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Old 10-04-2014, 01:54 AM
Swimmboy Swimmboy is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 387

“Just a little – it hurts just a little,” squeaked Derek, who was mortified to glance at Jake and see his roomie staring at his cock and balls as they were touched and squeezed by the old man. “Oh…OH!” Derek exclaimed, as the doctor switched to the right testicle and repeated the procedure. Here, the young athlete felt a great deal of pain, telling the doctor, “Yes, that one hurts quite a bit, even when you barely touch it.” Instinctively, Derek tried to pull back from the grasping hand causing him the pain, but Dr. Witherspoon reached around the boy’s narrow hips and placed his other hand at the top of Derek’s bare buttocks, and firmly held him in place. Derek could feel the man’s warm fingers pressing against his ass, and, was it possible? It almost felt as though one of those digits was pressing downward, right between his ass cheeks, as though seeking entry between the boy’s blushing mounds, into his…well, into his….Derek had to stop thinking about it – it was simply too bizarre, too unreal, too embarrassing. But it FELT like the old man’s finger was slipping into his crack, and even inching downward, downward…. “NO”, Derek’s mind screamed, “focus on what is happening!” What was the old man saying?

“….you need to be extra careful of penile and scrotal injuries,” Witherspoon was saying, “and be examined whenever this area of your body has suffered trauma.” Glancing downward, Derek watched in utter shock as the elderly fingers continued to jostle and fondle his nutsac. The doctor’s fingers caressed and again squeezed the right testicle, sliding it about as Derek squirmed slightly, though the pain was now less intense. “I believe it has simply been bruised,” he said, looking up into Derek’s red face. He continued to heft and fondle the boy’s pouch, leaning in closely for a better look. Derek could feel the man’s breath blowing softly across his genitals, and was shocked to suddenly feel himself start to “stir” down there from the stimulation he was receiving. “…..this is good – I apologize if I am making you somewhat uncomfortable, young man, but I am examining your right testicle for signs that perhaps your spermatic cord had become entangled around the testicle. Do you know about the spermatic cord?”

Derek had barely heard the question, so focused was he on maintaining his composure, willing – no, DEMANDING that his dick not dare stir into an erection during the exam. “Um, my spermatic cord?” No, doctor, I’m not sure what that is.” Nor did he want to know, for new sensations were now pulsing through his body. As the doctor continued to jiggle and fondle his squirming ‘nads, Derek could feel his cock shaft beginning to lengthen, stretch, and harden. And now, the old man’s hand was positioned so that the base of his thumb was rubbing along the exposed undershaft of Derek’s stiffening prick. “No, NO, NO,” Derek’s mind screamed, begging his own body not to respond to the stimulating touch. But it was no use. A small gasp of pleasure escaped Derek’s lips as the stimulation continued. Shyly glancing downward, the teen was horrified to see his dick was now nearly erect, pointing straight out, and even beginning to arch upward toward his taut belly. “Oh, please don’t let me cum,” he silently cried out in desperation. As he looked across the room, Derek was shocked to see Jake staring at his growing member, and – was it possible? Jake was slowly rubbing and touching his own groin through his boxers – boxers that were now tented by Jake’s erect penis! Derek couldn’t believe it – Jake, the dude who bragged incessantly about all the ‘townie girl’ pussy he had nailed, was completely turned on by the gonad exam the old geezer was giving his bud! Derek now found himself both shocked and confused – shocked by the embarrassing predicament he was in, and confused by the blatant interest his buddy and roommate Jake was showing in his erection, and the obvious excitement he was experiencing.

Just then, Derek noticed his testicles suddenly felt cool, and he realized Dr. Witherspoon had removed his hand, was looking awkwardly at his long, tapered shaft. Then the old man began to speak, coughing to clear his throat. “Ahem…um…is it normal for you to become so aroused when your doctor examines your scrotum, Mr. Weathers? You have suffered a kick of some severity which has bruised your right testicle. But I noticed no redness or bruising on your penis as it, well, how can I say this? As it began to lengthen before my eyes just moments ago. Do you have any pain in your shaft? Did either of the kicks strike you there, or did your scrotal area absorb the entire blow?” Again, the old man took hold of Derek’s dangling sac, gently cupping and squeezing it.

“My nuts…I mean my scrotum, took the blow, sir,” Derek responded quietly. “I don’t have any pain anywhere else down there. I usually position my dick, I, I mean my penis, in an upward position in my suit, and since my suits are pretty tight, it sort of stays there. But I guess that left my testicles somewhat exposed, and they got hit pretty hard.” Feeling embarrassed to be talking so openly about his testicles and the way he positioned his equipment in his Speedo, Derek’s face flushed an even deeper red. Furtively glancing across the room at Jake, he could see the bigger boy had a dreamy, far-away look in his eyes, as he stared blankly back at Derek, his hand still resting on his crotch, though no longer rubbing or stroking himself there. Derek was praying the humiliation was over, but the evening was just warming up.

“Put your dicks back in your pants boys, and stop beating your meat – company’s here!” So came the unmistakable voice of the diver David from just outside the door a second before it flew open and he stepped into their room. “I knew I’d catch you fags playing with yourselves sooner or later and it looks like….um….oh….um….excuse me. I…I…I didn’t know you had a…um…visitor,” squealed the flabbergasted youth as his eyes registered the presence of the headmaster in Derek’s and Jake’s room. David Sanderson’s face went from goofy grin to utter shock in a split second when he realized the headmaster was facing him, an angry look on his face, while his hand cupped his friend Derek’s nutsac.
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