Speedo Fantasy Board - Mens Swim Suit Board - Briefs, Bikinis, and More

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SwimTeamSpeedo 09-22-2012 05:22 PM

The Endurance Swimmer - part 1
Swimming season was over. The best part was no more early practices, at least for a while, until Summer swimming season started and a couple swim camps where Zach and I had agreed to help coach. Zach absolutely said he was not getting up before 7 for at least a month. I thought that was a great idea, but I found myself awake by 5. My first class was at 9, so what to do with four hours was a dilemma. I did not want to wake Zach so options were limited. I could lay there and watch him sleep, which was fun, because by this point he was usually uncovered on his bed displaying his awesome body, but that would just make me horny. So, after the first few days of trying to fill the hours, I decided I would go do my own little swim practice. Maybe not as intense as what we had to do for the team, but 90 minutes in the pool followed by breakfast just seemed enticing.

The street light glow through the shade on our dorm window gave me just enough light to find one of my suits, slip it on, throw on shorts and a shirt and head off to the pool. We still had our swim team lockers, so I had all I needed to shower and stuff after in my locker. I quietly grabbed my books, jotted Zach a quick note to meet for breakfast if he was up, and slipped out the door. Zach was still sound asleep, legs spread, in really short running shorts, on top of his bed. How he could sleep like that I never figured out. It was very tantalizing to look at, though.

The sun was not up, and much like our treks to swimming at 4:30, I was the only one awake. The guard waved, as he always did.

“Going swimming Ryan?” he asked. “I thought swimming was over.”

“Yeah, it is” I replied with a smile, “just can’t sleep, gotta get my chlorine fix”

He laughed. “Have fun…”

I got to the pool at about 5:20am. It opened at 5 for lap swimming. Not the same pool that we practiced in, this one was the “old” pool. It was a yard pool, so the laps were a tad shorter than our meter pool. It was adjacent to the “new” pool, which was a really cool facility, and the one we used for swimming and diving. There were three people in the pool, which had eight lanes. They had them marked off by speed, as if it was going to get busy. I walked past the pool, down the hall to the locker room, entered my code and went in. I was the only one in there. I shed my shorts, grabbed my swim gear from my locker, and jumped in for a quick “wash down” shower. I always thought the shower before swimming was weird, but I complied.

I toweled off grabbed my stuff and headed out. Because I had to swim in the old pool, the locker was not connected, so I had to go back down the hall to the entrance. “Probably should have brought a towel” I thought as I got to the pool, so I didn’t make the floor wet going back. I guess I could have gone back to get one, but my mind was not quite that smart so early.

“Dude, what are you doing?” said Pete, the lifeguard, as I walked in the pool. He was the guard who watched over our early practices.

“Wanted to make sure you showed for work” I said back, poking him.

I walked over to the fast lane and set my stuff down. “Dude, there is no way you can swim there!” Pete said. “I’ve watched you, you are definitely a slow lane guy”

“Yeah, well let me try this and if I can’t make it, you can come save me” I said back with a smirk. Pete was always the joker.

“This place ever get busy in the morning?” I asked Pete.

“No, at about 6 we’ll get a couple more, that’s it. There’s a guy who will swim in the lane next to you, older dude, nice guy” Pete answered. “You gotta be out at 7:30 so I can get it ready for the 8 am swimming class.”

With that I pushed off on my warm up laps. I guess I was really out of my element, because at my first flip I felt my suit pull down on the push off. I swam with it off my hips until the shallow water came back and I could stand. I had forgotten to tie the strings. I had not done that since high school. “Dumb ass” I thought to myself as I made sure I was all tied up. Luckily, it just went low, but nothing came out. I continued on.

I was just finishing a fifth set of intervals of 100 fly. As I grabbed the wall, I caught a glimpse of a guy standing in the lane next to me. I had pushed hard and was sucking in all the air I could as I stood. “Must be the guy Pete mentioned” I thought, glancing over. Sure enough, a tall, grey headed, older guy was smiling back at me. He was really well built for his age, looked like he had not an ounce of fat on him. He was wearing a black and gold Tyr suit, the kind that was mostly black with the gold on the side panels.

“Damn” he said, “you really swam those well.”

“Thanks,” I said breathless, grabbing my water bottle.

“Have a great swim” he said as he pushed off and started down the pool. He was not fast, but I watched as he displayed really smooth technique. I had a one minute break according to my workout. Just enough time for him to make it through a full lap (down and back) of the pool. He did an open turn and pushed off again, his smooth stroke gliding him down the pool.

“He comes here every day” Pete said, noticing me watching him. “He’s not real fast, but he has incredible endurance. He’ll still be going when your done”

I watched for a bit longer, cheating on my break time. He was very graceful. I pushed off for a set buoy pulls. I had about an hour left in my workout, which would take me to about seven.

Zach woke up about 6:30. He looked over and saw my bed empty. “That jerk went swimming” he said to himself. As he wiped the fog from his eyes he saw my note about breakfast at 7:30, confirming his suspicion. Zach was very competitive about swimming, and as much as he liked the sleep, he hated that I might actually be getting an extra practice in. Not enough to make him decide to get up and join me, but it still tweaked him. He was cute when he was tweaked. Still in his tiny running shorts, he grabbed his towel and shower kit and headed off to the shower, down the hall.

Zach stepped in the shower, shorts on. I don’t think he ever really laundered those shorts, he’d just wear them in the shower and suds them up. It’s funny the things we did in college that we’d never do again, like wearing the same shorts, shower washed, for a year. He’d strip them off to rinse them and finish the shower. Despite the rules that said you can’t, he’d then walk back to our room naked, wrapped in a towel. I was always tempted to tug that towel one day, a feat I’d do before we graduated.

I wrapped up my workout at ten after seven, having pushed a few more hard laps in than I planned. I wanted to see if I could outlast the guy next to me. Pete was right, the older guy just kept going. As far as I could tell he had not stopped once. “Man, that guy is amazing,” I thought to myself, as I hoisted my Speedo clad body from the pool. I had on a orange and red print Speedo. I loved the bright colors. I walked over to a mat and did a quick set of 100 sit ups.

“What, you taking it easy today?” Pete said as I stood. We chatted for five minutes. Pete was a senior and was on the school’s baseball team. He also swam in high school, but baseball was his thing. I watched as the older guy finished up. He climber out of the pool and was as fit out of the water as he looked in.

“See you here tomorrow?” he asked as he headed to toward the locker room.

“I hope so” I replied, smiling.

I headed out the door and down the hall to my private locker room. Thoughts of a big breakfast on my mind and a bit of curiosity about the endurance swimmer next to me.

To be continued

Lap Counter 09-22-2012 08:18 PM

All right! The start of another great story by our number one author.

NJHunkguy 09-22-2012 09:07 PM

Feels like a continuation ;) Thanks!

NJHunkguy 09-22-2012 09:24 PM

What is going to happen in the "private locker room" is intriguing !!!

Swimmboy 09-23-2012 03:12 PM

I really love your stories! As an older Masters swimmer, I've made the acquaintance of many of the college varsity swimmers at the pool where I swim - they are really great guys. Will be interested to see what happens in your next chapter....

SwimTeamSpeedo 09-26-2012 01:28 AM

Part 2: The shower, Zach and Breakfast
The hot shower felt awesome. I let the water roll over me, still in my suit. My mind went to the image of Zach as I left him this morning, laying there on his bed, the way his shorts clung to him, how he had his incredible legs spread open. Between the feel of the water and those images, but my body was taking matters into its own hand, so to speak. I loved the feel of the suit on me. I loved the look as I got more and more aroused. I really did not have time, but I really enjoyed the feeling I was having as the water caressed over my chest, and down the front of me. I lathered my hair, letting the shampoo run from my hair down across my chest and off my legs. I rubbed soap across my chest and down my abs, wiping away the smell of the chlorine, my suit clinging to me and gripping me in a way that seemed to be working. My mind had moved past just a shower, as my body had responded to my thoughts, the feelings, the feel. I ended up taking longer in the shower than expected, but I certainly enjoyed myself.

