Thread: The Tornados
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Old 12-23-2014, 12:12 AM
Dooley67 Dooley67 is offline
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Location: Maine, USA
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"What did you just say," Nick asked not in an accusing or angry tone, but in a tone that said he couldn't believe what he just heard.

"Does Jimmy have the same feelings that I have," Nick thought. "I thought that I was the only one who looked at other guys and admired the way they looked in their tiny suits, especially their bulges," he pondered.

"Busted," Jimmy thought. "But I don't even understand why I said that, no I do understand why I said that he looks cute in his swimsuit, but to say it out loud, now what am I going to do. How am I going to answer Nick's question."

Nick asked the question again and in a rare show of adolescent maturity, he said, "Jimmy, it's OK, I just want to make sure I heard you right." What Nick also was thinking was , "there's someone else like me who looks at other guys."

Jimmy blushed the color of a fire engine - this conversation was making him very nervous - but he decided to just come out with it, "you heard me right, Nick, I just didn't realize that I said it loud enough for you to hear. I usually just think those kind of thoughts. But I never imagined that I would say something like that to another guy."

What Jimmy wanted to say but didn't was, "I sometimes have those thoughts about you, Nick."

Nick took this all in and and didn't answer right away. After what seemed to be an hour to Jimmy, but really only about 30 seconds, Nick said, "dude, you know I turned around too and looked at that tall blonde guy as he walked away. It wasn't just you who looked, and I was thinking the same thing that you said."

What Nick thought but didn't ask was, "Does Jimmy look at me the way he looked at that tall blonde guy?"

Jimmy was shocked but also relieved when he heard what Nick said. "So you're not mad at me because I said that guy looked cute, you're not going to rat me out to Bryan and George and the guys, and the coach?"

"Hey, Jimmy, why would I do that, you're my buddy, and anyway, how can I say something about you if I felt that way too?"

Jimmy thought about this long and hard. He really appreciated the loyalty Nick was showing toward him, but more important, ever since he had feelings of attraction to Nick, he never thought that it was a topic that could be talked about. And he expected they'd talk about it some more. Maybe.

After a few minutes, to break the tension, Nick said, "we have more swimming to do so we better end this conversation and get ourselves ready for the next event."

With enormous relief, Jimmy said, "yeah, let's get going, I think we're up pretty soon."

The next event was the boys' 200 free. Bryan and George were swimming this event. The tall, lean blonde swimmer whose name was Jeff, the one that Nick and Jimmy had talked with and then followed with their eyes, was also in this event for Gulf Coast and was considered to be a top freestyler not only because of his height, but because of his strong stroke and kick.

It was going to be a hard fought race because both Bryan and George were pretty strong in their own right. The other 3 lanes were filled by 2 jv swimmers from Gulf Coast and one from Lakes High who were swimming the race as exhibition. The swimmers took their mark and were off at the gun. Jeff got off to a strong start with a good dive and quickly took the lead. Bryan was in second with George following behind. The jv exhibition swimmers were giving George a run for his money. Jeff had a strong turn and at the 50 was a body length ahead of Bryan. Bryan was trying to keep pace swimming as hard as he could, making good turns and keeping Jeff from getting more than the one body length lead. In the stands, Nick and Jimmy cheered Bryan on hoping that he would catch and then overtake Jeff, but it was not to be. Bryan slowed down in the last leg of the race and Jeff won by almost 2 lengths. But Bryan was satisfied because he had beaten his best time by 2 seconds. And George got a personal best as well.

Jimmy and Nick were really excited for their teammates and something that neither would tell the other, when the swimmers climbed out of the water, their eyes focused on Jeff, especially on his bulge. And in so doing, each one of them felt the stirrings in their bulging crotches.

"What is going on here?" each of them thought as they looked at each others' tiny suits get tighter. be continued

Last edited by Dooley67 : 12-23-2014 at 12:43 AM.
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