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Old 01-04-2016, 02:54 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Web surfing...

Bill and Joe are each in a little different situation when they try to use the computer at home. Bill is seldom home alone, and usually his younger brother is following him around, or his older sister is watching everything he does. Bill fears that his sister will report everything she sees to his parents. No telling what the younger brother might do as he is just starting to get curious about sex. But, at home at least, Bill doesn’t face the same firewall restrictions he faces in the school library computer when he gets on the computer at home, assuming he can find a situation whereby his little brother or big sister is not looking over his shoulder.

Joe’s situation is not that he has siblings looking over his shoulder as he works on the computer, but rather that when his parents put in the WiFi service at the house, the service defaulted to a “block adult content” mode and his parents did not bother to change that, so Joe’s computer functions much the same way the computers function in the high school library. Joe would like to have a conversation with his dad about removing the block, but he doesn’t quite know where to start. Dad might get the idea that Joe would like to have sex with a girl, and that could lead into weird areas of conversation indeed.

Adults of all stripes who interact with high school students, parents, teachers etc, are like that. They seem uncertain whether more information about sex-related stuff is a good or a bad thing. Is not knowing better than knowing? Even crazier is the seeming adult uncertainty about the entire subject of jerking off. It seems that most parents, teachers too, have pretty much decided that jerking off will not harm guys physically nor lead to blindness either temporary or permanent, but beyond that the adult views still seem to differ all over the place. Some adults seem to think that jerking off is merely a prelude to having underage partner sex. Should teenagers be allowed to jerk off in private in their rooms or does this suggest some other deeper emotional problem, perhaps mental, with respect to socialization issues and being with people in general, for example.

Joe’s parents, despite the dumb WiFi adult content firewall, are a little more modern and understanding perhaps than Bill’s parents. Joe’s parents have never told Joe that he could not or should not masturbate, but neither have they accidentally wandered in when Joe was in the middle of a nice and cool-feeling jerk-off session in his room. Joe is thankful for that. Very thankful.

Bill, on the other hand, quickly learned that any really good jerk-off session was probably going to have to take place under the covers, at night, and so that is why he quickly learned to be an expert at “covering his tracks under the covers’ so to speak, employing interesting techniques such as the paper tissue condom and waste basket method and so on.

So Bill and Joe join as roommates in that little college dorm room with some very different views on masturbation and jerking off. Joe sees this primarily as something that most logically should happen in the daytime but in privacy. Bill assumes that he can employ the same under-the-cover methods that he used at home and seemed to have gotten him through his high school years in one piece and that Joe should be none the wiser either even tho Joe is sleeping only a few feet away. Bill really likes erotic, that is wet dreams, and wet dreams tie right in with the undercover method of jerking off. Who knows if you are awake rubbing yourself to ejaculation or just coming out of an explicit erotic dream that leads to an orgasm? Bill, we know loves wet dreams.

Another difference is that Joe has all these hang-ups and some experience with snug-fitting clothing items that he learned to use in a day-time jerk-off session. One of Joe’s basic problems is to figure out a way to continue what he calls experiments while having Bill as his roommate in that little room. Bill has never really even really thought about that.

Bill and Joe are about to educate not only themselves but each other. The dorm room computer has no adult content controls on it, and both Bill and Joe sense a new freedom in being able to surf anywhere they want to go. Searching on perineum or frenulum is no longer off-limits for sure, or even more explicit stuff too. This is a brave new world for them, a world that is only beginning to reveal itself.

At some point, the story needs to get back to the earlier theme of Bill finding the “Spending the night in a Cup” story Sebbie wrote, and we are about to take you there now. But the story line that you thought you understood is about to evolve in a different way. Keep in mind that both Bill and Joe think of themselves as ruler straight, and certainly not interested in each other sexually. They are both happy, however, that their Web surfing is no longer restricted, and Joe already has some clothing-related what he calls ‘hang-ups” that he regards as left over from his solo jerk-off sessions in private during his high school years. Both Joe and Bill see solo sex as merely an “appetizer” for the real thing which is heterosexual intercourse with a girl. But getting serious and sexually involved with a specific girl is something that is maybe 3 years off for both, given the demand of getting through a college degree in a decent-paying field of study. Remember that neither Joe or Bill are prepared to get intimate with a girl at this time largely because the intimacy could adversely affect their degree progress and career goals.

But, what to do in the meantime? The hormones are still raging and erections are still happening. Semen is being spilled. Maybe jerking off alone is not such an unacceptable option under the circumstances at all. At least it can be thought of as simply a body maintenance exercise to make sure the male equipment is working properly when the time for serious sex with a female partner does occur. So maybe things are not quite as uncomfortable in the sex department as they might first appear to be. But we shall see.

…..To be continued

Last edited by sebbie : 01-04-2016 at 02:58 PM.
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