It was already 7:30 when I finished, and here I was still naked, somewhat aroused, but calming. I rushed to dry off, grabbed a dry old team suit and threw it on, slipped my shorts over. Within a few minutes I was heading out the door for the walk to the student center for breakfast. It was a great day, blue sky and the temps were well into the high 60’s already. I had a bad case of spring fever and really wanted to be somewhere other than going to class. Ay a beach, laying in the sun, Zach, Cody, Alan (the guy runner from modeling). Damn, I could almost have turned myself on again in my thoughts.

“You’re such a jerk” Zach said to me as I walked over to him, standing near the entrance to the dining hall. He was in a pair of board shorts and a swim team T shirt. His hair was jostled, as if he had not brushed it, his traditional look. He was cute as anything. He looked hotter than any guy out there and he was getting the looks from every girl who walked by. I love the heck of Zach, but he was just too damned shy! For a straight guy, he could have any girl he wanted… and damn, if he was like me, look out!

“Good morning to you, too” I replied. I knew Zach was tweaked about me swimming without him. “You must have had a great sleep,” I added telling him about how he looked as I left. I knew it would stoke him, and it did. He gave me this “guilty as charged” smile back.

“Yeah, it really was awesome not to have to get up for practice. I even had time to jack off.” I could not tell if he was serious or just kidding. He knew how to poke back at me.

“So did I” I replied, laughing.

Over breakfast I told Zach about my swim, how the pool was almost empty, and how weird it was that I had to walk back down to the locker in my wet suit.

“Oh, you know you loved that part the best,” Zach teased, “You love showing off in your skimpy little suits, just like that tiny thing you wore modeling.”

“Don’t even start about modeling,” I replied. “You’re the guy who…”

“Okay” Zach said cutting me off. He blushed.

“There was this guy next to me, he swam non stop the whole time I was there.” I explained. “He was not fast, but he had incredible endurance. He was a lot older than we are, probably like 50’s, but he had an awesome body”

“You got turned on by an older guy?” Zach replied.

“No, not that way” I said. “I was just amazed at how long he swam and how fit he was. He had abs and everything. He even wore a racing brief, a Tyr suit”

“Sounds like you really checked this dude out,” Zach said. “I think you like him.”

“Okay, whatever” I replied, exasperated. “But really, he was a really good swimmer. Pete said he comes every day. And yeah, he was very handsome, but….”

Four guys from swimming came over to the table, interrupting the conversation. Obnoxious and loud, just like swimmers can be, we are a cocky bunch. They all shared how cool it was to sleep in.

“Speedo-boy here went swimming” Zach said to them, pointing at me. That set them off in a round of smart remarks.

“Hey, this weekend is going to be awesome,” one of them, Scott, pointed out. “Let’s go to the beach.” Scott was a freshman recruit. He was a really cute guy and a damn good swimmer. Besides the closeness of team, I did not really know much about him. He did, however, fill out his suits well, and he had the smoothest chest and legs. I could not imagine him at the beach.

We all agreed that a weekend at the beach would be cool. “If we all chipped in, we can get a hotel for like $20 each and crash on the floor” That led to a team hand grab of affirmation. “No f…ing swimming” ruled one of the guys, I am not sure who.

“Yeah, it’s a beer and boys weekend” said James, another of the four (and the dude from modeling). That sounded fine to me.

Zach and I agreed to meet at the pool at 4 for a workout. We picked up our stuff and headed to class. On the way out of the dining area, a couple girls from our class joined us for the walk. I nudged Zach and smiled. “That damn shyness,” I thought.

To be continued .... if you like the story, let me know......

solarguy 09-26-2012 11:47 AM

Thanks for all the work you put into your stories! You really know how to keep the reader hanging on! Can't wait for the next chapter

a speedo minded guy 09-27-2012 04:04 PM

Love It

You are always coming up with great stories. Please keep going, always nothing but the finest. :D

SwimTeamSpeedo 09-29-2012 11:07 PM

Part 3: The Hot Tub....
Like clockwork, I was wide awake the next morning at 4:45am. The room was dark with just the glow through the shades from the lights outside. I rolled over and looked across at Zach, who was once again on top the covers. His shorts were tented and his right arm was laying bent, with his hand nestled between his legs. He appeared to be sound asleep, but whatever he was dreaming about had him pretty engaged. I laid quietly watching him for a few minutes, finally venturing one foot out from the covers, then the other. As I often did, I slept in an old stretched out team suit from high school, strings not tied.

I got up, slipped of the suit I slept in, and grabbed a suit out of my drawer and slipped it on. I fumbled for my shorts and T-shirt. Zach stirred a bit. I watched as he slid his hand up on his shorts and adjusted himself. I smiled, scribbled a note, and grabbed my stuff for class and headed out the door. I was at the pool at 5:15am and was the second person in the water.

Resting between sets, a voice from behind startled me. “Back again.” I turned to see the older guy from yesterday standing on the side, stretching his arms behind his back. The stance pushed his waist out a little. He was in the same blue and gold Tyr.

“Hey, yeah,” I replied.

He jumped in and dunked his head under. As he stood he reached over with his right hand. “I’m Joe,” he said. “We might as well know who each other is.”

“Ryan,” I said back as I shook his hand.

“Yes, Ryan, I know” he said. “I follow you on the swim team. You are quite the swimmer.”

“Thanks” I said. “Its rare to meet someone who follows swimming.” I was really flattered.

He pushed off for his swim and I was back into my workout. My goal was to swim as long as he did, not non-stop, but I wanted to stay in the pool as long as him. At ninety minutes I pushed off for a set of arm drills. As I wrapped up the second 50 meters, I saw Joe glide to the wall and stand. I did a flip turn and watched him as I pushed off. He stood there. At the end of that 50, he was still standing by the wall, stretching. I stretched my reach and glided to the wall and stood.

“Calling it a morning,” I said as I stood.

“I love watching you swim” he said. “Don’t worry, I am not some freak, I just enjoy the art of the sport.”

“That’s so funny, Joe” I said in reply, “I really am impressed by how smooth you are in the water, seriously.” He smiled back.

We both lifted ourselves out of the pool. It was almost 7 am and I was suppose to meet Zach in half an hour. I could not believe how fit this guy was, I was guessing his age in my mind. I had this weird feeling. I wasn’t sexually turned on to him, I just admired how amazing he looked. I knew he had a really interesting story, if only I could figure out how to learn it. We must have looked like grandfather and son, two age diverse guys leaving an incredible swim workout, dripping wet with our brief suits clinging to our anatomy.

“You want to do the spa?” Joe asked. “It’s the best part of the swim.”

I was not at all ready for that. “No,’ I replied, “I am really pressed for time.”

“Okay” Joe said back. “See you here tomorrow?”

“Yeah,” I said as I headed to the door. I could not believe I just did that. Inside I was kicking myself. I got to the door and turned back to see Joe stepping into the spa. He looked at me and smiled, just as I started to pull the door.

“I decided that I could spare five minutes or so” I said as I stepped in the spa.

“I am guessing you don’t do this” Joe said. “Once you start you always will.”

I have to admit it felt awesome. Now I know why coach never let us do this, we’d never get out. We chatted for a solid fifteen minutes, which really was going to mess up breakfast.


Zach was already in the food court when I showed up, five minutes late. My hair was still wet and uncombed, my shirt was haphazardly tucked in my shorts. In short I looked like any college guy who rolled out of bed, showered and showed up in the course of five minutes.

