Thread: What to wear?
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Old 11-09-2015, 03:52 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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WOW that feels good! I’m not quite sure what is happening to me. The sensation is both subtle and sensational. How can something so subtle being so enjoyable? All I want to think about is the sensations I can feel it coming from my groin area. I feel tense, but at the same time very relaxed.

Even the thought of having snug-fitting clothing pressing tightly against my penis is sending me off into what seems to me to be nearly another dimension. Its almost as if my body lives in two places, the first place being where I live my normal life, unfettered by any sexual feelings and sensations. But there is also this other place I can go and visit, a wonderful place that is at once both relaxing and exciting.

I am just starting to go to that place right now. The sensations I am starting to experience a subtle, but very real to me. I guess nearly universally, other guys can experience the same sensations I experience, and, almost universally as well, are perhaps annoyed, and I am off to the races, so to speak. or even terrorized by what is happening in their bodies. Guys love to be control over every aspect of their lives. It comes as a huge shock when guys discover that their sexual feelings and sensations are the one thing about their lives where they are not always in control. Stuff happens. Sometimes stuff that seems way out of place. Sometimes stuff that could turn out to be way embarrassing unless somehow brought under control.

A basic puzzle I have confronted all my life is the simple question “Does the brain tell the penis what to do, or does the penis tell the brain what to do?” Try as I might, I have not been able to come up with a definitive answer to this question. At some point, something happens, and I am not sure what. I start to think about my penis. My penis reacts almost immediately, and it starts to feel a bit tense particularly right near where my penis connects to the rest of my body. Just a little. Maybe a tiny drop of precum with start to form. When I start to sense even a bit of moisture I know for sure that something has happened. In my younger days, I wasn’t entirely certain what was going on. Over the years, I have learned to just be happy that all of this is happening to me, and just kick back and start to enjoy the sensations.

I suppose that some of you might say that what must have happened was that I either just saw or maybe even met someone who turned me on, sexually. After all, haven’t I just outlined what biologically must be the start of sexual attraction? Well, yes..and maybe no.

Over the years, I have also learned that sexual attraction to another person is but one of many ways of getting those sensational feelings going, and despite all of the electronic and social media out there, perhaps not the simplest way. I guess that unlike many other guys, I never have been much of a porn fan or watcher. For me, the most erotic thing is reading about how other guys struggle with the same feelings and sensations I have. If you are still reading this, you apparently are one of those too. If you are starting to think about the same things I like to think about, I congratulate you. You can just kick back and enjoy yourself too, just as I do. You do not need permission from me or anyone else to have some fun on your own.

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