Thread: The Tornados
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Old 12-22-2014, 11:34 AM
SwimTeamSpeedo SwimTeamSpeedo is offline
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Default The meet starts...

Four schools were competing in the swim meet. The 200 Medley Relay was the first event on the docket. The meet was a combined varsity and junior varsity meet, both genders, which meant 44 different events, swimming only. Nick, Jimmy and two other guys were the medley team for the JV team. Jimmy would compete in three events of the maximum four allowed under the state athletic board rules. As the guys lined up at the deck, the efforts of their work clearly did not show. They had successfully only slightly faded the letters on their chests, and with all the scrubbing had also successfully made their skin red, except for Carlos and Briante, whose skin color hid the letters and the redness better than on the rest of the guys. The four guys spelled out D-O-E-S as they stood lined up. That got quite a round of laughter, the guys were not sure what the laughter was for.

The coach from Lakes High School had not seen the chest war paint of the team. “Wait a minute,” he called to the officials. “They can’t have their chests painted up like that, I am calling violation!” he was emphatic.

Bob came over. “Calm down Ted, I already discussed it with Stan. Let me explain.” Ted listened as Bob walked him through the whole sequence of events. “So, in the end, we checked the rules and there is really nothing on this one. I say it is no harm, no foul. Let’s let this go.”

“I don’t agree. There is a rule on intimidation and a rule on attire. They have to wear regulation swimsuits and they can’t do anything that inappropriately intimidates the other teams. I think this squarely falls into those two,”

“Look, Ted, it’s not clothing, its magic markers and by what I can see they are all in regulation swimsuits, maybe a little too small if we pushed it, but still regulation. As for intimidation, are your young men really intimidated by a bunch of marker letters on the chests of the other team? Pretty weak stretch if you ask me,” Bob replied. “Now, lets just get on with the meet. We are already ten minutes late and we have lots of swimming to get done.”

“No, I am fine if they swim, but you give them a ten point penalty.”

“I’ll think about it Ted, but I think I am standing firm on this one. You can appeal if you want after the meet.”

“What do you think is his problem? Jimmy asked Nick as they stood waiting, watching the exchange between the coach and the official.

“Not sure, bet its about our letters though,” Nick replied.

The four guys looked really cute standing there in their race day swim suits, the team letters on their chests. Roger had already gotten in the pool, ready to mount the starting rails to begin the backstroked leg. Jimmy checked the strings of his swimsuit, pulling them loose and retying them. It was his first swim meet and he was a little self aware, standing there in the tight and tiny swimsuit. Some friends from school had made the trip down to watch the meet, and his mom was also in the stands. Jimmy had never modeled his swimsuit for his mom, this being her first time seeing him in such a tiny swimsuit. Sure she had seen him in his boxer briefs before and in his jammers, but nothing as tight and tiny as his white and blue team swimsuit. As naked as he felt, Jimmy did not feel awkward, he actually enjoyed the way he looked in the swimsuit, the way it molded to his body. He even liked how it showed a nice bulge in front. Jimmy actually turned and faced the crowd straight on and waved. Jimmy was proud of his body, his manhood, and they way he was building up a nice chest and upper body. Jimmy felt like he was a pretty nice looking guy, especially in his swimsuits.

“Okay, swimmers take your mounts,” the announcer called, after the national anthem finished playing. Our first event is junior varsity 200 Team Medley” the announcer called out. With that the race was quickly underway. Jimmy had the free leg, the three remaining young men cheered loudly as Roger swam faster than he had ever swam before. Roger didn’t finish first, but he was a solid second, a near full body gap to the third. Each of the subsequent swimmers had similar great swims against a really strong Gulf Coast team of gifted athletes. When it was all done they had come in a solid second. The guys were somewhat let down, but Coach was happy. Lakes high took the bottom slots,

The pool complex at Gulf Coast was amazing. Two full length pools, a separate dive well and a smaller warm up pool. It was the type of complex reserved for only the best colleges, but came with the wealth of the Gulf Coast community. It was, by far, the most expensive school in the state to build, the swimming complex donated entirely by a wealthy alumnus. Between sets, the guys would wander over to watch the girls team, which was competing in the Sydney Pool, the guys swam in the London pool. The pools were named after recent Olympics. Most of the swimmers would put on shorts over their swimsuits between sets. Jimmy opted not to.

Jimmy really enjoyed being in just his swimsuit. Far from his early trepidation over how tiny and skimpy the suits were, he was glad he had been forced out of the jammers. To be sure, he liked the fit of the jammers, but truth told, he really liked the way the jammers outlined his body. Briefs, especially the tiny Agon race briefs were a whole new experience. Jimmy had come to love just wearing them, showing off his body in ways he never thought he ha the courage to do before. Unlike the other guys, who seemed to want to hide their masculine features, especially their bulging crotches, Jimmy had come to love that part of wearing his swimsuits best. In fact, at home alone, in his room, he’d often just wear his swimsuit to hand out and study, which often led to other acts of self discovery that he would never admit to.

Jimmy was starting to accept that he was not like the other guys. They all wanted to go watch the girls team, and talked about how cute some of the girls were, even getting downright blunt about their lustful thoughts. Jimmy followed along, but his eyes stayed on the guys as he stood there watching. “He is really cute,” were thoughts that raced through his head as he took in several especially handsome guys. He liked girls and all, but for some reason they did not have the same effect on him. As they watched, Jimmy noted that only Nick and he were the two guys not wearing shorts or nylon sport pants, well at least the only two from their team.

Nick’s eyes were wandering over to the guys events, just like Jimmy’s. They both wandered back toward the guys pool. “Did you see the Gulf Coast senior, the fly swimmer?” Nick asked.

“No, why?” Jimmy replied.

“Check him out, he’s got more muscles than you and I combined, dude can kick a..,” Nick replied.

“Look at the blonde kid from Lakes. He’s really amazing,” Jimmy added. “I mean he’s tall, lean and his legs are awesome,” Jimmy added. “There he is,” Jimmy continued, pointing him out.

“Wow, he is tall,” Nick added. “He must be six five at least. But their swimsuits suck.”

The tall blonde swimmer saw the two of them and walked over. “Hey, what’s with the letters?” he asked as he approached. Jimmy almost blushed as his thoughts and eyes went right to the young man’s anatomy.

“Oh man, crazy story…” Nick started. The three guys stood and chatted and laughed as the two swimmers shared the events of the day.

“That’s really funny,” the lean blonde swimmer responded to the story. “I figured it had to be something crazy like that.. Hey, good luck today, I’m going to check out the girls team,” with that he walked away.

Jimmy and Nick both turned. Jimmy was feeling tight in his tiny swimsuit. “He sure he is cute,” Jimmy said softly, but aloud, to himself. He did not realize he had actually spoken the words.. Jimmy’s hands rubbed down his legs as he bent at the waist for a second, enjoying how he felt and looked in the hot swimsuit. Jimmy smiled at how amazing his own bulge looked. He wasn’t hard, just aroused, which really filled out the tiny suit well. Nick was feeling and looking about the same.

“What did you just say?” Nick asked. He was sure what he had heard.
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