“I got my straight guy look on” I said as Zach stared at my messed up hair. It was the perfect ice breaker. He moved past pissed off to humorous instantly.

“You look like you just got laid”

“Really?” I said. “It sure felt good, too.” None of which was truth.

We both loaded our plates in the buffet line. Zach had the appetite of a 400 pounder. I did to, but at least I swam.

“Dude, you gotta ease up” I said as he piled on three scoops of eggs. “you won’t look good in your Speedo with a potbelly.”

“Rub it in” Zach said back. “Fat or not I can still kick you ass in the pool.” And so the male banter began. Orientation aside, we are still guys.

“So, Joe is a diver from back in the day” I said to Zach as I explained out hot tub conversation. “He must have been good, he dove through college.” I paused to eat some fried potatoes. “He knows who we both are and very stat about us. Said he comes to some meets, mostly to see the divers.”

Zach patiently listened as I carried on for five minutes.

“I still think you your all hot for this guy” Zach said after. “I mean listen to you.”

“Not that way, dude” I answered. “Seriously”

Zach smiled, gave me his “not sure I buy it” look.

“Zach,” I said, “if you knew how old this guy is and how f…ing awesome he looks in a Tyr suit….” I faded. “You and I should look this hot at his age.

“So how old is this guy?” he asked.

“Just proved you're never too old too look hot…” I started my reply. I was amazed at Joe's age.

To be continued ... let me know what you think

Swimmboy 09-30-2012 04:39 PM

Nice continuation - on the one hand, I can't imagine young Ryan being 'interested' in the older man, not with so many hot college dudes all around him. On the other hand, as an older guy myself - I WANT 'something' to happen between them - even if just a warm friendship or camaraderie forms between two guys who love swimming!

a speedo minded guy 10-03-2012 10:05 PM

Wow, another great chapter. How do u keep coming up with these stories? You should really become a writer. You'd do really really well.

Lap Counter 10-04-2012 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by a speedo minded guy
You should really become a writer.

Seems to me he IS a writer, and quite a good one at that.

Byron 10-04-2012 03:33 PM

Yes, how do we define the subtle difference with STS?
NJH has just referred us to a story typical of many to be found on the internet but just not the same to hold interest.
(I would like to conduct a world survey on Lady Chatterley's Lover - millions of books sold but just how many purchasers ever read it outside of the middle six pages I wonder)

SwimTeamSpeedo 10-07-2012 09:38 PM

Part 4: Swimming with Scott...
I was trying to catch up on some reading when I heard a soft knock at the door. I was alone, Zach had a lab session, and I really needed to get through three chapters of economics, so I thought about just ignoring the knock. Anyone Zach or I knew would have just barged in, except that I had the door locked, sitting in just a well worn team suit from last year as I tried to grasp some theory I have long since forgotten. My enjoyment of wearing my swimsuits to hang out had already taken hold by this point, but only Zach really knew about it. The soft knock again. I threw on a pair of Nylon running shorts, the kind that had almost no inseam and open split leg seams and reached for the door.

“Hey,” said Scott, the freshman swimmer, “I was gonna go do an hour or so at the pool, want to come?”

“Oh man, I rally got this reading to catch up on,” I said back. The whole thing caught me by surprise, other than swim team, Scott and I had not really ever hung out together. I hated to turn him down.

“I was really hoping you would come,” he said with his infectious smile. “Maybe next time…he added, kind of looking rejected. He had on this really tight fitting shirt and a pair of soccer shorts.

“Oh man,” I kind of whined. “Alright, but just an hour, I really got to finish this before we go to the beach tomorrow.”

Scott smiled as if he had just landed his first date. “Cool, deal” he said. Scott was not as tall as me, but, like me he also had blonde hair. Some said we could pass as brothers. He was wearing really slim fitting jeans, the kind that kind of hug the important stuff, no belt, and well worn polo shirt. He looked adorable.

I quickly changed shorts, put on a clean shirt and grabbed my gear. We headed out the door.

“I’m really psyched to go to the beach tomorrow” Scott said as we headed to the pool.

“Yeah, me too,” I replied, watching how his jeans fit him so well as he walked.

We didn’t say much else, Scott was kind of a quiet guy. It was a nice day, and we looked at all the students playing Frisbee and other games in the open grassy areas of campus.

“I hope you don’t mind that I just dropped in on you,” Scott finally broke the silence. “I hate swimming alone and I really like the way you swim. I watch you in practice all the time”

“Not at all,” I answered. “I am always looking for reasons not to read textbooks.”

We got to the locker room. We were the only ones there, not a big surprise. We were in the team locker room. Scott opened his locker and grabbed out his suit. He pulled off his shirt and hung it in the locker, revealing his chest and abs. He wasn’t as muscular as some of the swimmers, probably because he was a first year, but he still looked built. He yanked his socks off and then stripped his tight jeans, fighting them as they hugged his legs.

“Wow, that is some really hot underwear,” I just blurted out as I saw him reveal a pair of tight red square cut undies, the kind with a pouch in front that really shows off. No wonder his jeans looked so great on him. I blushed as soon as I realized what I said.

“Thanks,” he said turning to face me, modeling it somewhat. “I just got these and I love them.” I about went hard right there watching him. “You don’t think they are too out there?” he asked.

“Not at all dude.” I answered.

We both slipped on our suits and grabbed out stuff. I had put on a red and black Tyr suit, Scott had on a green swirl print Speedo that looked amazing on him, of course I love the bright colors. He fit it awesome.

“How do we get to the pool from here, Scott asked, referring to the student pool, since we could not use the team pool. He had his gear bag in his hand, standing there in just his Speedo and flip flops.

“Oh, yeah, that’s the tough part. We got to walk down the hall, its about 200 feet, no direct access from here.”

“Like this,” he said pointing at his suit, which was fitting him like a glove.

I pulled open the door, and said “Yup, show-time” smirking. Unlike in the early morning, there were more people around and two guys in swim briefs got some looks. A few girls smiled at us. I have to admit, I found it kind of fun to be wearing my little suit, slightly out of context. Scott seemed a bit more shy about it.

Our workout ended up being more fun than real hard swimming. We had not really hung out together, as I mentioned, but we really hit it off. We raced each other a few times, and mainly just screwed around. We watched some other swimmers, checked out people. I wasn’t sure, but for some reason I had a real feeling about Scott. While he acted straight around the guys on team, something about him was sending my gaydar up to the red zone.

Despite my absolute hour limit, we decided to hit the hot tub after. It was empty, and it looked so appealing.

“Wow, that was fun” Scott said. “We didn’t do much of a workout, but it was great to just have fun in a pool for a change.”

“Yeah,” I said. “I am glad you asked me to come.”

Scott smiled back. “Now I know why coach never lets us use this thing, we’d never get any swimming done. This is amazing.”

A couple of young ladies came over from the pool and got in. I noticed that they kept checking us out as we swam. I probably gave them a bad look as they interrupted some one on one time Scott and I were having. It is not often I get a hot tub with a cute guy.

“Hey guys,” one of them said. “You must be on the swim team,”

“Love your swim trunks” the other said. I wasn’t sure if she was being sincere or sarcastic, but I was kind of offended at the term trunks.

“Sure beats dorky long shorts” I said back.

I really don’t remember what we talked about, but watching Scott, he was really quiet and shy around them. I guess they figured out we were not interested when we did not say much and did not try to ask them out. I am sure that Zach would have enjoyed their visit far more than me, I chuckled inside at the missed opportunity. “Poor guy needs a girl so bad” I thought, “and when opportunity knocks he’s off studying or something.” They left after several minutes.

“I’m not really good around girls,” Scott said after they left. “I mean I really think I like them and all, but…. He trailed off and shrugged his shoulders.

