Thread: What to wear?
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Old 08-03-2016, 02:52 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Bill and Joe’s big dilemma…

Just as Dylan has issues, Bill and Joe have issues too. Bill and Joe have both crawled into bed wearing their new thongs and their new wrestling singlets, Bill’s in crimson red and Joe’s in navy blue. The new thongs feel really good to them, in large measure not so much because of the general snugness of the fit, but because for the first time, they are both experiencing exactly what significant upward pressure in the perineum area, that little spot right behind the scrotum, does to their bodies (and minds).

Exactly why that pressure in the thongs feels so good is not entirely clear, except to say that it must be a combination of all the nerve endings that terminate there that pleasantly respond to the pressure, plus the fact that the thong is putting indirect external pressure on the prostate gland located just inside. Bill and Joe had known nothing about this. The combination of these two events happening together is, well, interesting. Actually, the sensations are more than interesting. They are normally not strong enough to give a guy a firm erection right off, but the sensations are enormously satisfying in a host of other ways.

These sensations generated by the thong and the upward perineum pressure generally will quickly send a guy into a heavy pre-cum mode, despite the penis still being flaccid, or at best only semi-erect. And the pre-cumming will almost surely be profuse. Think not only dime-size spots of that crystal-clear, viscous, somewhat sticky fluid, but soon nickel-sized, then quarter-sized, then half-dollar-sized and even silver-dollar sized spots of pure pre-cum. Guys get fascinated with just watching the pre-cum accumulate in what are successive small but persistently accumulating individual droplets.

Bill and Joe both lie in bed pretending to be asleep, but at the same time having great fun with themselves. Further, Bill knows what is happening to Joe and Joe knows what is happening to Bill, and the mere knowledge that there is another guy in the bed a few feet away enjoying this in much the same way makes the entire sequence of events even more fun. All of this is a not-to-be-missed educational experience for 19-year old male college roommates housed in a freshman dorm.

The title of the story today indicated that Bill and Joe faced a dilemma, and they do, sort of. Let me explain in detail the specifics of the“problem.” Despite the snug fit of the thongs, their penises are much freer to move around than they were when they were contained in the straps and hard cups. Access is better. But remember, both Bill and Joe are wearing wrestling singlets that also fit snugly over the thongs, and these wrestling singlets cover their lower chests and are held in place via shoulder straps.

First off, as the pre-cum accumulates inside of the thong pouch, some of it is going to leak through, staining the singlet on the outside, right above the penis tip. This means a wet spot will soon be appearing on the outside of the singlet, a wet spot that will grow in size on the singlet as the pre-cum accumulates drop-by-drop.

Second, as all of this pre-cumming proceeds, at some point Bill and Joe are both going to feel increasing urges to stroke their penises from glans to base. This is tricky with the singlets in place. They can try stroking themselves from the outside of the singlet. Another approach would be to reach down inside the singlet and do the stroking from there. Keep in mind also that as all of this is happening the psychological pressure to go into full-scale ejaculation mode is building, and especially so if stroking is going on.

What then? I suppose Bill and Joe could ejaculate under the covers with the singlet still in place, but if these guys are now as horny as I think they are, this is going to leave a huge cum-stain on the singlet. Another approach would e to hop out of bed at some point, pull down the singlet shoulder straps, pull the singlet down and then ejaculate into the thong, or perhaps right into the air. But this is going to create a real mess, too.

Then there is the question of timing. Are both Joe and Bill going to get to the point whereby they can delay ejaculation no farther at about the same moment in time, or is one of them ahead of the other in this regard. Joe is thinking that it would be, well, interesting to watch Bill struggle doing this. Bill is thinking the same thing. What does this mean, for goodness sakes?

So, we leave Bill and Joe with a real dilemma. They had not expected to mess up their new singlets so soon after they got them, but for the turn of events as they discovered for themselves what Tony and Donovan were experiencing.

Meanwhile, back in Dylan and Josh’s room, we still have Dylan lying in bed in his damp, cum-stained boxers. This is, well, uncomfortable, but Dylan does not know quite what to do at this point. He could get up and slip on a clean pair, but that would awaken Josh, no doubt, who is now fast asleep. Alternately, he could just lie there and hope that the cum-stains dry by morning. But then there will be all those starchy-like yellowish stains on his boxers, so Dylan will have to be careful in figuring out a way to somehow discard the stained boxers into his laundry bag (an old pillowcase) and get into a fresh pair somehow without alerting Josh to what happened.

Ahh,…the real problems facing male college frosh males living in twin-bed dorm rooms are not simple at all. More of this great fun with self-pleasuring intermingled with terror.

To be continued…
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