Thread: The Tornados
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Old 03-23-2015, 08:17 PM
Dooley67 Dooley67 is offline
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Smile Beach trip continued

All the guys took off after Nick as they headed for the water. All decent swimmers, they took running dives right into the water and began to jump the waves, dunk each other, and just screw around like only teenage boys could do.

"Hey everyone", yelled Barry, "let's all chose a partner to get on our shoulders and try to knock each other off and into the water."

"That's cool," shouted Bryan "how about the last guys standing get to choose the best beds tonight?"

"And the first team knocked down has to get the beer and chips for everyone else," yelled Aiden so he could be heard above the ruckus and the sound of the waves.

"You're on Aiden" everyone agreed. Jimmy and Ashish had some misgivings, being the youngest guys there and not sure about the beer. But neither of them wanted to make a big deal about it. It wasn't really peer pressure, everyone wanted to have fun and they decided to go along with it.

All the guys chose partners - Nick and Jimmy, Aiden and Ashish, Bryan and Joel, and Barry and Ronnie.

"You know dudes, anyone not wearing a square cut or a brief is going to be at a real disadvantage, because those boardies can come off real easily, just a little tug, especially if somebody should happen to get a good shot at them," said Bryan."

"Not me," Ronnie said, and then surprised everyone as he took off his running shorts under which he was wearing a low cut Turbo Ipanema water polo suit.

"Hey, no fair, just because I won't wear a banana hammock doesn't mean that I'm fair game for the rest of you," protested Barry."

"Hey dude, it's not only you, I'm wearing Jammers and some of the others are wearing boardies like you," said Aiden, "so stop pissing and moaning about it. You just better tie the strings really tight." At this point all the guys started laughing and saying, "poor Barry, he's gonna lose his boardies."

"Shut the f--k up you jerks, if that's the way you want to play, let's go. But, we can go after you guys in your speedos too."

"Hold on, one more thing I forgot, if your boardies get pulled down, you have to wear a Speedo for the rest of the weekend. Does anyone have a problem with that? Anybody got extra Speedos with you?, asked Bryan

"Well, I have 5", answered Nick "And I have 3", said Jimmy "and I've got 4," said Bryan.

And when Ronnie said that he had 6 extra suits with him, it was pretty clear to the other brief wearers, that Ronnie was one of them.

"Holy s--t", screamed Barry, "I got a problem with that, you guys are setting me up, but if you want to play dirty, I'll play dirty too. Let the games begin!" Barry really didn't protest too much because deep down, he was having fun with the whole thing and was protesting just because he thought he needed to put on a good show.

And so the game began. The pairs of guys circled around each other in the shallow water trying to keep a good distance between them. Nick was on Jimmy's shoulders and kept on telling Jimmy where he should move. As they circled, Jimmy began to feel something against the back of his neck. "Hey dude, are you getting a boner or are you just glad to see me?" Jimmy joked, but very quietly, trying to be really discreet.

"I sure as hell am getting a boner, just keep going and don't make us fall," Nick whispered.

The first encounter was between Bryan and Joel and Aiden and Ashish. Showing a lot of cunning and footwork, Aiden moved so Ashish could get a shot in at Joel. They sparred for 10 seconds or so and then both teams retreated to regain their balance.

Meanwhile, Jimmy and Nick were taking on Ronnie and Barry. Barry chose to be on Ronnie's shoulders because he was pretty stocky with strong arms. He wrangled with Nick while Ronnie and Jimmy struggled to balance themselves and their teammates. Jimmy stumbled and almost fell, but Nick righted himself and the two of them retreated.

Just as Jimmy and Nick retreated, Aiden and Ashish came charging towards Barry and Ronnie, and in a quick and powerful maneuver, managed to topple Barry, grab at his boardshorts and pull them down below his knees while throwing Ronnie off balance so that he fell as well. Even though Aiden knew thay hadn't won the whole competition, he felt victorious as he yelled, "To the victor go the spoils and we sure spoiled it for Barry, poor guy." Barry got up out of the water, pulled up his boardies, pretended that he was really mad and then laughed, "I'll wear one of those things only if I get to choose which one."

"Fair enough" said Ronnie.

Then came the battle for the victory as Jimmy and Nick and Bryan and Joel went at each other. Nick was no match for Joel whose arms were very strong from wrestling. He and Nick went at it with Bryan and Jimmy struggling to hold their positions. Nick was a bit hampered in his movement because of the wood between his legs and Jimmy kept on getting distracted by being poked in the back of the neck. Finally, strength prevailed as Joel thrust his right forearm against Nick's midsection. Nick fell off Jimmy as they both were dunked in the water while Bryan and Joel raised their arms in victory.

"Well, we get the choice of beds tonight and Ronnie and Barry get the beer and chips", cried Joel, "we are going to have a great night."

"OK guys, when we go back into the condo, everyone get out their extra Speedos and briefs so Barry can choose. If you have some real skimpy ones, let's see those too. No hard feelings Barry?"

"No, but I'm not going to like wearing a ball buster all weekend."

"Hey Barry, you might even like wearing a Speedo. They feel really good, and the girls really like a guy in a brief", and they'll be here tomorrow," said Ronnie.

"I'm not going to like it, I already know that", protested Barry. But deep down, Barry had been waiting for an opportunity to put on a Speedo, but wasn't about to admit it. He just had to figure out how he could come around and save face.

"I told you I'd get you in a Speedo before the weekend was done," said Bryan.

"Yes you did, you certainly did", agreed Barry.

The guys went inside and all the briefs were spread on the floor for Barry to choose. There were Turbos, Sportis, Tyrs, Nikes, solids, prints, stripes, a big selection. Since Barry was stocky, he needed probably a 30 or 32, both of which were there in both solids and stripes. To everyone's surprise, Barry asked if he could choose two suits, one for the rest of the day and one for tomorrow.

"Knock yourself out," said Bryan. Whichever ones you want, is that OK with you guys?" Everyone who had contributed suits agreed.

Barry examined each one and finally chose a red Sporti, size 30, and a Team USA Turbo water polo suit with Stars and Stripes on it. "I'm good," Barry said, and to everyone's surprise, right there, he pulled off his boardies and put on the Red Sporti, adjusted himself several ways and settled on being pointed up. He looked in the mirror, felt and saw his bulge growing some and saw how low cut the suit was and thought, "I really like the way this feels and looks," but he was not ready to share that with his buddies. "I may even...." be continued.

Last edited by Dooley67 : 03-24-2015 at 06:56 PM.
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