“Yeah,” I said back. “I’m really not into the whole girl think right now, either.” I said back. Scott’s eyes sort of lit up and he smiled.

“I was sure a hot guy like you would have tons of girls all over him” Zach said.

“Same for you,” I replied, “but I’d rather be swimming or hanging out at the beach with a bunch of the guys from the team.” I was as close as ever to saying the whole truth, but I had not yet come to that point in my mind. It was close, though.

At some point our feet touched, totally by accident. What was cool was neither of us did anything to slide them back apart. We sat there in silence and just looked at each other. We probably had some idle chatter, but I think we were both caught up in the situation.

“Hey, question?” Scott asked, breaking the trance. Then he hesitated, “no, forget it, it’s stupid.”

“Go ahead,” I encouraged him. “You can’t set up a question then not ask it.”

“Alright, promise you won’t laugh,” Scott swallowed. A pause. “I now this sounds dumb, but when you go to the beach, what do you wear?”

I smiled back. “That’s not stupid at all.” I said, “I usually wear one of my swim team suits, like a practice suit or something. Or, I have a few suits that I think look really hot and I keep those just for the beach or lake, but always like the one’s we have on now,”

“Really,,” Scott responded with a huge smile. “That is so cool. I’ve always worn shorts, but have always wanted to wear a Speedo” he said. He then explained that all of his friends wore board shorts so he went along with it. “But, deep down I hated how they felt and looked.”

“Zach will wear one, so will Cody if he comes with us, some of the other guys will wear boardies, but seriously it will be cool” I assured Scott. “Plus with all the work you do, you need to show off that body.”

I could tell Scott was really excited about it. He carried on about what suit he could wear and how awesome it was going to be. For sure, there was a story here, and I could not wait to figure it out. He was making me kind of excited, definitely interested, and very intrigued.

The jets went off with the ding of the timer. We had been in through two rounds, so it was time to get out. As Scott stood up, he adjusted himself, but it was very clear that he was more than just excited. His suit clung to him and he was very much aroused. He looked really hot.

“Hate when this happens,” he said, as he tried to cover his front with his hands. I was not sure if he meant the clingy suit or what happened to him. We grabbed our gear and headed toward the door for the walk back to our locker room.

I could not wait for the beach trip. Neither could Scott.

To be continued.... where will we wind to next????

Swimmboy 10-08-2012 09:31 PM

Another great chapter - can't wait 'til the swimboys hit the beach!

NJHunkguy 10-10-2012 09:18 PM

[He had on this really tight fitting shirt and a pair of soccer shorts.]

[He was wearing really slim fitting jeans, the kind that kind of hug the important stuff, no belt, and well worn polo shirt.]

I bit confused here of what Scott was wearing at the time :o

SwimTeamSpeedo 10-10-2012 11:02 PM

Part 4: swimming with Scott repost
As pointed out in the post above by NJH, I had an extraneous line show up. I have removed it (cut and paste error between two different stories). This is the accurate version....

I was trying to catch up on some reading when I heard a soft knock at the door. I was alone, Zach had a lab session, and I really needed to get through three chapters of economics, so I thought about just ignoring the knock. Anyone Zach or I knew would have just barged in, except that I had the door locked, sitting in just a well worn team suit from last year as I tried to grasp some theory I have long since forgotten. My enjoyment of wearing my swimsuits to hang out had already taken hold by this point, but only Zach really knew about it. The soft knock again. I threw on a pair of Nylon running shorts, the kind that had almost no inseam and open split leg seams and reached for the door.

“Hey,” said Scott, the freshman swimmer, “I was gonna go do an hour or so at the pool, want to come?”

“Oh man, I rally got this reading to catch up on,” I said back. The whole thing caught me by surprise, other than swim team, Scott and I had not really ever hung out together. I hated to turn him down.

“I was really hoping you would come,” he said with his infectious smile. “Maybe next time…" he added, kind of looking rejected.

“Oh man,” I kind of whined. “Alright, but just an hour, I really got to finish this before we go to the beach tomorrow.”

Scott smiled as if he had just landed his first date. “Cool, deal” he said. Scott was not as tall as me, but, like me he also had blonde hair. Some said we could pass as brothers. He was wearing really slim fitting jeans, the kind that kind of hug the important stuff, no belt, and well worn polo shirt. He looked adorable.

I quickly changed shorts, put on a clean shirt and grabbed my gear. We headed out the door.

“I’m really psyched to go to the beach tomorrow” Scott said as we headed to the pool.

“Yeah, me too,” I replied, watching how his jeans fit him so well as he walked.

We didn’t say much else, Scott was kind of a quiet guy. It was a nice day, and we looked at all the students playing Frisbee and other games in the open grassy areas of campus.

“I hope you don’t mind that I just dropped in on you,” Scott finally broke the silence. “I hate swimming alone and I really like the way you swim. I watch you in practice all the time”

“Not at all,” I answered. “I am always looking for reasons not to read textbooks.”

We got to the locker room. We were the only ones there, not a big surprise. We were in the team locker room. Scott opened his locker and grabbed out his suit. He pulled off his shirt and hung it in the locker, revealing his chest and abs. He wasn’t as muscular as some of the swimmers, probably because he was a first year, but he still looked built. He yanked his socks off and then stripped his tight jeans, fighting them as they hugged his legs.

“Wow, that is some really hot underwear,” I just blurted out as I saw him reveal a pair of tight red square cut undies, the kind with a pouch in front that really shows off. No wonder his jeans looked so great on him. I blushed as soon as I realized what I said.

“Thanks,” he said turning to face me, modeling it somewhat. “I just got these and I love them.” I about went hard right there watching him. “You don’t think they are too out there?” he asked.

“Not at all dude.” I answered.

We both slipped on our suits and grabbed out stuff. I had put on a red and black Tyr suit, Scott had on a green swirl print Speedo that looked amazing on him, of course I love the bright colors. He fit it awesome.

“How do we get to the pool from here, Scott asked, referring to the student pool, since we could not use the team pool. He had his gear bag in his hand, standing there in just his Speedo and flip flops.

“Oh, yeah, that’s the tough part. We got to walk down the hall, its about 200 feet, no direct access from here.”

“Like this,” he said pointing at his suit, which was fitting him like a glove.

I pulled open the door, and said “Yup, show-time” smirking. Unlike in the early morning, there were more people around and two guys in swim briefs got some looks. A few girls smiled at us. I have to admit, I found it kind of fun to be wearing my little suit, slightly out of context. Scott seemed a bit more shy about it.

Our workout ended up being more fun than real hard swimming. We had not really hung out together, as I mentioned, but we really hit it off. We raced each other a few times, and mainly just screwed around. We watched some other swimmers, checked out people. I wasn’t sure, but for some reason I had a real feeling about Scott. While he acted straight around the guys on team, something about him was sending my gaydar up to the red zone.

Despite my absolute hour limit, we decided to hit the hot tub after. It was empty, and it looked so appealing.

“Wow, that was fun” Scott said. “We didn’t do much of a workout, but it was great to just have fun in a pool for a change.”

“Yeah,” I said. “I am glad you asked me to come.”

Scott smiled back. “Now I know why coach never lets us use this thing, we’d never get any swimming done. This is amazing.”

A couple of young ladies came over from the pool and got in. I noticed that they kept checking us out as we swam. I probably gave them a bad look as they interrupted some one on one time Scott and I were having. It is not often I get a hot tub with a cute guy.

“Hey guys,” one of them said. “You must be on the swim team,”

“Love your swim trunks” the other said. I wasn’t sure if she was being sincere or sarcastic, but I was kind of offended at the term trunks.

“Sure beats dorky long shorts” I said back.

