Thread: The Tornados
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Old 08-02-2015, 10:41 PM
Dooley67 Dooley67 is offline
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Join Date: May 2014
Location: Maine, USA
Posts: 530
Smile Enter Daniel

(To all the past and present swim team members, I am using some poetic license for the sake of the plot even though having someone join a swim team mid season is probably not consistent with inter scholastic swimming policy.)

The next day in school, both Jimmy and Nick showed the effects of their almost sleepless nights. Neither of them could fall asleep and then when they did, they slept for only 45 minutes or so and then awoke thinking about what was happening in their relationship.

"I wish I could shut my damn brain off," thought Jimmy as he tossed and turned in bed the night before, thinking about what was going on with Nick. "He told me that we were good, but I don't know," Jimmy said to himself out loud. "He didn't look like everything was OK and he sure didn't act that way."

"I really don't want to hurt Jimmy," thought Nick as he thrashed around in his bed, trying to get some well needed sleep. "What am I going to tell him, that all of a sudden I'm not gay, that I don't want to be his boyfriend anymore, that I don't want to hug him anymore, that I don't want to hold the hug just a few seconds more while our man parts grow and rub against each other, that I have the hots for Bethany, someone I just met yesterday?"

Driving to school with Bryan and Ashish had been very awkward and tense as Jimmy and Nick had no idea how to handle the situation. Even Ashish, who usually had no clue when it comes to relationships, knew something wasn't quite right.

"Hey guys, what's going on, you have barely said a word and you both look like s..t. Did you have a fight or something?"

"No, we didn't have a fight," snapped Nick in a nasty tone that he had not intended. "Nothing's wrong."

"Dude, that's what you said yesterday, when I asked you if everything was OK and if we were good. Why are you being so pissy, you certainly don't look like nothing's wrong."

"Jimmy, just drop it, I have to figure this out. I'll talk to you later."

"That's just great. Something's wrong and you won't tell me what it is and I have to wait until you figure it out. How long do you want me to wait, an hour, a day, a week, a month." It was clear to everyone in the car that Jimmy was pissed, but only Jimmy knew that more than being pissed, he was very hurt.

"Jimmy, I know you're pissed, but just give Nick some time, things will be OK," said Bryan trying to give his best friend some reassurance. But he didn't have any idea what the last 24 hours had been like for either Nick or Jimmy, he was only trying to defuse the tension in the car.

The guys arrived at school and Nick headed for home room which was followed by his English class. Bethany was waiting for Nick at the door and just seeing her caused some stirring in his package.

"Hi Nick, you really had a great meet yesterday, I'm so happy you asked me to come and watch you. And you looked great in the blue team suit, better than any of the other guys there."

That was all Nick needed to hear as his man parts started growing very fast. "Now what do I do, I'm getting a boner right here in the hall and I have to go to home room and then English and see Bethany right there in front of me," thought Nick. But then the bell rang for home room, a very welcome sound to him. As he sat down, he began to deflate slowly, as temporarily, he felt some much needed relief.

Throughout the day, Nick kept on trying to understand what was going on with him. "How can I be turned on by both Jimmy and Bethany?" he asked himself over and over again. "I don't think that's normal and I don't know who to talk to about it. What the hell am I going to do?"

As Jimmy headed to home room, his head felt like it was gong to explode. He was so angry and so hurt, he just didn't know what to do to handle it. "Just calm down, try to forget about Nick for now," he told himself. "Just get through the day, when I get to swim practice, I'll talk to Nick and get whatever is going on straightened out."

School went excruciatingly slowly for both Nick and Jimmy, but finally the last class was over and they headed to swim practice, each one by himself.

After all the swimmers had changed into their practice suits and appeared on deck - they could wear any of their own suits for practice - coach got the guys together as he usually did. There was another swimmer with him. Coach introduced him to the team.

"This is Daniel Dunning, he's a senior who just transferred to Fort Myers. He asked if he could join the team even though it is mid season; he has been on swim teams throughout his high school years in 3 other schools. I've seen him swim and he's pretty good. So, he's now a member of the Tornadoes."

Daniel was wearing a blue Euro Sporti very low on his hips. He had a smattering of hair on his chest and stomach and it was clear that he was pointed down and had a very adequate package. The Sporti brought out the blue in his eyes.

Joel took one look at Daniel and instantly began to throw a boner. "Oh my God, this guy is sensational looking, I have got to get to know him and find out his story. How come this is his fourth high school? Will he like me, really like me? Where did he go to school before? Will he like me, really like me? Does he usually wear his swim brief so low on his hips? Will he like me, really like me?"

Joel was just overcome, smitten at the sight of this stunning young man, and hoping there would be a chance with Daniel. be continued
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