Thread: What to wear?
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Old 09-02-2015, 02:16 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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It is always interesting to put my body in a bit of a predicament and see how it “responds” to the situation it is faced with, largely on its own. Penises love to be in confined spaces, even spaces that do not seem to be that confining, at least not at first. In fact, penises almost seem to have “minds” of their own, and are constantly thinking about what they could feel like if the space around them seems snug and confining. At some point, they “tell” the brain what they would like to do and where they would like to be. At some point, the brain responds to these “demands” by attempting to accommodate the demands. That is at the very core of human sexuality and part of the drive that leads to a search a sexual partner.

Guys could rush out and find a sexual partner every time their penises start placing these “demands” on them, but often times this is at minimum inconvenient or perhaps even impossible. I’m always seeking out ways to have fun with these sensations and feelings by myself, without the fuss, bother and other issues related to seeking out a sexual partner. I admit that some of these techniques might be even more fun if pursued with a partner, but I would not let that stop you. Sex play is fun irrespective of whether you are engaging in it alone or with someone else.

This Web site is largely devoted to guys who like to experiment with and in different ways “enjoy” a swim brief. But swim briefs are just one possibility for making your penis happy. When your penis is happy in the situation it finds itself, you will be happy too!

For many years I have loved playing with jock straps, especially jock straps with hard cups. The reason I like these so much is that they confine my penis to try and deal with a space that is fixed, and will not expand if my penis decides to grow. Penises like to grow, and do not quite know how to deal with being surrounded, at least on three sides, with immovable cup. If the cup is big enough, there is no problem, at least no immediate problem. However, I have usually gotten the best results if the cup fits quite snuggly leaving little room for expansion. I admit that part of the fun is that the walls of the hard cup being there is partly psychological and partly physical. I may start out with a cup that is big enough such that I do not immediately have the physical sensation of the walls. Still, my mind keeps thinking that I dare not grow too much, or the walls of the cup will start putting a subtle but still real physical pressure on my penis. I start focusing on my penis and the dilemma it could be in if it starts to grow. Of course, the effect of this is that my penis starts o get bigger, and pretty soon, a situation that was just a theoretical question becomes reality. There is a feedback loop here. My penis grows, if ever so slightly. My brain focuses on what is happening, and my penis grows some more by getting still bigger and harder. Soon my brain is saying to me that the sensations are getting really interesting and enjoyable. Waves of pure enjoyment and delicious “agony” are coursing through my body, not only in the groin area but throughout my entire body.

All of you already know the recipe I like to use. Today I started with a little (Boys size 18) pair of Gildan tighty whiteys. Over that goes the duke supporter with a cup that is just big enough to contain my penis when it is completely flaccid. I want the cup to be immovable, so over that goes a pair of gold Russel football pants. These have the lace up ties. With the football pants in place the cup presses tightly against my groin, and, as a consequence my penis starts to react by telling me that it is feeling very good about the situation that is confining it.

This all feeds on itself, over and over is all great fun, not to be missed by any guy. The bright gold football pants look way cool and clearly show the bulge of the cup. I respond by touching, tapping and pressing on where the cup is, and that feels even better. Next up I will do my stationary rowing and biking with the cup firmly in place. How long will I be able to take all this psycho-sexual “abuse”? That is an empirical question soon to be tested at length.
Its well worth it to locate a cup that will give you the correct fit.

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