I really don’t remember what we talked about, but watching Scott, he was really quiet and shy around them. I guess they figured out we were not interested when we did not say much and did not try to ask them out. I am sure that Zach would have enjoyed their visit far more than me, I chuckled inside at the missed opportunity. “Poor guy needs a girl so bad” I thought, “and when opportunity knocks he’s off studying or something.” They left after several minutes.

“I’m not really good around girls,” Scott said after they left. “I mean I really think I like them and all, but…. He trailed off and shrugged his shoulders.

“Yeah,” I said back. “I’m really not into the whole girl think right now, either.” I said back. Scott’s eyes sort of lit up and he smiled.

“I was sure a hot guy like you would have tons of girls all over him” Zach said.

“Same for you,” I replied, “but I’d rather be swimming or hanging out at the beach with a bunch of the guys from the team.” I was as close as ever to saying the whole truth, but I had not yet come to that point in my mind. It was close, though.

At some point our feet touched, totally by accident. What was cool was neither of us did anything to slide them back apart. We sat there in silence and just looked at each other. We probably had some idle chatter, but I think we were both caught up in the situation.

“Hey, question?” Scott asked, breaking the trance. Then he hesitated, “no, forget it, it’s stupid.”

“Go ahead,” I encouraged him. “You can’t set up a question then not ask it.”

“Alright, promise you won’t laugh,” Scott swallowed. A pause. “I now this sounds dumb, but when you go to the beach, what do you wear?”

I smiled back. “That’s not stupid at all.” I said, “I usually wear one of my swim team suits, like a practice suit or something. Or, I have a few suits that I think look really hot and I keep those just for the beach or lake, but always like the one’s we have on now,”

“Really,,” Scott responded with a huge smile. “That is so cool. I’ve always worn shorts, but have always wanted to wear a Speedo” he said. He then explained that all of his friends wore board shorts so he went along with it. “But, deep down I hated how they felt and looked.”

“Zach will wear one, so will Cody if he comes with us, some of the other guys will wear boardies, but seriously it will be cool” I assured Scott. “Plus with all the work you do, you need to show off that body.”

I could tell Scott was really excited about it. He carried on about what suit he could wear and how awesome it was going to be. For sure, there was a story here, and I could not wait to figure it out. He was making me kind of excited, definitely interested, and very intrigued.

The jets went off with the ding of the timer. We had been in through two rounds, so it was time to get out. As Scott stood up, he adjusted himself, but it was very clear that he was more than just excited. His suit clung to him and he was very much aroused. He looked really hot.

“Hate when this happens,” he said, as he tried to cover his front with his hands. I was not sure if he meant the clingy suit or what happened to him. We grabbed our gear and headed toward the door for the walk back to our locker room.

I could not wait for the beach trip. Neither could Scott.

To be continued.... where will we wind to next????

SwimTeamSpeedo 10-10-2012 11:19 PM

Not sure what to make of the purple face...

In all, I have posted over 100 printed pages of story across all my volumes and chapters. I believe, other than an occasional typo, you have raised the first error I have ever had show up. In the scheme it's not all that significant. Having said that, I really don't get the purple face.... I really don't think the error was all that big a deal, and if you read the rest of the story, it is clear what Scott really had on. The error came from a cut and paste on a future chapter (foreshadowing...lol) that I must have accidently pasted in the wrong place, which is why it also screwed up the syntax of the sentence (you should know i am a far better grammatical writer than that sentence).

It is funny, my novels (the ones that I make a living with) get proofed by a team of editors, proofers, and focus readers and they have let bigger f-ups slip through. Of course, those are not about swim suits, much more main-stream. It is tough to read your own work. I must have read that line six times and never even saw my own screw up. I read the line as I had intended to write it. I even had to hunt for the "error" after your post.

Btw, you're welcome that I worked really hard on this chapter (and it was really a pretty good one, imho). Oh yeah, I don't think you even made mention of appreciation. :mad:

NJHunkguy 10-10-2012 11:25 PM

Thank you! Nice! :)

I was thinking of having the board members to vote, what would they like Scott to wear? :D

Byron 10-11-2012 04:35 AM

:) LOL - in view of Torchwatch's warnings on skinny tight jeans it had better be the shirt and shorts !

Byron 10-11-2012 06:42 AM

Re. OTT post#18 might NJH give a simple explanation that he mistakenly inserted :o instead of :confused: without intended offence ?

NJHunkguy 10-11-2012 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by Byron
Re. OTT post#18 might NJH give a simple explanation that he mistakenly inserted :o instead of :confused: without intended offence ?

I use the icons according to their facial expression, not what they were called.
:o Is friendly, calm, smile and its OK...
:confused: Is asking for a fight....

Byron 10-11-2012 08:55 PM

Oh dear.....
... if that is so I am afraid you will upset an awful lot of people with those personal misinterpretations of emoticons - and how on earth confusion can be "spoiling for a fight" I do not know.

SwimTeamSpeedo 10-13-2012 01:17 PM

Part 5: The first long swim...
Writers Note: The first person who correctly identifies the right placement of the incorrectly pasted line that showed up in Part 4 (earlier post) wins a purple face icon...lol"

Zach slept like a baby. He fell asleep while we were studying and talking, mostly talking. He was laying on his stomach reading his Chemistry book, wearing nothing but this really cute pair of forest green boxer briefs. I wasn’t really a boxer brief guy, or even boxers for that matter, but if Zach was wearing them, well they just looked cute. I was telling him about Scott between reading and when I looked over he was face down in his book and he sound asleep. It was late and I knew he did not have any tests the next day, so I quietly got up and went over to his side of the room. I gently slid the book out from under his face and laid his head on the pillow. I grabbed his sheet, which he had bunched up at the end of the bed and pulled it up over his shoulders and gave him a gentle kiss on the back of his head. He mumbled something incoherent. I shut off his reading light and slipped back to my bed and crawled in.

It was an awesome workout. Joe and I were the only ones in the pool. In fact, when I got there, the whole pool was empty. “It’s always like this on Friday” Pete the lifeguard said. “Guess people are gearing up for weekend drinking.”

“You’d think that would make them get here, get a good swim in before the beer.”

Pete wasn’t in his tower seat since no one was there. Even he was dressed more relaxed, not in his red guard shorts and T-shirt. He had on this really tight fitting shirt and a pair of soccer shorts. Pete really was a muscular guy.

“What’s with the outfit?” I asked.

“Oh, yeah, my guard stuff was dirty. Wasn’t suppose to work today, but Mark called me late and he has a big exam today.”

“You should have worn a Speedo” I said smirking, a bit joking, but mostly serious.

“Got that on under, always do” Joe said. And with that he pulled down the side of his short to reveal a solid red suit.

“That would look more guard-like, at least it’s red” a big grin as I said it. I'd love to have seen what he looked like in just his red briefs.

Pete got up in the tower seat, “Need to be here to spot you floating on the bottom,” he jabbed back at me.

“Might need to,” I said. “I am going for a straight hour swim, today. Maybe more."

I dove in, kind of a off the block start, despite the rule saying you can’t dive. I had on a real bright black and gold print Speedo. I really love bright color suits. “This one is going with me to the beach” I thought as I put it on. It also felt so awesome on. Sometimes you get a suit that just feels incredible when you are wearing it like a well fit pair of jeans. This one was one of those suits. I thought it looked hot on me and I felt hot wearing it.

“You were in your zone” Joe said to me as I leaned on the wall. I had just finished 80 minutes of straight swimming. I lost count of laps somewhere around 70, but figured it had to have been well over 100. I had never swam non stop that long before. I was kind of worried about it before I started, but it was really cool. I just locked in a pace and went. After a while I just had time to think. I thought about Scott for quite a bit of the swim, about Zach, about my Economics paper, everything.

“That was awesome,” I said to Joe. “Never done that, now I know why you like it.” Looking back, it was on this morning that I began my transition from short event swimming to wanting to do open water.

