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Old 12-30-2015, 12:09 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Spending the Night in a Cup

Part 1

This story is intended primarily for those men who are not involved in an intimate relationship with another person. It is also intended for men who at times must spend a considerable amount of time away from their partner. Just because an individual is not involved with another person does not mean that a person is asexual, and is somehow doomed to never experience the interesting sexual sensations that their bodies are capable of producing. Indeed, many men living under such conditions could actually be experiencing a great deal more fun than their counterparts that are involved in intimate relationships. You may understand why this could be possible as the story proceeds.

Most men learn how to masturbate under very unfortunate set of circumstances. What is learned in our youth is very interesting-- masturbation is at once extraordinary fun, but somehow evil and something that any real man should be ashamed of. Thus, while most men enjoy masturbation immensely (Authors of a few sex manuals I have read argue that for many men, the orgasms are even stronger than those involved in heterosexual intercourse), they soon learn that in order not to be "discovered," they must complete the act from arousal to orgasm very quickly--perhaps in the space of a few minutes, likely in the bathroom, if possible; and perish the thought of having sheets and pajamas covered with ejaculate.

What's a fella to do after ejaculating in bed? Turn the light on to get up, clean up, and change pajamas? This will likely attract attention from whoever else is in the room or house, whether that be a roommate, a parent or another family member. The message is quickly learned that while masturbation (even involuntary masturbation from wet dreams) is a great deal of fun, the feeling of cold ejaculate for the rest of the night on the pajama leg is not fun, but must be endured to avoid being embarrassed by being "discovered." It's either that or a quickie masturbation session in he bathroom, all the time hoping that no one breaks in to ask why you are taking so long.

And it gets no better as men get older and move away from home. I routinely visit with college students over e-mail who are absolutely terrified of the thought that somehow their roommate or another male friend might discover that they masturbate. I'm not sure what the social signals are here--perhaps that any male who masturbates is somehow unable to form a relationship with a woman? Perhaps this means a person is gay? Why the extreme embarrassment about masturbation even among college students who brag about their other sexual conquests is unclear.

Whatever society is saying here is badly messed up. Masturbation is no sign of weakness, sexual preference, or anything else. Sure, gays masturbate, but virtually every other healthy male masturbates sometimes regardless of their sexual orientation, most throughout their lives.

Nearly every male thinks he does it more than he "should" as if there was some sort of nature-limited allocation. Occasionally, a man might not masturbate regularly if he is in a relationship in which he engages in partner sex so frequently that he lacks the energy do it any other time. Even here it gets confusing, because many forms of partner sex involve mutual masturbation or activities very similar to masturbation. After all, what is foreplay but a form of mutual masturbation? In addition, my hunch is that for most men, masturbation as a form of sexual play occurs far later into life than many people realize.

The problem, of course, is that like most other forms of sexual activity, masturbation is a great deal more fun if it can be taken slowly, with each sensation enjoyed for what it is, and with no concern for being discovered. Furthermore, unlearning the quickie techniques learned in childhood can not only be fun, but even ultimately enhance one's sex life should one get involved in an intimate relationship. Like other forms of sexual activity, it's important to introduce variety in masturbation. Part of the fun of sexuality is the unexpected; the unknown. With this background on masturbation, my story begins about spending a night in a jockstrap.

Before describing a technique employing a hard-cup jock strap, let me first say that I am a big proponent of sexual activities that are not dangerous and do no harm to anyone, and do not transmit disease. If they do not even require a partner, all the better. The approach I suggest here earns an A on all counts.

.............I still think about the same issues as outlined above, in particularly the issues created by being a horny young male with only limited access to privacy, such as dropping in unexpectedly on your college roommate in your dorm room while he is enjoying himself at a time he thought would be private. Growing up, I cherished the times and places I knew would be private, and enjoyed these moments immensely. Continued.
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