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Old 11-02-2015, 05:53 PM
PSDave PSDave is offline
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Posts: 657

I have had a private yard and pool for many years and since I am in the desert it is used virtually 12 months. I have pretty much have just gone with the moment. If i am going out for sun and tanning, I am generally in the nude or a g-string. (I prefer not having lines) If I am working around the house or in the garage I usually wear a nylon suit (speedo or Aussiebum) so that if I get hot I can jump in the pool and it is dry in seconds.
As far as the issue with being surprised. I figure if they don't have the courtesy to call ahead they can see me in whatever i have or don't have on. The pool man, the gardener, mailman, ups guy, pizza delivery and any friend that would be dropping by know that they will probably catch me nude, in a g-string or a speedo. Since I see the same one every time I have extended an "open pool" policy with them that they can take a dip in the pool to cool off (welcomed by all in the summer when temps top 110) I have suits by the pool if they prefer, but when they ring my bell they know what to expect.
As the UPS guy told me long ago "Dude, it is your house and if yo are comfortable nude or in skimpy suits, go for it."
As an after thought, everyone I know is aware that speedo are my swimsuit of choice since I have never worn anything else. If you are a closet speedo guy this plan may not work for you. Always remember, if they come by and surprise you, turn around is fair play.
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