“No, I do it because I am old” Joe said.

Friday’s were great. I didn’t have classes on Friday this semester. It was hard to work my schedule that way, but it was worth it. I never missed classes for swim meet travel, which was almost always on Friday, and if we were not traveling I had three day weekends. With no class, Joe and I hung out in the pool right to the end. Well, I should say the hot tub.

“You must have lots of swimsuits?’ Joe half asked and half stated. “You’ve worn a different one every day.” Joe had on the same blue and gold Tyr he wore every day.

I blushed. “Yeah, I have this thing about suits, I guess.”

“How many?”

“Oh I don’t really know, quite a few, some of them are at home” I avoided a direct answer. I think I was up to about 30 at this point. I had at least 15 between my dorm room and swim locker. “I wear them a lot, between swimming and stuff”

“Well, if I was as young and handsome as you, I’d wear them all the time, too.” he smiled. “You must have to chase off the girls.”

“Not really,” I said back. “I’m not much into girls right now, with swimming and all.”

Joe didn’t bat an eye. Our conversation meandered all over the spectrum of topics, from swimming to classes to growing up. Talking to Joe felt like talking to my dad, with whom I had a great relationship (despite the times he pushed me to date some girls). Joe was a diver in college, which I found fascinating. I admire the diver guys, as I have mentioned before. Joe confided that he lived alone “in an assisted retirement place.” He had never married, but he said he lived with a long time friend for over thirty years, “but he was gone now.” Swimming was his highlight.

“I look forward to tomorrow all day after I leave here,” Joe said. “I come watch most of your team’s meets, especially the divers…… and now I will cheer you”

I was sitting up on the side of the spa, my feet in the water. Joe made me blush with his cheer comment. His eyes kept fixed on me. Not a creepy fix, more a sincere fix. Like a grandfather watching his grandson fishing. I felt sad for Joe. Despite his enthusiasm for swimming, I guessed he was really lonely. I smiled back at him.

“Hey guys, sorry to bust your bubble, but I get the pool ready for the swimming class.” Pete said. We were again the only ones there. As Pete went about his stuff, Joe and I climbed out, grabbed our goggles off the bench and headed into the locker room….

To be continued....

NJHunkguy 10-13-2012 09:00 PM

Thank you !

rob_speedos 10-15-2012 01:06 PM

Great Story
Loving you work! This is just a little note of my appreciation. It's getting me horny like a great piece of erotic writing should... :p Love to read more.

a speedo minded guy 10-15-2012 08:01 PM

Wow, another great story. I sure wish I knew how u did it. You are a wonderful writer.

MicroRon 10-18-2012 08:13 PM

To be continued .... if you like the story, let me know......
Hey... as one of those 'much older' guys.. I'm pretty sure that Joe is going to prove to be an interesting character... or is my 'gaydar' broken?

SwimTeamSpeedo 10-21-2012 01:40 PM

Part 6: Breakfast
The locker room was empty, except for us. Joe had a locker about 15 feet from where mine was. I had intentionally not used the team locker room. At first we did not say much, as we opened out lockers and pulled out our stuff. I was standing there, still in my suit when Joe broke the silence.

“So, how many suits do you think you own?” Joe asked.

“I don’t really know,” I said back, “maybe thirty between home and here.”

“Wow, that’s quite a few suits,” Joe replied, smiling. “I know you swim a lot.”

“Yeah, I kind of see ones I like and I have to buy them. Kind of like someone who likes lots of shoes” I said. “I really like prints, bright colors.”

“Ah, so you like to stand out,” Joe said back, chuckling. “Of course as handsome as you are, you stand out already,”

I kind of blushed. “So, what about you, I asked. Do you own more than one suit?”

“Well, yeah” Joes said. “I’ve got four, but two of them are at a condo we, well I guess I mean I now, own at the beach.”

We ended up talking for quite a while. Joe wanted to know what my favorite suit was and I told him about this really cool orange, red and black Aztec patterned Speedo that I really loved (in fact, I still have it). I told him I never wear it in the pool, only fresh water or to sun. “I hope it never wears out.”

“Wow, sounds really nice,” Joe said. “Would love to see you in it.” he said. “I think handsome guys look great in suits like these” he added, pointing at our suits. All the talk of suits and modeling them was kind of arousing me. I could feel myself getting bigger, not bad, but as I looked down at myself I could see that I was filling out my suit more.

We each went off to take showers. The showers were in rows on both sides. Joe waited to see which way I went and then graciously went to the other side. Other than his comment about checking me out in my favorite suit, Joe made sure that we had no awkward moments. I was back at my locker later than Joe, I took some extra time in the shower for obvious reasons given my aroused state. I didn’t do anything, but just needed more time to get things back in control. Joe already had on a pair of pants but no shirt yet.

I grabbed an older, slightly worn out practice suit from my bag and slipped it on. Over than I pulled on some jeans that fit me kind of tight. Button fly 501’s that hugged my anatomy and threw on a polo short. By the time I was dressed, Joe was almost al packed up. I quickly threw my stuff in my bag and was ready to go. I had this great idea in my head to get to know Joe more.

“Great workout” Joe said. “Thanks for talking to an old man.” he smiled.

“Hey,” I said back, feeling kind of awkward, “you want to go grab some breakfast? I don’t have class today, it would be fun”

Joe beamed back a huge smile. “If you didn’t mind I would kind of like that.”

“Not at all,” I said. “We can go to the food court, it’s a short walk” We headed out the door. The food court was at the Student Center not far from the athletic complex. We headed out, walking side by side.

Joe had not been in a university student center since he was in college and was amazed at all the food choices. “It’s like a mall food court” he said as he took it all in. “and you know what else, you’re the hottest guy in here,” he smiled. “Best looking guy in jeans, for sure.”

“Stop it,” I quipped back. “Let’s get some food.”

Over breakfast, we spent an hour just talking, about almost everything. I told Joe about our weekend trip to the beach and how excited I was. He said he was jealous. We talked about swimming and diving. Joe shared some really great dive stories from when he was a diver. He told about being the first team in Speedos.

“We were the first team to get the new brief cut suits” he shared. “Everyone was freaked out at how small they were, and they were not as small as they are today. Some of the guys said they were not going to wear them.” He paused to drink some coffee. “I thought they felt so great on, and I really liked how they looked and fit. Sure they showed more off, but they were great for diving.”

“What color were they?” I asked.

“Only solid blue, dark.” he answered. “They didn’t have the same stretch as the suits you have now, and they were a little bit looser, not as hugging. The girls sure liked to see the guys in them. Even some of the guys liked to see each other in them.”

“I think it is the same for us,” I replied, referring to the girls and guys. All this suit talk was making my jeans tight, at least up front.

“So, what are you wearing at the beach?” Joe asked. “I know how much you love your swimsuits.”

I told Joe about the four suits I was taking with me, in great detail. How they looked, even how they fit. He listened intently to every detail. The more I talked to more excited I got about the trip. We were leaving at lunch, not too long away.

“Sounds like it will be fun,” Joe said. “Do the other guys wear shorts or suits?” Joe asked.

“Well, my best friend Zach will wear a suit, for sure” I answered. “Some of the guys will wear shorts” I then explained each guy to him, probably in more detail than he wanted. Joe was just so easy to talk to.

“Are you and Zach an item?” Joe asked.

“Oh no,” I replied quickly. “We are long time friends, closer than brothers, but Zach is very straight.”

“Got it,” Joe replied. With that, Joe had figured me out. I was sure.

It had warmed up considerably outside. Perfect day to head to the water. “Have fun this weekend,” Joe said. “Maybe one day you can come down to my condo at the beach, I rarely get there since I’ve been alone.” With that Joe gave me a tight hug, the kind where our whole bodies touched. “Thanks for a great morning.”

