute than I thought, wearing lycra blue shorts with white trim, perfectly matching his blue shirt. They were not as long as cycle shorts, and lacked the padding. They clung to his body almost as tight as my swimsuit, and he was sporting a nice bulge of his own. I guessed by the outline that he was uncut, somewhat aroused, a very well equipped.


“Usually I just stay in my swimsuit, but I think I will run up and change,” I suggested.

“Don’t be silly,” he replied. “I wish I looked as fit as you, the swimsuit is fine…. Perfect actually,” Kelly added.

“You are too kind,” I replied. “Let me go get that coffee.”

Two cups of coffee, some fresh made blueberry muffins, and two big glasses of water served, we sat and looked out at the lake. A pair of Loons were swimming about 500 feet off shore. “I love the Loons,” he said. “So majestic.”

“Yeah, me too.” I replied, sitting directly across from Kelly.

“So you live here year round, must be amazing to see the lake through the seasons.” Kelly asked.

“Yeah, it gets pretty quiet in winter, once hunting season ends. Except for the dog sled race.” I replied.

“How late in the fall do you swim?” Kelly asked.

“On a good year, I can get into October, I shoot for Columbus day, but don’t always make it that far.” I replied. “It gets cold fast after August. A few times I swam when it was really too cold, took my balls a week to show back up,” I laughed.

“Sure screws up the look of you In a Speedo,” he replied. We both laughed. “It is getting warm,” Kelly shifted the subject. With that he pulled off the tight fitting shirt to reveal his bare chest. He had a small spatter of hair between his breasts, his upper muscles well defined, and he was fit with a small amount of weight just above his waistband. “Those clingy shirts are great for kayaking, but they get hot pretty quick,” he added.

“Would you like to see the rest of the place?” I asked.

“I’d love that,” Kelly replied.


“I didn’t realize you had a dog,” Kelly said as Ashland, my nine year old Golden Retriever came out to great us inside the lake facing great room “What a nice boy, you are,” Kelly said as he bent down to pet the lumbering old guy.

“Yeah, he is a sweetheart,” I replied. “He is getting older and pretty much stays inside, except if I tell him we can play ball.” Ashland heard ball and let out a playful bark.

“ I see what you mean,” Kelly laughed. “Your house is gorgeous,” he added.

“It has been a work in progress, but I loved the hand built stone fireplace so I overlooked a lot of the repairs the old place needed when I bought it. I am almost done, but you will see that there are few things left to work on.” I bought the house 15 years prior, an old log cabin that had been neglected for years. It had good bones, but was outdated and ready for some loving care. “Took two years before I could actually live in it,” I added.

“Well, you have been doing a nice job with it,” Kelly complimented.

I showed Kelly the guest suite, which also faced the lake and had its own bath. “This would be your room, if you ever stay here,” I teased. Kelly smiled at me, a warm smile that told me we were making a deeper connection.

“I’d love to stay here sometime,” he replied. He reached out and touched my shoulder as he said it. We both smiled and looked at each other for a brief moment, but long enough for each of us to feel a tingle of desire.

We ventured out to the deck after the brief tour. “So that’s my story,” I stated as we stood on the deck.

“I’m glad I stopped by, Ryan,” Kelly replied. Ashland came out with us and Kelly found an old tennis ball in the grass as we walked to the dock. He threw it for Ashland, who bounded after it with the enthusiasm of a dog much younger than his years.

“You just made a friend forever,” I laughed. “He will insist you come back and play ball.”

“I’d love to come back, Ashland,” Kelly said, petting his shoulder. With that Kelly climbed back into his kayak. It was an awkward moment, as I think we both wondered if this was a beginning or an end.

“I swim every morning,” I said. “Feel free to come for coffee again,”

“And to check out the hot guy in the Speedo,” Kelly added.

The kayak and the cute guy headed back across the lake, his blue shirt still hanging over a chair on the deck.

Last edited by SwimTeamSpeedo : 08-15-2016 at 02:09 AM.
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