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Old 02-28-2016, 08:39 PM
dm106 dm106 is online now
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Default Brian joins the team

Part 17 - and thanks for the comments!

At swim practice a new boy moved to Glastonbury – Brian, a 13 year old. And now, Timmy having passed his 13th birthday - is the same age. Brian is a natural swimmer. He tells Coach Carl that he had been swimming since he was 5. At the beginning of practice while the other boys warmed up, the Coach had Brian dive in and show what he can do. Brian glides through the water. His attempt at a flip-turn is a total disaster, but the boy has promise in his stroke. Back up on deck, Coach Carl quizzed the boy more and Brian said he could never be on a swim team because his small school didn’t have one and they lived too far out of town to be running into practice with the closest community team. Coach Carl told Brian there’s a boy on the team named Timmy who was also fairly new to town and was sure the two would hit it off – Timmy could show him the ropes and teach him a few things – and Coach said he would also help Brian as much as possible as they needed more boys on the team.

Coach called for Timmy and Jeff to come meet Brian – escort him off and get him fitted in a new team Speedo. Timmy seemed very pleased to be summoned to help the new boy get settled in. Jeff and Timmy, along with Brian headed to the locker room with a stop in the supply closet to pull out a few team suits in size ranges that seemed appropriate for Brian. The Red TYRs had a white shark logo on them for the team – many of the boys found them very sexy. Brian was becoming visibly nervous – he hadn’t yet told his new friends he’d never worn a speedo type suit before and certainly had those same trepidations that boys get when they are confronted with it for the first time. He wasn’t particularly shy about his body as many are, but the idea of wearing that speedo – would his penis show, what if he got a boner, what if, what will his mom and dad think of him wearing that skimpy thing, what will his sister say and on and on. All of this spinning in his mind made his member begin to chub up a bit.

When they arrived in the locker room, Timmy broke the ice – “Brian – have you ever worn a speedo before?” “Um, well, no, never, just seen them on TV when I watched the Olympics.” “Well, we’ll fix you up and help you get fit properly,” replied Jeff with a knowing smirk on his face. “You look about the same size as Brian, so here, put this 28 on for starters”. Brian obediently stripped down, leaving on his shirt which had pretty long tails. “Loose the shirt, Brian,” said Timmy, “we can’t tell if you’ve got a good fit with your long shirt on”. After a short sigh, Brian lost the shirt, standing totally naked in front of his two new friends, feeling just a tad shy since they were in speedos. This gave both Timmy and Jeff chance to check out Brian – noting he had started growing hair and he had a nice sized penis which seemed to them to be a bit aroused but they weren’t sure. Timmy particularly noticed Brian’s red hair both on his head and near his penis. Timmy and Jeff were both getting aroused in their speedos checking out this scene.

Brian pulled on the red TYR team speedo and asks, “Where do I put it” to his friends. “We usually go up or up at an angle,” Jeff replied pointing to how he was positioned in his suit. “How do I know if this is the right size,” inquired Brian. “Here, I’ll check for you,” offers Timmy. Timmy quickly sized up the waist, leg openings, plucked at the back and then without hesitation, cupped Brian’s cock and balls. Brian jumped back in surprise, “wow, guys, what are you doing?” he asks. “Just checking the fit and support,” says Timmy as he reapplied his hand to the front of Brian’s suit. “You want to make sure the suit can hold you here,” as Timmy rubbed near Brian’s head. Brian definitely became quickly stimulated and had grown to full erection under the guise of Timmy’s careful checking. Jeff quickly chimed in, “let me make sure,” as he also felt along Brian’s length to make sure of a good fit. “I think we got the right size right off,” Jeff said. Fearing they may go too far too quickly, Jeff halted the size checking. “Brian, put this one on (it was a 32) just so you can see what happens if your suit is too big,” says Jeff. Brian, noticing both of his friends seemed to be fully hard in their speedos too, didn’t feel self-conscience to remove his speedo and have both boys see his 5 inch erection. Brian donned the second TYR suit and immediately was pointing out in it. They escorted him over to the mirror and Brian mutters, “I see what you mean – it can’t hold me in. Thanks for checking me, I’d hate to go out to the pool and have this happen to me.”

They instruct Brian to wear the new speedo as much as possible in his room to get more used to it and also to get a practice suit or two for swim practice and saving this red suit for meets. Brian asks, “Do you guys practice wearing it in your room?” “Yes, we have to,” Jeff replies. Sometimes we practice together, would you like to join us? We’ll try to help make you better in your speedo.” “Yes, I’d really like that,” Brian replies. They set a day for the next practice session as they get out to the pool before Coach Carl misses them.

To be continued
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