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Old 05-18-2016, 09:03 PM
ReservedEnthusiast ReservedEnthusiast is offline
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Default Chapter 08

Chapter 08 Part 01
Life as Usual

For the rest of the year, I continued to wear the jammer. Aaron and I swam together at least 2-4 times a week. Each time, it got easier to ignore him in his speedo, though an occasional glance as we passed or a well-timed goggle seal check as he approached didn’t go amiss. And, I will admit, I regularly offered to wash out his suit for him with mine, so I got to carry it just after he’d worn it.

I could feel myself starting to improve, but I felt completely inferior training with him. It was very difficult for me to perpetually be behind. I looked forward to a friend recognizing him so I could get a head start on the next set; I felt terrible making him wait for so long as I caught up. But at the same time, I knew he was a good coach for me and a motivation to improve myself. I wanted to show him the fruits of his labor and to feel proud of what I was working towards.

There’s another guy I should introduce. Again, I cannot use his real name, so I’ll refer to him as Samuel, or Sam. Sam grew up near my university just like Aaron, but they came from smaller towns in opposite directions. He too was a former water polo player, and a good one at that. He told me stories of his team dominating the competition. We became good friends over time and spent many Sunday afternoons together after church. I learned that he also only wears speedos to swim and to coach his high school’s team, but reverts to board shorts for leisure swimming or hanging out at the beach. One Saturday in the spring, he, Aaron and I decided to swim together.

I was much less nervous about seeing Sam in a speedo. It wasn’t simply because he was a little overweight; in fact, he wasn’t by much at all and I still wouldn’t mind being as fit as he is. But it was more because he’s a bit of a dork, so he’s more entertaining and/or annoying rather than cool and attractive as a guy. Also, he started dating my best friend and was completely NOT worthy of or right for her. That’s my inner brother speaking rather than jealousy, I should add. Though I definitely had a crush on her for a while, I wasn’t planning on sharing my crush for a long while yet so it wasn’t like I was in competition for her love or anything. Sam just truly was not a good match for her. Fortunately, they’ve broken up since.

My point is: when Saturday came, I didn’t, if you catch my drift.

The swim went well. They both wore their speedos while I continued to hide in the safety of my jammer. They practiced doing that eggbeater thing that polo players do to tread water while tossing a polo ball back and forth. I was busy swimming laps as usual in the next lane. The only reasons I am sharing this story are these: (1) I had the chance to wear a speedo with friends also in speedos, but I didn't and wish I had; and (2) it’s part of the reason I’m generally not a fan of Turbos. Sam loves them, but it wasn’t very flattering on him, in my opinion. Aaron would get a Turbo himself later on, but that’s for part 2.

With time I grew to favor freestyle, tolerate backstroke, hate breaststroke, and ignore butterfly’s existence. Breaststroke was the absolute worst. The movements are terrible! I feel like I’m moving through the water like a frog who’s had two bottles of absinthe. Backstroke is alright, except I am physically unable to swim in an absolutely straight line and end up getting entangled in the lane dividers before practically breaking my wrists on the pavement at the end. Freestyle was easy to handle, though I am still working on the breathing and flip turns to this day.

One of my favorite things was our early-morning swims before church. We’d ride in my car and park near the rec center, go to the pool at opening, and get in a full swim before driving straight to church, our wet bathing suits hidden away in the trunk. It wasn’t only a confidence boost and energy boost from exercising to get the day started. Somehow, the knowledge of having worn a jammer less than half an hour before sitting with my friends made me feel special, like I knew or accomplished or felt something they didn’t.

Everything was going well, well enough that at some point, I became brave enough to reveal to Aaron that I had a speedo myself. Naturally, he wanted to see it.


Chapter 08 Part 02
Our Speedos

I had done something I’d never, ever done before. I’d revealed to a friend that I own a speedo. After Aaron had asked to see it on, I informed him that I didn’t look very good in it, but he insisted that I should put the suit on anyway. So, I nervously went back to my room, put on the speedos, and then hesitantly cracked the door telling him to come in and see. He did, and I shut the door immediately behind him. There I was, standing in front of my best friend whose opinion I respect deeply while wearing nothing but a bright green speedo with stars all over it.

His initial reaction when I showed it to him confirmed my opinion of its ridiculousness. Nevertheless, Aaron took me by surprise. I expected him to agree, to say that I should indeed wait a while longer before wearing it to the pool. But, no, he didn’t. Aaron did something I’d never foreseen and actually encouraged me to go ahead and wear it anyway! The first time I’d been encouraged to wear a speedo! I felt so happy that he would be cool with it; I would feel like “one of the guys” or whatever, like I had my own miniature swim team for which to wear briefs. Before long, we were looking online together to find matching speedos to wear while working out. He eventually chose a Turbo brief for himself, the model with the Swedish flag on the front. I wanted to get an Italy-themed brief in connection with my coming year abroad, so I continued to look my search after Aaron had decided.

A photo of the suit on

I remember the afternoon when his Turbos arrived. Again came out Aaron’s puppy-like excitement and enthusiasm as he rushed to his room to model them for me when they arrived. When he opened the door, I felt myself flush. The light blue and yellow were such an attractive contrast to his golden tan! He really had found the perfect suit for himself.

Contrary to most Turbos, these showed off his anatomy very well, almost as well as his Agonswims. (Actually, his bulge did look a little fuller than usual. Could he have been showing the same arousal that I feel myself when I wear a new suit?) It was amazing from every angle. Just watching him check himself out by looking down and using a mirror was making me somewhat hot and bothered. Aaron hadn’t shut his door like I had when modeling mine, so as another housemate passed by in the hallway, he glanced in, smiled and simply said, “Nice speedo.” You, sir, were not wrong.

At this point, I’d like to tell you that I was inspired to wear my own speedos to the pool with him. I’d also like to tell you that I bought a somewhat-matching pair and started wearing speedos to swim with my dearest friend. Furthermore, I’d like to tell you that my confidence was adequately boosted to not care about exposing so much of myself willingly. Most of all, I’d like to tell you that he helped me conquer my fears with just those few encouraging words before and then I lived happily ever after swimming and relaxing in my speedos.

Unfortunately, this tale isn’t the figment of my imagination written out purely for your reading pleasure where everything happens in an idyllic manner. This is my real story in the real world with real emotions. I couldn’t bring myself to do it by the end of the school year when he’d go off to a summer position far away and I’d stay in my college town working until I left for Europe for a year. Wearing speedos together would seemingly never happen.

Or would it?
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