Speedo Fantasy Board - Mens Swim Suit Board - Briefs, Bikinis, and More

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aquabikini 04-09-2017 01:32 PM

Coworkers at the Beach
A few years ago, I had a training to go to in California, me and three girls about my age. I didnt know them.

Our flight left Sunday morning. When we got there, it was too early to check in. We shared a car and stopped to have breakfast. This was the first time we all really spoke to kind of get to know each other. Later one girl asked What do we do, since we have several hours before check in? One girl mentioned the mall and another girl mentioned to go check out the beach, since we don't have one at home. I was more along the lines of the mall. I was very unsure about going to a beach with coworkers that I will be sitting next to when we get back. I gave every excuse I could think of... There's nowhere to change out of our business wear, I didn't bring my suit (I had my speedo, but thought I would be going to the beach alone), sunscreen, no towell, you name it. All my excuses got turned down since they found out I brought shorts.

We found a spot to park and opened our suitcases to get out what we needed for the beach. I secretly put one of my conservative 2in sides black speedos in the pocket of the shorts I was about to wear under my shorts. We all walked to the beach and found a bathroom to change in. I put on my speedo, shorts and shirt and came out. I waited for awhile for them to come out. When they did, they were all wearing bikinis! They all looked good. I placed my work clothes in their bags and went to a store to get sunscreen, drinks, and towels, then found a spot on the beach. It wasnt too crowded.

We were all discussing work, life, etc for awhile and then they wanted to get into the water to cool down. I went with, but I didn't get all the way in. I noticed a lot more people now and saw two different guys wearing speedos. We eventually went back to our towels.

The girls continued their talking and very soon one of the girls asked the question, I've seen a couple of guys wearing a speedo today, what do you all feel about that? They all talked among themselves and the consensus was they all like them on guys, as long as he looks good in them. They like a confident guy, not a cocky guy wearing a speedo. They wish more guys would wear them, but they figure most guys are just not that confident wearing one. And wish their guy would wear them so they could show him off. Then turned to me and asked why I was so quiet and what do I think. I gave the general answers... I dont have the body to wear one, most guys dont want to pop out, feel they are small, what society says, then I blurted out a guy should wear whatever he wants to wear no matter what anyone else thinks. Then it hit me! Why am I wearing these shorts! Then I said that I always wear a speedo, that is why I'm in shorts, I don't own trunks. I didnt know the coworker/swimwear etiquette and I figured there wasn't one when I saw you all coming out wearing your bikinis, but figured it was too late to mention anything. One girl aid you poor guy, you should be comfortable. Another girl said We will all keep your secret, we won't tell anyone in the office. Did you bring a speedo? I said yes and it's in the car. They all said go get them on and get comfortable being at the beach! Its no fun being miserable. When you get back let's have a drink or two for our don't tell pact, I'm buying.

Jenn went with me to the car. On the way we saw a store, got drinks, a cooler, and a Frisbee. When we got to the car, I pretended to get my speedo. We walked to the bathroom for me to change. Putting them on, of course I got a semi, which took me longer to get them on. When I came out, I knew she was telling herself just look into his eyes, just look into his eyes. When we got to the towels the girls said they look great on me and it's time to have some fun! We sat down and opened our drinks and my semi started relaxing and had long talk about bikinis/speedos, what we like, experiences, embarrassments, etc. Always a good topic to talk about.

We finished our drinks and went to the water again. Shortly we had the conversation about lunch. Maybe a future story.

After lunch, we rested on our towels for a bit. I soon mentioned to Jenn, who went to the store with me to get the Frisbee, do you want to throw the frisbee a little and who else wants to join? We all went close to the water and had fun. After awhile, I saw a volleyball net go up. I like to play, just for fun. But noticed nobody playing. That's odd. I asked the girls if they have ever played? Two said yes and the cute one said no and didn't want to. I had to ask why and she didn't have a good answer. I mentioned would you try and just have fun, besides you got me into my speedo. She reluctantly said yes and we walked up. I introduced myself to the guy with the ball (wearing board shorts/trunks-it's okay he just doesn't know the comfort, etc of a speedo yet ;-)) and asked about the net. He and the two other couples were waiting for the forth couple to arrive and just called to say they were not coming. I asked if we could play just for fun with them instead. They said sure and we had a fun time for about two hours. During play, I over heard one of the girls from the other team ask my coworker how she could get her bf to wear a speedo? She said that we were all coworkers in town for training and decided to goto the beach. But from conversation he started because his gf at the time just kept asking and she was going to do the same when she got home. It was getting a little late and we began heading to the hotel for check in, showers, and dinner.

We got dressed and walked to the car and drove to the hotel. The very fun day went too fast!

Captain.Jammer 04-24-2017 05:57 PM

Excellent story, aquabikini. But is this a true life occurance or fiction?

If true life, I have some questions.. how was the rest of the trip? Was there any more mention of your speedo? How about at work since returning? How have things been there?

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