From there, my beach day was about to begin. I headed back to my dorm to get some studying in and to get ready.

To be continued...

Swimmboy 10-21-2012 04:48 PM

Nice! Good way to work in the 'older guy' and show the two of them getting to know each other better. And now, with Ryan's comment about Zach being 'straight', has he let the older guy Joe know that maybe he himself is not 'straight'? Hmmm, where will this go.....Maybe Ryan will take Joe up on the beach condo offer? Already looking forward to the next chapter!

MicroRon 10-27-2012 03:40 AM

The Older Guy's Strategy...


Originally Posted by Swimmboy
Nice! Good way to work in the 'older guy' and show the two of them getting to know each other better. And now, with Ryan's comment about Zach being 'straight', has he let the older guy Joe know that maybe he himself is not 'straight'? Hmmm, where will this go.....Maybe Ryan will take Joe up on the beach condo offer? Already looking forward to the next chapter!

Looks like I could learn a thing or two from Joe... I'll keep checking back for more of this intriguing story... Maybe one of those brighter - tighter suits of mine could come out of retirement!

"The Less You Wear ~ ~ ~ The More Important The Lift !!~~!!

a speedo minded guy 10-27-2012 02:29 PM

Looking good STS, keep up the good work.

SwimTeamSpeedo 10-28-2012 12:58 PM

Part 7: The Beach Trip Begins
Two small cars, eight guys, bags, beer and all the unhealthy snack food we could find finally got on the road for the beach at about 1:30 pm. Zach, Cody, Scott and I road in Cody’s car. The rest of the gang road in the other car. James and Toby from the team were in the other car, along with two guys from the wrestling team, Stuart and Chuck. Alan, the guy from modeling, was going to meet us at the beach on Saturday after his cross country meet, which was going on down there. He was going to bring a friend, as well. We hit the local burger place on the way out, eight guys dressed in everything from tight jeans and T shorts to boardies and tanks, to Zach in Nylon running shorts and a raggedy running shirt. I also had on some shorter cut running shorts, the kind that had unstitched side seams and a Swim team T-shirt. Scott was in a pair of board shorts and had on a university logo T shirt.

Two stops later, we arrived at the beach in about two hours and piled out of the car at the hotel. It was still off-season so we had a hotel right on the water. The guy at the front desk gave us a bit of a hassle because we were all college aged guys, threatening not to let us have room because none of us were over 25 (we were 19 to 22). He finally relented and we got our two rooms, side by side adjoining on the 8th floor. Outdoor heated pool open all year, indoor lap pool, hot tubs, basketball court. We thought we were so cool. Each room was $100 night, which was a big price for a bunch of college guys, but it was much cheaper split four ways. We roomed exactly as we drove down.

We still had a few hours of light left when we got there and the beach and pool were screaming out to us.

“Dude’s I am hitting the beach” Zach proclaimed as he began shedding his clothes to reveal a red and black Tyr suit underneath. All of us quickly followed his lead, shedding our shorts and jeans and replacing them with our suits. We quickly established ourselves as the “Speedo gang“, all four of us in brief cut suits. From the other room, only James wore a brief suit, the rest in boardies or shorts, although Chuck wore some really tight and very short trunks that looked pretty darn hot.

Scott looked amazing in a blue and green print Speedo that matched his eyes. He fit the suit scrumptiously. I had on an orange print Speedo that was one of my favorites and got worn only on special occasions. Cody wore a solid black racer with his strings hanging out, which looked daring. James had on a Black and white Nike suit, the kind that had a seam up the back. I loved the way it made him look.

Within about 5 minutes we were all beer in hand heading down the elevator to the beach. The elevator stopped at the fourth floor and the door opened to let on a middle aged lady. At first she hesitated, because the car was pretty full with all of us, but we made room. She stepped inside. As she took us all in she smiled and said “oh my, such cute guys all of you are.” She certainly checked us out with her eyes. We all laughed as we made our way down to the “beach/pool” level.

In our first ten minutes or so there, we already had broke two rules. Eight guys with beer around a pool that had a “no alcohol around the pool” rule, and we totally ignored the “swimwear must be covered” sign in the elevator. Luckily no one seemed to care.

Zach, Scott and I went out to check out the beach and water. Cody and the rest of the guys were already in the pool. “This is wicked,” Cody announced to anyone listening as he came up from a single lap in the pool. Other than the lady on the elevator and her husband, we had the whole pool to ourselves.

I knew that Scott had never worn a brief cut suit for anything other than swim team. I was impressed that he didn’t seem to be at all concerned. We got out to the water and Zach looked over at the two of us. “Okay, here is the dare,” Zach announced to us, “we all start running from up there (pointing at the crest of the beach” and see who can go the farthest into the water.”

“Can we feel how cold it is first?” Scott asked.

“No, you know it’s cold”

We all set our beers down in the sand and walked back up.

“This is gonna suck” Scott said. We all laughed. With that we turned around and took off.

“Gotta get your head wet” Zach yelled as we hit the water.

“Which one?” I asked.

“The one you think with?’

“So which one is that?” I replied laughing.

“Holy f..k is this water cold” Scott screamed as it hit his mid section.

We all got about mid chest and then dove head first into the next big wave.

“I can’t feel my nuts,” Zach said with a smirk.

We quickly scrambled back out of the water. Our wet suits clinging to us. Looking at each others suits certainly revealed how cold that water was. Our bulges looked like they had gone flat. With no towels, the cold water made the temp outside feel much colder than the 75 degrees it was. We grabbed our beer quickly.

“I’m hitting that hot tub” I stated as a fact. “Hopefully the warm water will help find my nuts.”

The hot tub felt awesome and quickly took the chill off. Scott sat beside me with Zach across. Cody joined us, as did Stu, who I rally did not know well. I sank down so the water was up to my neck. I rubbed my hands up my legs and felt my bulge, happy to feel that I was coming back to normal. For some reason, the cold water and hot water, or something, was making me feel really horny. I looked over at Scott and smiled. He smiled back.

“This is much better” Scott said, as he laid his head back against the wall.

I felt Scott’s knee touch mine. I did not move away, not sure if it was just the close quarters or something else. Scott glanced at me. Zach and Stu were carrying on about needing more beer and who was going to give in to go get some. I slid my hand against Scott’s upper leg, touching it. Scott’s hand joined mine under the churning water. We were clearly making a connection far beyond just two hands bumping in a crowded hot tub.

“All right, I give up,” Stu said. “Who is ready for another?” as he stood up to get out.

“Just bring a bunch down,” Zach suggested as Stu climbed out, his baggy boardies clinging to him tighter than sized down Speedo.

“Anyone want to go back in the ocean?” Zach said with a smart ass smirk.

“Right behind you” I replied, with no intention of really doing so.

“Man, I think I finally am warmed back up” Zach replied.

“I think I am going to jump in the pool,” Zach said as he stood up and climbed out of the hot tub, leaving the hot tub to Scott and I. “You know, this is how they cook lobsters” he added with a laugh.

Scott was silent. He and I glanced at each other and smiled. He slid his hand from mine and then placed it on my upper leg. “Love the suit you have on” he said. “You always have the most amazing suits.” He slid his hand up my leg.

“You look pretty hot in yours,” I replied. He was driving me wild in my already horny state. I had quickly gone full hard. I gently took his hand in mine and laid both our hands together on his upper leg. Just as I did that the timer went off and the bubbles stopped.

“Oh man, what timing” Scott said.

Despite the fact that I was rock hard, I got up and went to turn the timer back on. It was on a post about ten feet away, which meant getting out of the tub. It was just the eight guys around the pool area, the couple had packed up and left. As I got out my suit clung to me, outlining my situation, but I was only out for a couple of seconds.

