Thread: The Tornados
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Old 07-12-2015, 03:33 PM
SwimTeamSpeedo SwimTeamSpeedo is offline
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Default Bryan's Dilemma continued

“Maybe, one day, cowboy.” Stephanie replied. “But I thought maybe we could go to a water park and just have fun. Get some of the team to go.” She rubbed his chest as she talked. She laid out plans, he hand wandering over him, getting closer and closer to the top of his suit.

Bryan wasn’t sure what to do. He had stopped listening to her, his mind trying to concentrate on how he was responding to her feeling his body. He wiggled his legs trying to stay off the growing anatomy inside the tight swimsuit. “Oh crap,” he thought to himself as he felt himself getting very hard. He took her hand into his and guided it to the bench between them. Bryan looked down at his bulge, he was pressing hard against the top of the suit. Between yesterday and last night, his body responded fats, too fast, a reflection of how badly he wanted to release.

Stephanie knew she was turning him on. She could see that he was really filling out the suit. Not having much experience with guys, she had no idea how difficult she was making it for Bryan. Bryan took his right hand and adjusted the position of himself, relieving the pressure against the top of his suit and the likelihood he was going to pop out. His manly outline was not pointed to the left, every detail outlined by the tight lycra. Luckily the suit was dry, the white material became somewhat translucent when wet.

“You turn me on,” Stephanie whispered to him.

“Thanks, and you can see you turn me on,” Bryan replied. He could not believe he was bone hard at a swim meet. Her hand was again on his leg, rubbing him all the way up to his crotch. He wanted to ask her to stop, but was afraid she would be upset. Bryan thought about everything he could.

Stephanie leaned over and kissed him. She was getting aroused, too, watching him, her arousal not noticeable to those around, at least not like on a guy “Maybe we can have some alone time later,” she whispered.

“That would be cool,” Bryan replied, trying to remain calm, despite the situation. He felt the sensations growing rapidly within him, the ones that told him he was close.

“Oh wow, Stephanie, you really have turned me on,” Bryan finally said. He leaned forward on his knees and really was shaking his legs. Bryan felt trapped. He needed to get into the pool, let the cold water do it’s thing, but he could not stand up this way. Bryan bent all the way over, hanging his head between his knees. His manhood pressed against the suit. Steph rubbed his shoulders.

“Sorry,” she said. “I guess I didn’t realize what I was doing to you.”

“It’s okay,” Bryan replied. “But I can’t stand up.” There was no way he could walk around the pool like this, but the meet was about to resume. "What do I do," Bryan thought to himself, his body pressing hard inside the suit. He was almost bursting out of it, no where else for his anatomy to go.

Lunch was over and Bryan’s event was next. The swimmers were being called to the warm up pool. Bryan had no choice. Slowly he stood. It was a long walk past the crowd to the warm up pool. Everything about him now on display. It was a swimmer guy's worst possible situation.
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