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Old 10-09-2014, 01:27 AM
thisweirdthing1985 thisweirdthing1985 is offline
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Originally Posted by louis
NikeTerez worth it
Well as much as Ilove brief swimwear I think 100.00 is to much for any suit. Iv seen some on ebay for sale well over 1000.00 just because such celebreties as Tom Daley wore the exact same suit, plus severel turbo team suits for the same prices ETC.
Im crazy over Speedos thats for sure and Im thankful that even so I didnt let myself behing ripped off buy these over zealous sellers that takes avantage over guys that loves them so much that are willing to pay any price for them even at the risk of eating baloney or peanut butter sanwiches for months. Dont let yourselves being had guys, besides speedos allways look nicer in pictures or on a well formed man but once you get it in the mail you risk of being dissapointed.
I have bene very close to buying a few and now Im thanking myself that I didnt anyway no extravagant seller on ebay wiill have a k]laugh on my depends

totally agree with you, Louis!
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