Thread: The Tornados
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Old 08-02-2015, 03:12 PM
SwimTeamSpeedo SwimTeamSpeedo is offline
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Default Nick's Dilemma

Bethany watched from the stands as the guys swim team competed in a three school inter-league meet. Bethany was a taller girl, very cute, dark eyes and long dark hair. She had an infectious smile that made her face light up and made everyone around her smile. She was stunning. She had just moved to the Fort Myers area, a difficult mid high school transfer, and she was trying so much to become a part of her new surroundings. She swam on her old school’s team, but that was a much smaller school than Ft Myers, with its 3000 students, and she was not sure she could fit in. When she saw there was a meet, on her second day at school, she decided to go watch, check things out. Plus, she got to see the cute guys.

Nick and Bethany shared the same homeroom and the same English class. As the guys suited up for the meet, Nick was quiet, distant. Jimmy knew something was up. The usual banter was gone.

“Hey Nick, you okay?” Jimmy asked as he tied up his swim suit. Today the guys were in their blue team race day suits. They looked and fit the same as the white ones, but on these the suits were blue and tornado a swirl of white and off white colors. The suits looked as stunning as the white ones. Jimmy adjusted himself in the suit.

“Yeah, I’m fine, just thinking,” Nick replied.

“Want to clue me in?” Jimmy replied.

Nick was sitting, his suit on, but not tied up yet. He was moving slowly. Jimmy was not sure if he just did not feel well.

“Nah, it’s no big deal, nothing about us,” Nick somewhat lied.

“Alright, man, but we got to get stoked for this meet. Let’s get out there,” Jimmy urged his best friend and emerging partner. Jimmy was really deep on Nick, maybe not in love yet, but close. As close as a teen guy his age could be. Nick was sure he felt the same, at least up until a day ago.

“Class, I’d like you to meet Bethany, she is new today. She comes from…” Nick didn’t really hear the rest. He was not ready for how his body and his mind would react. He found Bethany to be gorgeous, maybe the prettiest girl he had ever seen. Never before had he felt this about a girl, but suddenly he felt himself get aroused, his shorts starting to bulge. He smiled at her as their eyes met.

“Wow, is she ever pretty,” he thought to himself. He adjusted his bulge under the desk. The class had to go around and introduce themselves and say something about who they are. Nick did not listen to anything else, instead watching her smile shyly at the lass. “It must be tough,” Nick thought to himself as he watched her. “My name is Nick. I am on the swim team, maybe you can come see us swim at our meet tomorrow, it is here.” Nick said when it was his turn.

“I’d like that, thanks” she replied. The only reply anyone got. It was also where she got the idea to come to the meet. Secretly, Bethany also thought Nick was cute and so sweet to ask her to come see him swim. After the intros were all over, Bethany sat in a seat in the first row. Nick was in the middle of the third row, a perfect view of her, which he watched the whole class.

“What the heck is happening to me,” Nick thought. His brain was tumultuous with thoughts, confusion and desire. Just a few ours ago, Nick and Jimmy were texting erotic stuff back and forth to each other, mostly about their hot team suits, and now here he was aroused by a girl.. A girl! Class was lost, at the end of the period, Nick had mostly accomplished getting his boner back in control, thank goodness, and scribbling her name down the margin of his notebook, about the only thing he wrote all class.

“So, yeah, it will be cool if you can come,” Nick said to her as they met after class. She had waited specifically for him. “Have you seen the pool, it is pretty neat, and you can use it when we are not practicing.” Nick babbled. She smiled at him, he was so cute trying to make small talk.

“I’d love to see you swim,” she replied. “Count me in!” They swapped cell phone numbers. Nick held his books strategic in front of him. Once again he was getting hard.

“There is no way I can tell Jimmy about this,” Nick had thought as he went off to his next class. He was distant at practice that night, even the banter between Jimmy and him that night was less robust. Now, here they both were, Nick and Jimmy, side by side before the meet. Nick wondered if Bethany would actually be there. “What am I going to do,” he thought to himself.


