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Old 04-28-2016, 10:23 AM
Torchwatch Torchwatch is offline
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In open plan changing rooms I will strip down to a tee shirt and underwear, I'll then remove the underwear and put on my Speedos before removing my tee shirt, learned this process at school where everyone did it.
After swimming I will enter the showers in Speedos and begin showering, if nudity is common in the showers I will slip off my Speedos and go naked, if not then I will keep them on but slip my hands into my Speedos with shampoo to wash myself there.
If I have taken off my Speedos in the showers I will return to the changing area either naked or with a towel wrapped around me. I won't attempt to hide myself while drying off and getting dressed.

The current fashion is for mixed changing areas with small cubicles to change in. Being 6'2" tall the cubicles are too small for me, once while naked I reached to lean on the door, the lock failed and I fell out of the cubicle, luckily no one was around at the time.
I much prefer single sex open plan changing rooms as there is more space to move about and put thing s down on the benches.
With open plan changing rooms and showers you can continue a conversation with friends while you change and shower, which I consider more civilised.
Other men will look at you while you are changing, usually just a quick glance, but if you make a big show of hiding under a towel they will become more curious as to what is going on.
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