Thread: What to wear?
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Old 08-05-2015, 02:54 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Part 8d Fun with your body

We spend a lot of time here discussing the reasons why more guys do not wear swim briefs. I suspect that there are many more guys out there who would quickly get aroused pulling on a swim brief, and contemplating the idea of seeing oneself in the brief or, horror of horrors, appearing in public in a situation where it is obvious to all that the guy has male sexual parts, perhaps even parts that are quite functional.

This is not a new issue. I have been watching an old episode of “Batman and Robin” on Me TV. Both Adam West (Batman) and Burt Ward (Robin) wear brief as part of their batman costumes. These reruns are over 50 years old. The briefs the stars wear have quite wide, maybe 5 inch sides. They are made of a shiny material. Even given these large briefs, I was amazed at how obvious the outlines of the sexual organs of both of the stars were under the shiny material of the briefs. I can confidently tell you exactly how they positioned themselves in their costumes (in both instances, obviously sideways). Part of the fascination with the TV series for viewers of both sexes back then was in watching the male organs of the stars, and given that the shows have been restored, details on this in the reruns are more visible than ever.

In concluding this, given that this chapter is also part of the series “What to Wear?” I will explain to you a bit about what I am wearing this morning and why my arousal is being maintained so well over a period of nearly three hours, so far.

I slept in a snug brief last night, but this morning I quickly returned to a couple of my old favorites, First, a black pair of Joe Boxer thong underwear. The back on these is actually fairly wide, about ¾ inch, and I was curious as to how much sensation I would get from it this morning. Turns out, not to worry!

[As an aside, I realize that a lot of guys still think of thong underwear as “women’s wear”, and probably go into a fear or terror moment of having the thong cinch up snugly between the glutes. This is the “swim brief fear” but 5 times over. But normally a guy is not going to be wearing the thong in a public setting, so if the thong creates more arousal, that is actually very much a plus not a minus.

The way both men and women are set up is that there are a lot of nerve endings that terminate in the perineum area, a spot that when massaged, feels really really good. Guys have an advantage over women in that they have a prostate and associated internal nerve endings so thong wearing should be more fun for guys than for women. The rear of the thong will tend to cinch up between the glutes, putting a very cool pressure with fun sensations both on the nerve endings in and around the prostate. Still, thongs are being sold to women as underwear in huge quantities with big supplies even in mass-market stores, so its tough to believe that women aren’t getting something back in sexual feelings by wearing them. This entire issue deserves further research I believe.]

I am really hooked on the upward pressure a little pair of thong underwear gives specifically to my perineum, and this sensation feels very nice. I will start to precum in an instant as I experience this. This sensation I’ve found is never quite as strong or enjoyable in a swim brief, even a tiny one.
The other obvious sensation is coming from the back, which is fairly wide, about ¾ inch on this thong. In getting into this thong, the back simply stays on the outside of the glutes. But as the morning has continued, with each movement, I sense that the thong is cinching up slugger between the glutes.

You will hardly notice this at first, but suddenly your attention will be drawn into the details of the predicament the thong has made for you. As I focus my brain on what I am feeling in the perineum and between the glutes, the sensations I am feeling become stronger. This sends me into a mode of more intense focus on my maleness, and my body responds with more interesting sensations. The sensations will not be strong enough to send you into an immediate orgasm, but more like riding a continuing wave with surely something sexual going on. Your body realizes it is experiencing something interesting and says to you “I like that very much, and I want more of that”!

Over the top of my neat little thong goes another old favorite, a little Duke jock strap. I’ve always thought the combination of strap and thong tended to be multiplicative, sensation-wise, not additive. In other words the sensations from both the strap and thong together are far greater than simply the sum of the sensations from each.

It’s getting tough to find the old-school jock straps in bricks-and-mortar stores. All of the recent ones I have purchased I have ordered on line. The thong tends to push upward in the perineum area, pushing my penis and balls forward. The neat little strap has the opposite effect. I love the feel of the elastic leg bands crossing my glutes, glutes that are also being hit by the sensation from the thong back, which seems to be getting tighter and tighter between my glutes.

But even more I love the downward pressure from the strap, even a strap with a pouch but no cup, pressing downward as the thong presses upward. All these pressures in combination is simply not to be missed and I will spend most of the day enjoying their interplay.

Over the top, of course, goes a nice little pair of compression shorts and a compression tee. I have a nice bulge showing in front, in large measure because of what the thong is doing.

I have very much “enjoyed” writing this story for you this morning. I think you can appreciate exactly what I am trying to tell you.

I have a half hour of stationary rowing to do next, which I will do wearing these items. My body might be a little surprised at how this all feels on a rowing machine. I’m sure the thong back will keep cinching up on me as I row, but experiencing this will certainly be part of the fun today for me. Stay tuned. Eventually I might get to having a full-blown orgasm, but for now I am in absolutely no rush.


Last edited by sebbie : 08-05-2015 at 03:34 PM.
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