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Old 08-18-2015, 01:43 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Unholy Terror meets Unbridled Euphoria

A mixture of unholy terror and unbridled euphoria. That is how I felt about my body as I was coming of age in the late 1950s and early 1960s. My body was sending me all sorts of signals, and some of these signals I knew I enjoyed very much, more so than I could have possibly imagined. I knew that a lot of these pleasurable sensations originated in my groin area, but somehow, there was a whole lot more going on than that. But what? If I was picking up sensations from my groin area, how could it be that my BRAIN suddenly felt so good? A mystery for sure, but certainly a mystery that needed to be further explored.

Young guys at that point in time are confused about stuff, a lot of stuff. Maybe young guys that age are less confused nowadays, with more open discussion about sexuality appearing practically everywhere. Nowadays, ads for Viagra and Cialis are everywhere on TV. Young guys can hardly helped seeing those ads some of which are rather explicit about what the problem is and how a little pill can (purportedly) resolve the problem being described in detail. Of course, in the late 50s and early 60, the little pills were not close to being invented yet. But let us just suppose that in, say, the year 1960, an ad had appeared on a then black-and-white TV that discussed a couple in love and that the guy was having trouble with “ED”. ( I always love it when the medical community abbreviates a problem or disease using initials, such as, ED, UTI or PMS, as if the initials will then make the discussion less embarrassing to a wider audience or somehow makes the discussion “G” rated.)

The current ads leave almost nothing to the imagination, and the typical 12-year old has to conclude from the ads that first getting and then maintaining an erection must be a key problem a lot of adult men face. The odd thing, of course, is that the typical 12-year old usually is trying to find a path that will lead to fewer unwanted erections not more. Unlike the guy in the ad for ED pills, the typical teen is struggling with dealing with getting way too many erections, or so he thinks, and is unhappy that erections seem to just happen not under conscious control, often at inappropriate times and in inappropriate places, as if the penis were running the brain. Almopst every guy thinks he has a basic problem that he is getting more unwanted erections than any in his male peer group. Go figure!

The young guy attempts to get greater control over when an erection happens, and these efforts are almost never successful. Erections just keep popping up in all sorts of places and situations and in a lot of instances that creates unholy terror. What happens if an erection occurs in a athletic locker room, surrounded by a bunch of other guys? That is the unholy terror part of being a guy. A guy learns at a very young age that there are times and places where it is ok to get an erection and other times and places definitely not. Every guy is way curious about whether or not his male peers are struggling with the same or similar issue, and every guy likes to check out what is going on with every other guy in this regard, while not being too obvious about it, of course.

Young guys quickly become are fully aware of situations where an erection might be "appropriate", perhaps on a first date with a young girl, but then all those rules are coming down from the parents and at school, to make sure stuff doesn’t get too carried away. But the guy usually worries that the erection will end up being strong enough to end in a powerful orgasm, which might be (painfully) obvious at a very inappropriate time or place. It is one thing to show something of a penis bulge in the front of your jeans, but this reaches a whole new level if the bulge is accompanied by a gigantic wet spot at the very location where the tip of your penis appears to be.

Thankfully, precum stains from the initial arousal stages can leave a quarter-sized (or even half-dollar sized) damp spot on a guy’s underwear. But for the most part at least, these wet stains normally do not show through the next layer of clothing such as the guy’s jeans. But not always. Some guys precum a lot, and it could happen that the stain works itself right through to the next layer of clothing. The guy ends up maybe with a dime-sized wet spot usually near the jeans fly. The snugger the jeans fit, the more likely the precum stain will likely show through. Will the stain be big enough so the other guys will even notice? If they do notice, will one of them say something? Will this lead to teasing or bullying? Even worse if the guy is with someone from the opposite sex, will she notice what has happened? Will she say anything?

All of the above is part of the unholy terror of growing up as a guy. The unbridled euphoria is the other part. I was not very old when by accident I discovered that as all of this was happening to me, my brain was saying that the sensations were really fun. As terrific as anything fun I had ever experienced, or even more so. I knew I wanted more of this, even with all of my concern and potential embarrassment. I wanted lots more. I was hooked on my body and the sensations it was capable of rewarding me with, big time hooked. What to do?

This is enough to ponder for one day.

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