Thread: What to wear?
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Old 01-04-2016, 12:10 AM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Joe's Background

Joe grew up under somewhat different family circumstances than Bill. Bill had two siblings, a sister just a year older and a brother three years younger. Joe had only one brother, and Joe’s brother, Daniel, was four years older than Joe. Joe was a freshman in high school the same year Daniel was a senior. Daniel then went off to college, so in his sophomore, junior and senior years Joe had a lot of the house to himself. That meant that Joe had a little more privacy than Bill had. Joe’s parents sometimes went on errands for a few hours at a time, and Joe would simply stay home alone in the house. Joe was a reliable kid, and his parents trusted him that he would be fine staying home alone once he turned 13. Daniel had a part-time job when he was a senior, and so he was away from home a lot even before he went to college.

Joe quickly learned to take advantage of these quiet, private times to try some things that he might have been too scared or embarrassed to do when his parents or his brother were in the house. Joe thought of these mostly as little “experiments.” These were mainly experiments related to learning more about which parts of his body were most sensitive to touching. Even high schools can be a bit traditional in terms of not being willing to give high school students access to sex-related information. This whole issue is interesting in that a lot of schools want all students to have a mandatory sex education module (as part of a course called “Health and socialization” oddly enough). Joe took this course, but it seemed to Joe that the course covered all the stuff Joe already knew and almost none of the stuff Joe really wanted the answers to.

Joe had lots of questions. Questions he did not have the nerve ask his sex education teacher, his dad or his male friends his own age at school, as in “Is there any harm to occur in masturbating every day?” “Does dad masturbate?” “What should I do if I get an erection in the school locker room?” and other questions like that, questions that are not a part of the sex-education class. Joe wondered if his male buddies at school had the same questions and issues, but he was just too afraid to ask.

There was another “problem” too, a problem he was really afraid to reveal to his parents and particularly to his friends. In running his experiments when he was home alone (which were actually jerk-off sessions) he gradually realized that he could get aroused not by a girl or even another guy, and certain clothing items would tend to set him off. What kind of clothing? Well he thought a lot about being able to get into a snug-fitting swimming brief, even though he was not a swimmer and he did not have access to a pool either at home or at school. There were other things that “bugged him”as well. He liked to look at pictures of fit guys in swimming briefs, and the snugger it appeared the brief fit the guy the more he got aroused. But there was other stuff that set him off too. He found himself looking at pictures of guys wearing compression shorts, jammers, the pants the football players wear, and wrestling singlets. Really snug-fitting jeans, too. He liked it if the picture he was looking at showed the guy as being really packed into whatever it was he was wearing. Joe kept wondering how he would feel if he were able to get into the same kind of clothing as the guy in the picture was wearing. Just the thought of that made him feel warm and pleasant all over inside.

Joe did not quite know what to make of all of this. He thought of himself as ruler straight and at some level attracted to girls, but this fascination with snug-fitting clothing seemed to be something different, entirely. Joe wondered if any of his other male friends had the same feelings and reactions, but he feared that if he asked, his friends might call him weird, or gay, or even worse.

Joe was at an age where his parents were starting to give him money so he could buy his own clothes. Joe knew what his friends were wearing. Most of them wore rather loose-fitting jeans wih equally loose boxers shorts underneath. The guys Joe hung out with said they needed the room in the boxers for “ventilation”. Joe thought that this was a ruse, and what his buddies were really hoping was that loose-fitting boxers and jeans would hide erections that were happening largely unexpectedly at inopportune times.

When Joe went shopping for underwear, however, he tended to gravitate toward the old-school tighty whitey rack not the loose-fitting boxer shorts rack like most of his friends were wearing. He thought he could get by wearing traditional white cotton briefs without attracting too much adverse attention from his buddies in the gym and physical education locker room. He liked how the white briefs cupped his male body parts, not only holding them securely in place but sometimes even giving him a neat little rub down there even during the day.

But, of course, that was not really what Joe wanted to wear. What he really wanted was some colored bikini briefs that, even though made of a cotton-Lycra blend, looked a lot like a skimpy pair of swim briefs like he saw the fit guys wearing in the photos. But Joe could not do that, for two reasons. First, he was afraid his parents would not approve of his purchase decision or at minimum think his choice was quite funny. Second, if he wore such underwear to school and the guys saw him wearing that in the gym, all hell could break out. There is no telling what his male “friends” might say do or tease him about if he even thought of doing that.

So Joe entered college and his double dorm room assuming that the “rules” about what was proper underwear were exactly the same as those he had followed in high school. But as we will see shortly, all of that was soon about to change, and Joe was about to learn some things about himself and other guys that he had never realized before.

…….To be continued

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