Thread: What to wear?
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Old 01-12-2016, 02:48 PM
sebbie sebbie is online now
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Default Back to the big box sporting goods store!

So, Bill and Joe hopped back into Bill’s car and they were off to the big box sporting goods store, about 2 ½ miles from the dormitory. Bill pretty much knew where in the store he wanted to take Joe in order to find the compression gear. Bill took Joe over to the navy blue rack of tees and the other rack of navy blue compression shorts too.

Joe asked “What size should I buy?”

Bill said “Well, I went with the medium (MED) on the tee, but the small (SM) on the shorts. My waist is about 32”, so the small undersizes just a little.”

Joe: “Well, Sebbie said it’s good to undersize the shorts a bit so the cup stays in place. I think I will try those too!”

Then Joe and Bill wandered over to the rack of athletic supporters. Bill showed Joe the Flarico strap and cup that Bill had purchased. Joe took one of those, but then spotted a separate pee-wee-sized cup from McDavid, designed as a hard cup for little league players.

Joe said “Well Sebbie said the smaller the cup, the better the experience, or something like that, anyway.” Joe threw the McDavid pee-wee cup in the shopping cart too.”I can always use that cup with the Flarico Pouch and run some experiments”

Bill: “Are you through shopping then?”

Joe; “Pretty much, but….” Joe’s voice trailed off as he stared down at his toes.

Joe: “Bill, I always thought those little swim briefs like the divers wear were neat-looking, and I always wanted to see what I would look like in one of them”

Bill: “Well, there is a small lap-pool over at the student gym. Maybe we do need some swimwear if we are serious about getting in shape.”

With that, Bill and Joe head off to the men’s swimwear section of the sporting goods store.

So, Bill and Joe remain college roommates in the antiquated freshman dorm who think of themselves as ruler-straight. However, in their first 6 weeks at college, they have revealed a little more to each other about parts of their sexual beings than most guys their age are certainly comfortable in doing. To me, the most interesting part of this story is about what each has already said, or not yet said, about techniques that work for jerking off, but also what is happening in each of their own brains in a situation where they realize that the other guy is experiencing sexual pleasure as part of a solo-sex jerk- off session.

Bill and Joe probably both will enjoy going to the student gym for workouts on a regular basis, wearing some of the clothing items they have purchased or are in the process of purchasing right now. Compression tees and shorts for these workouts! Sure! Straps? Maybe! Cups? I will get back to you on that!

Do Bill and Joe even KNOW how to swim in a gym pool? Are they now shopping for competition style (racing) swimwear normally worn buy guys who swim well when they should be shopping for suits commonly worn by the “minnows”?

And what about where we have gotten with respect to what Joe as learned about Bill and Bill about Joe on normally what 19-y/o guys consider to be very private and personal subjects?

These and other questions MIGHT be answered in the upcoming episodes. There is still a long way for this story to go for sure.

….To be continued
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