Thread: The Tornados
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Old 06-11-2015, 06:07 PM
Dooley67 Dooley67 is offline
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Default The ride home

The ride home would take about two hours, two hours for Joel to admire Jimmy in his tight swimsuit. They had talked earlier in the day about Joel's attraction to Jimmy, about Jimmy and Nick being an "item", and about Joel's disappointment about not being able to get closer to Jimmy. As they drove, Joel decided he wanted to open the conversation again.

"Jimmy, I hope you won't get mad, but I want to talk so more about what we talked about on the beach earlier today. I have some more questions and I think you have more experience with this than I do. And don't think I'm trying to hit on you, well maybe I am," Joel laughed, "cause I'm really not."

"It's cool Joel", Jimmy replied. "I'm OK with talking more about it. But don't think I have more experience than you, because I don't. When I was confused I talked to my sister Angie, and that helped me, so if you want to talk more, go ahead."

"Well, here goes. After we talked and we jumped down from the guard stand, we hugged and we both got hard and it felt really good. So, does that mean I'm gay and because you got turned on, then you're into me?"

Jimmy struggled to respond to Joel. "You're right, we both got turned on. I'm not sure I know what it meant. Like I really like Nick, I guess, sort of like a boyfriend, but I also like you in a different way. But, yeah, I did get aroused, and maybe that means that I am gay and that I get turned on by good looking guys like you, especially when you're wearing skimpy running shorts or the speedo you borrowed from me."

Joel took all of this in and after a long pause said, "maybe I'm gay too, because I boned up looking at Bryan in his tiny speedo, I got hard looking at you in your speedo while you were washing the dishes, and the same thing happened looking at the other guys in speedos on the beach."

"The same thing happens to me, Joel," answered Jimmy.

"So what's different? You get turned on by good looking, well built guys in speedos, but there's something more for you with Nick. I get turned on by good looking, well built guys in speedos, but there's something more for me with you. What does it mean."

"Wow, dude, you're really getting deep here, you're really thinking hard about this," said Jimmy. "What I feel about Nick is that he's funny, he's cute, he can be serious, and he really likes me for me, not just for my abs and my dick. And I think those are the things about me that you like. Who knows, if I had gotten to know you before I knew Nick, maybe it would be that way for us."

"You're right Jimmy, those are the things about you that I like, and although I really like the way you pack a speedo, that's really not the only reason for me. It's the other things, you can really be funny, and you know how to make someone feel better."

By this time, the guys were about half way home, when after a long silence, Jimmy asked, "Joel, have you ever done anything with another guy, or wanted to do something?"

"Now who's getting deep here?" Joel exclaimed.

"Well, it's a logical question considering what we've been talking about almost all day. You don't have to answer if you don't want to," said Jimmy, wondering if he had taken this too far.

"No, I'm OK with answering, just a little surprised -I thought you and Nick being together and all, had done stuff and wouldn't need to ask."

"I'm being really honest here dude, the only thing Nick and I have done is to hold hands. I want to do more and I know he does too, but we're just waiting and I don't really know why."

"To answer your question, I've never done anything with a guy or with a girl, but I want to, but I feel like it has to be the right guy at the right time," Joel said.

"I think that's what it is for me too," said Jimmy. "I think Nick is the right guy but I want to be sure."

At this point, the trip was almost over, and both guys were quiet, deep in thought. They had some very deep conversations and felt like they had a lot of things to think about.

"Thanks for talking, Jimmy," said Joel even though you just like me for my abs, my lean body and my"

"Thanks for starting the conversation, Joel. It's not easy talking about these things, but you are really easy to talk to, and you really do have a nice dick that shows through your speedo," Jimmy laughed.

The two were quiet for the rest of the trip. When they reached Jimmy's house, he got out and said,"thanks for everything, not just for driving me home. See you at practice."

"Yeah, see you at practice, and thanks for everything too, not just for helping me clean up the condo." be continued

Last edited by Dooley67 : 06-12-2015 at 01:01 AM.
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