Thread: What to wear?
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Old 10-27-2015, 06:44 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Maaannnnn that is snug!

Mannnnnn……that fits snug!!!!!!! I discovered that I particularly “enjoyed” wearing really snug fitting clothing at a very early age. I must have been no older than 5 or 6 years old. For a long time, I was not clear at all was going on with me, but I knew it was something….and I realized that whatever I felt when I got into something that fit snugly was something that I really liked.

Thus began a lifelong quest to find articles of clothing that fit me as tight as possible. As a child, my mom I don’t think my mom ever quite figured out what exactly was going on with me. I was constantly on the prowl for new ideas and items that would get me to where I wanted to be.

My mom, of course, had other ideas. She tended to favor loose-fitting clothing that I would be able to gradually grow into, clothing that would last me a long, long time. Oh, and she thought I should wear boxer briefs, not real cotton briefs like the other guys were wearing. As a result, I got “excited” even just thinking about the possibility of wearing real briefs, like the other guys wore. In retrospect, this was a conflict of sorts that I think in part shaped my interest in snug-fitting clothing in all its forms.

But I was growing up, becoming a young adult, and getting out on my own, away from home. I finally had the chance to start buying the clothing I wanted, not the clothing my mom really thought I should wear. My mom had pretty well figured out that I had this thing for swimming trunks, not Speedo briefs, mind you, just short regular trunks. Did I mention that almost all of the cotton trunks in those days had a coarse nylon liner in the form of a brief? It took me no time at all to learn that even these trunks with the snug fitting course-textured liner were fun to wear. Instant hard-on, well nearly instant hard-on. I looked down there and there seemed to be no place for my penis to go. Should I try to put my rapidly-hardening penis in a downward direction? It did not seem to fit. Should I try and lay it sideways? That did not seem to work very well either.

Mom found out I got turned on just by wearing these swim trunks in a most embarrassing way. I came indoors from the little pool we had, pulled down my trunks and revealed a very large penis that promptly went into a full-blown orgasm right in front of my mom! How embarrassing. I think that may have been the first real orgasm I had ever had. My mom, bless her, did not scold me. Instead, I think she said something like “Don’t be scared. That is quite normal.” Throughout my adult life I never got the courage to ask my mom what she really thought on that most interesting day. In retrospect, mom never scolded me, and to this day I do not know if she ever told my dad what had happened to me that day. At some level, I suspect that she was proud I was growing up.

By that time, I had concluded that my trunks, even though they were not briefs, were still a lot fun. Whenever my parents were gone for an hour or two I would dig out my trunks, and play around in them until I had an orgasm. This happened over and over even in months when it was way too cold to get into the pool. The liner collected the semen, which dried, and made each successive masturbation even more and more interesting. I think I was trying to set some sort of a record for the amount of dried semen I could collect. Eventually, holes developed in the liner where I had ejaculated so often.

Growing up a guy is fun! Really fun!

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