“Team huddle,” called out Bryan as the guys in the locker room all finished tying up their suits and checking themselves out in the mirror. The guys all gathered in a circle, a collection of handsome, hot Agon suit clad males wrapped arm in arm. “1,2,3, Tornadoes!” came the chant and the guys broke apart. They would repeat the ritual outside before the meet. Most of them headed into the gang showers for a quick dousing of cool water, a way to make sure they stay in control of their manhood, and because it was require that they shower before swimming.

Nick went right to the pool to warm up. Bethany smiled as she saw him come out of the locker room and parade across the pool deck. “He looks hot,” she thought to herself. His suit put him on display practically naked. She checked every part of him out, even his bulge. She loved the look of a cute swim team guy. She felt a tingle in her body. She waved to him, but he was not looking. He had not seen her yet, or if he had he was being coy about it. There were easily sixty cute guys in various team swimsuits on display, but Bethany only was looking at one. If a girl could fall in love with a guy in a day, she had done just that, at least enough to want to get to know Nick more. A lot more.

The guys lined up for the National Anthem, all three teams, all race brief displayed. Nick saw Bethany in the stands, their eyes met and she smiled at him. That infectious smile. Jimmy was next to him, Bryan after Jimmy. “Hi,” he mouthed back to her. He felt himself tingling between his legs, the start of a very fast reaction as his body filled out his suit quickly. Jimmy noticed it, too.

“Calm down, cowboy,” Jimmy whispered as he secretly rubbed the side of Nick’s leg.

“Crap, I can’t believe this,” Nick replied in a whisper. It was pretty clear he had a boner, at least he thought so. Bethany kept watching him.

“He is so cute,” she thought again. “Look at him standing there. He is the hottest swimmer out there.” she whispered in her head. The extra bulge of his suit not really visible from her distance. Jimmy thought it was Nick’s response to him. Nick just tried not to think about it.

“Good Luck, Nick” Bethany yelled out as the anthem ended.

“Who was that?” Jimmy asked, shocked at the sound of a girls voice.

“Oh, just a girl in one of my classes.” Nick replied. “No big deal, cutie” he added. Truth is it was a big deal.


Nick swam an amazing meet. The whole team did. Jimmy and Nick hugged afterwards, maybe holding a little longer than they should have. The home team won the meet, with Nick winning all of his events, the meet of his life. All the guys swam strong, against two pretty solid swim programs. They waved to the crowd and then headed into the locker room to change.

“Hey, dude, I got lots of homework, so I might not be on line much tonight,” Nick said to Jimmy. He was again distant, quiet.

“You sure everything is okay?” Jimmy asked. “Are we good?”

“Sure man, could I ever be mad at a cute guy like you?” Nick replied. Jimmy smiled.

“Okay, I’ll leave you alone.”

They both wrapped towels over their wet swimsuits, and rather than change they left for the ride home still in their suits under the towels. Bryan, Ashish, Jimmy and Nick headed out of the pool locker room. The fans had all left, even Bethany. Nick did not dare look at his cell phone, for fear Bethany might have texted him and Jimmy might see. She had.

“I’m so glad I met you. Thanks for coming to my meet,” Nick texted the final text to Bethany.

“You are sweet,” she texted back. “CU 2morrow.”

Nick laid back on his bed, still in his swimsuit, which was now dry. He was hard, aroused and mostly confused. “What do I tell Jimmy,” he thought to himself. He wasn’t sure if he was now straight, or was he just confused again. “I mean, Jimmy is so handsome,” Nick thought. “I don’t want to hurt him.

In his heart Nick knew the answer. It just was not ready to come out. He closed his eyes and rubbed the front of his suit. It didn’t take long for his pent up urges to burst out of him. The release felt good, but the confusion was still there. He hardly slept the rest of the night. Neither did Jimmy.
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