Thread: What to wear?
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Old 07-22-2016, 01:31 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Thinking back...

Dylan keeps thinking back about events that occurred when he was a few years younger in high school. Dylan has always thought that his body and in particular his groin area was particularly sensitive to all sorts of different kinds of snug-fitting clothing, and as an adolescent, he was always figuring out ways that took full advantage of his sensitivities. This situation first became apparent to Dylan when he was only about 11, at the very dawn of puberty. Actually, Dylan had already discovered some of these feelings and sensitivities far earlier than that, maybe when he was as young as 7 or 8 years is all.

By the time Dylan was 14, he had developed a list of clothing items that he thought might be fun to wear and had started developing strategies that would allow him to obtain the items that he thought would be interesting and fun to try wearing, as well as a developing a “plan of attack” for doing this. For a 14-year old, none of this was that easy. Dylan wondered if the other boys his age were coping with the same or similar thoughts and problems. The first problem was identifying the specific items that he thought would be fun. Problem 2 was obtaining those items, and this often involved convincing his parents that he needed these things that seemed a bit odd and that they would make sense for him. The third problem was finding a time and place at that age where he could run some “experiments” with the various items.

Parents can often time be a little difficult in these efforts. Boys at 14 are growing rapidly in all sorts of places. Often times a major consideration for parents is buying clothes for their boys that will last a while and thus are oversized. If what they are buying is loose-fitting and sloppy, at least initially, so be it. That is just a “price” paid to get ‘longer wear” out of the pieces of clothing being purchased.

But loose and sloppy-fitting was and is not where Dylan’s mind was going at that age, not at all. Dylan at age 14 was thinking snug and tight, and the snugger and tighter the better. Already, Dylan had discovered that Dylan was very sensitive to snug and tight, and just thinking about this produced some very enjoyable sensations both in his groin area and mind. Dylan wanted more. A lot more. The more Dylan thought about this and what was happening to how he felt, the more excited he got. Further, the more his parents denied Dylan the items he sought the more interested he got in wanting to go exactly there. So, inadvertently, Dylan’s parents in their actions were making Dylan ever more interested in pursuing this.

What were the items? Dylan has been pondering this entire question for at least 5 years. There were several items. We can assume that anything on Dylan’s list might be a useful aid to jerking off For example, we know that Dylan really loved very snug-fitting cotton briefs. Indeed, anything that ends up ultimately getting nicely cum-stained probably can go right to the top of the list. But the cotton briefs are just the start.

Dylan also knew that he liked a lot of different kinds of sports gear that fits close to his body, compression shorts and tees, athletic supporters and similar. Then there are the jeans. For a long time in Dylan’s short life, Jeans were only sold that fit really loose in the butt, leg and thigh, and these were anything but a turn on. But when Dylan turned 16, about three years ago, this started to change in a hurry, and slim-fitting, or shall I say, snug-fitting jeans almost overnight became really popular. Once Dylan discovered that jeans fitting snug in the butt, thighs and legs, there was a little signal that suddenly went off in Dylan’s brain that this was where his brain and body wanted him to go.

What was happening to Dylan? Dylan wasn’t entirely certain, but he really knew he wanted a pair of skinny jeans. But, convincing his parents that he had to have a $40 pair of Levi’s 511® skinny jeans was not going to be easy. (Dylan actually really wanted the Levis 510® super-skinny jeans, but they were $58 so that one went from difficult to totally impossible.)

Of Course, Dylan’s parents still followed the old decision rule that said buy clothes oversize because then the boys (Dylan and Jason) can grow into them and wear the clothing for more than a year or so.

Dylan at 16 knew he had not yet finished growing, so jeans, even 511 jeans, that seemed a little loose now, were going to get snugger and tighter as Dylan added body muscle over time.

Dylan still has this pair of 511’s, a sand-colored pair that he had gotten when he was 16, and this pair of jeans went along with him to college. The same jeans that once fit a little loose when his parents bought them for him at 16, were gradually fitting snugger and tighter over time. Dylan still loved to “try on” these jeans, particularly when he was feeling a little horny. He would try them on and look at himself in the dorm room mirror. He loved it that the mirror revealed that even though he was wearing jeans, it was still quite apparent in the mirror that he was a guy. And he loved the ever snugger fit in the butt, thigh and even through his calf muscles, which were now filling out the lower part of the legs of the skinny jeans. The combination of a pair of tighty-whiteys and the jeans felt really good to Dylan.

But today, Dylan had gone to another place entirely. The items he got out of the Amazon® order were many things that Dylan could have never purchased even with his own money, when he was in high school, because Dylan knew his parents would have objected or would have started asking questions that Dylan would have been too embarrassed to try and answer (“Dylan, why do you NEED a jock strap?” Dylan could have hardly said to his parents “Because I think it might be fun to try masturbating into!”) You see what the problem would have been. No guy dares openly tell his parents that he wants specific clothing items because he thinks these items are a turn-on to help him masturbate more powerfully. That is just too blunt, but Dylan also suspects that other guys have these same or very similar thoughts and interests, and are in the same boat in dealing with their parents. Guys try their best, and manage to get what they can while trying all along to leave the appearance that nothing is going on in their brains and bodies.

But now as a young adult and off to college, Dylan was able to pursue getting the exact items he always thought would be fun to wear. Dylan’s experience hanging out with Bill, Joe, Tony and Donovan at the school gym was a real eye opener. The Amazon order became the list of stuff Dylan would have loved to have access to as a 16-year old, but could not. And remember where Dylan is right now, clad in a snug-fitting forest green asics wrestling singlet, strap and cup. The sensations Dylan is experiencing now are nothing short of amazing, and something is bound to happen. Maybe that something is already happening.

To be continued…
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