Thread: What to wear?
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Old 08-12-2016, 01:05 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Dylan tries on his Desmiit® swim brief

At a very early age, maybe even before puberty, Dylan discovered that he had this “thing” for snug-fitting clothing of all kinds. At age 12, with puberty well underway, Dylan did not understand what this thing he had really was. He thought whatever it was, it was probably at least a little weird, and certainly nothing that he would share with his buddies that age. Sometimes he figured he might “outgrow” it, whatever it was. There was no practical way of finding out if his situation was unique to him or not. All he knew is that this thing was there. Dylan, however enthusiastic he was about getting his body inside of snug-fitting clothing, this was something that he needed to keep secret from everyone around him, parents, siblings, peers, lest any knowledge by anyone else would cause him problems of various sorts. The strangest part of this was that Dylan may have been right about his decision to keep this all to himself.

To be sure, Dylan’s options at age 14 were pretty limited, though by age 14 Dylan was old enough so that he was fully able to stay at home alone whenever his parents and siblings wanted to go out shopping or whatever and he said he had no reason he needed to go along.

But at age 14, Dylan didn’t have much in the way of snug-fitting clothing suitable for a quality jerk-off session. Dylan had learned a few stunts. At age 14, Dylan’s body was starting to grow rapidly, and he was quickly outgrowing clothing items that had fit him fine only 18 months ago. Dylan had always worn white cotton briefs, and he purposely kept a few pair in the bottom of his dresser drawer that were boys size 12 and that he had comfortably worn only 18 or 24 months ago. There were jeans he still had too that were now quite undersized.

When Dylan’s family was out and about, Dylan liked to pull these “secret “ items out of his dresser, and try them on. In reality, he was running “experiments” with the snug fit and feel. You can pretty well guess where these experiments led. At age 14, Dylan was soon erect and hard just getting into these items, and it wasn’t long before the items were stained with cum. Dylan was somehow intensely fascinated by all of this. The funny part was that the snugger the briefs quit, the more excited Dylan got. The cum-stained items needed to go somewhere, and they ended up in the little basket for laundry he had in his closet drawer. At first, mom still did the laundry. He wondered what his mom thought about this and if she noticed the starchy stains on the items when she sorted the laundry, but to his mom’s credit, she never said a word about all of this to Dylan. But soon, Dylan started using the family washing machine and dryer himself, so that eliminated the possibility that his mom would be alerted to what Dylan was actually doing to himself when he was home alone. Dylan’s undersized white cotton briefs became real masturbation “friends” for Dylan when he was growing up.

When Dylan first encountered Bill and Joe wearing their compression gear (not to mention the straps and cups) in the Dorm hallway that night, alarm bells went off. It suddenly dawned on Dylan that there were items out there that would be far more “satisfying” to wear that undersized white cotton briefs. That is why Dylan jumped at the opportunity to be a part of the Amazon order when the opportunity presented itself.

But, now back to the present. Dylan is trying on his little Desmiit® brief, the two-color blue-and green one that was part of the Amazon® order. Dylan knew that there was going to be little space for his stuff in that suit even if the waist size was OK, but that was part of the appeal. Dylan had just gotten into the swim brief and was looking at himself in the mirror. He had hoped that his penis could be in the “down” position but that wasn’t going to work. With penis in the down position, the back of the suit went way lower, revealing a bit of a butt crack at the center top of the back. That was definitely not going to work. Dylan needed to make adjustment. But worse, with all of this going on, Dylan felt himself starting to get hard and erect. So as he tried to adjust himself, what he needed to make space for was gradually getting bigger, creating ever more of a problem. Dylan managed to put himself in an “up” position, and that felt really good to Dylan, with the underside of his penis rubbing up against the slick suit material, certainly better and more interesting than anything he had ever experienced wearing undersized cotton briefs. Dylan had managed to work himself up to the point where he would soon no longer be able to hold back on the urge to come. All of this was messing with Dylan’s body and mind.

But at that very moment, Dylan hears the dorm room door lock click, and suddenly Dylan’s roommate Josh is back in the room, staring at him.

Josh was taken aback, seeing Dylan clad only in that tiny Desmiit brief, penis up, and obviously at least somewhat erect. On seeing Dylan clad this way, Josh’s mouth dropped wide open.

Josh was wondering what he should say. The only thing he could think of saying was “That’s a nifty pair of skivvies you have on there, Dylan”

Dylan thought this comment was funny. Who uses the word “nifty” any more let alone, “skivvies”?

Dylan needed to respond some way. The only thing he could think os saying was “These are not underwear. This is a swimming suit.”

Josh responded: “Not much room for your ‘stuff’ in there, is there?”

Dylan at this point had a tiny gleam in his eyes, and he smiled and said “I guess not, I’m finding that out and that is part of my ‘problem’!”

To be continued…
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