“Wow, you really have warmed back up,” Scott whispered to me as I sat back down, a bit closer to him. “Me, too” he added. We sat silently watching the guys wrestle each other in the pool, letting our hands explore each other under the water. We were very effectively driving each other wild.

To be continued.... Will Joe come back into the picture????

solarguy 10-29-2012 12:13 PM

Great chapter!! Lots of testosterone flying around. It should be a fun night! Thanks

a speedo minded guy 10-31-2012 05:57 PM

STS, from the way all of your stories go, you must haVe one great time from high school thru college. Wish I had been that lucky. And sounds like you had one hell of a fun time all thoughout.

SwimTeamSpeedo 11-03-2012 10:36 PM

Part 8: The Beach with Scott...
Joe spent the rest of Friday in one of the best moods he had been in for a long time. He absolutely enjoyed breakfast more than Ryan could know. It lifted his loneliness and made him feel young to be out with such a young guy eating breakfast on a college campus. Joe and Frank always wanted kids, but the options that were available today just were not there in Joe’s younger days. Joe knew he was developing quite an affection for Ryan, not in a sexual way, rather in the way he imagined a parent had with a child. For sure, he thought Ryan was really handsome and he debated whether he looked more handsome in his swimsuits showing off his body or in the really tight jeans he wore to breakfast, which let the imagination run as to what he looked like underneath.

“He reminds me so much of how I was at his age” Joe thought as he walked back to his car. “He sure likes Zach and is frustrated he is straight.” Joe had certainly figured Ryan out from his comments about Zach.

“I wonder if he really would feel okay about coming to the beach” Joe’s thought wandered. He started to imagine the two of them at the beach. Coffee and breakfast on the balcony. Swimming laps in the beachside pool. Walks on the beach talking about life. Joe was tempted to just drive straight to the condo right then, but he didn’t really know which beach Ryan and the guys had gone to and he thought it would be weird if he just showed up and he did not want to screw up the budding friendship. For Joe, the mere fact that he had the urge to go back to the condo was significant. Since Frank was gone, he had not had any real desire to spend time there.

On his way home Frank stopped by a small swimming shop located near the university. He picked out a couple new suits, both Speedo brands. He was not sure why he wanted to buy them, but he did. One of the ones he picked was a real nice red print suit, a little daring for Joe and he held it up several times. “Ryan would love this,” he thought so guessing at Ryan’s size he picked out a 28 waist and added it to his selections, just in case. “It would be so fun to have the same suits.” Joe smiled to himself and pictured Ryan as he gave it to him. Ryan sure seemed like he would appreciate it.

Back at home, Joe dug through his closet and found his box of diving medals and photos. He sat there for a couple hours looking at each of the medals and at himself in the old photos. “A much younger day” he thought. It was one of the best days Joe had in a long time. He capped it off by trying on his new suits. He felt young in them, and enjoyed the way they fit and felt. Joe really loved the tight feel of brand new suits.

“Can’t wait to wear this one next week” Joe though as he looked at the purple and blue print. He decided to keep the red one for if Ryan did come to the beach.


The guys got all decked out in shorts and nice shirts and headed out the door to grab dinner. After they planned to find a place to check out the girl scene. “Maybe get laid” one of them commented. Scott and Ryan played the part. Zach gave Ryan a smile as the rest of the guys ventured into usual guy talk about how to impress a lady. Everyone an expert, but all would come home single with their right hand their best friend for the night.

After dinner, Scott and I bowed out of the pick up girls event, opting instead to head back to the hotel for a dip in the pool. At first Zach was going to do the same, but I think he figured something was up between Scott and I so he decided to hang with the rest of the gang. I knew Zach probably was more into the whole pool and beach thing. It was an unusually warm night for early Spring. The temp felt like it was still in the low 70’s and there was no real wind to make it feel colder. On the way back, I asked Scott if he liked wine and based on his reply we swung by a liquor store on the way back and I grabbed a couple bottles of wine, one red and one chilled white.

Scott went in the bathroom to change, while I changed right in out room. He emerged in just his suit, a black and purple vertical striped Speedo, while I had on a T-shirt over mine, the yellow print I had worn at swimming that morning with Joe. He looked wicked hot standing there facing me. It seemed odd, I had seen Scott at swim team all the time in just his suits, but maybe it was the light or the mood, somehow tonight he looked far amazing. He stood there for a second as I looked at him.

“Hey lets get some wine” I said to Scott.

“Cool,” he replied. “Maybe we can sit on the balcony for a while since we got the place to ourselves.”

I poured us each a glass of wine and joined him on the balcony. He was standing at the railing. I came up behind him and slid my arm around him and handed him his wine. “I just figured it was a white wine night,” I said.

“Hey, take off your shirt,” Scott said back as he grabbed my shirt and pulled it up over my chest. “I want to see your abs.” I about boned myself right there. “What a cool suit,” he said as he saw my suit emerge from under the shirt, his hands resting on my abs, the cold wine glass touching me as he held it in his hand. I pulled the shirt over my head and tossed it on the chair.

Scott reached for my glass and handed it to me. We both sat in the two lounge chairs on the balcony. The beach was quiet and we listened to the waves, two Speedo clad guys unsure of where the night would take them.

“This is so romantic,” Scott said. “Way better than trying to pick up girls.” he added. I think that comment made me confused, but I let it pass.

“Yes it is,” I said back. “Plus I am not much of a girl seeking guy” I added.

“Me neither” Scott said back as he grabbed my hand. “But I’d sure pick you up.” he added.

“You too,” I replied. We both smiled at each other.

We were the only two on the beach as we ventured north away from the hotel, carrying refreshed glasses of wine in plastic cups. Very elegant. The wine and the atmosphere had rekindled my aroused feelings from earlier in the day, and I was sure they had done the same in Scott. We both had slipped on our T-shirts, as the temperature seemed to be slightly cooler. I am not sure how far we had walked when Scott reached over and took my hand. We were past the hotels and into a more private area of the beach. A few houses had lights on, but most were dark. We could occasionally hear voices emanating in the air from people on their decks. The moon was not full, but it was bright enough to light the beach and glow on the ocean. It seemed to be low tide.

“Hey, look at the ship” Scott broke the silence, pointing. “That is so cool.” Heading out to sea we could see the lit outline of what must have been a cruise ship heading out from the port.

“Wonder where they are going” I said as we stopped and watched.

“I have never been on a ship,” Scott said. “I bet that would be really cool.”

“Me neither” I replied.

Scott slid up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled in close to me and I could feel his body against mine. He gently rubbed against me.

“This is so awesome” Scott whispered in my ear. “I am so glad you suggested we come back here and have some time to ourselves”

“I love the ocean” I said back. “Mysterious, exciting”

We set our cups down on the beach , allowing us the freedom of both hands. I turned Scott to me and we embraced. It was a tight hold, face to face, chest to chest and… well… you know. It was incredibly erotic and arousing. We held that for a long time, weaving and rubbing against each other. We both were making ourselves wildly excited, but we remained peacefully embraced despite the urges inside us…

To be continued….

Swimmboy 11-04-2012 07:11 PM

OK, let me catch my breath - this is getting so intimate and exciting....

a speedo minded guy 11-05-2012 05:44 PM

I love how the 2 stories are coming together. Please keep going.

MicroRon 11-07-2012 10:28 PM

Watching for Mr Joe's Return !!~~!!
The story has great cross generational appeal.... "Thank you" from an older guy... proabably a bit North of Joe's age.



SwimTeamSpeedo 11-10-2012 11:11 PM

The amazing pool jet....
The pool was quiet when Joe arrived on Saturday. He swam his usual work out, but it seemed like something was missing. “What the heck,?” Joe thought, “I’ve swam for years alone and it never bothered me.” By the end of his swim, there were a few others in the pool, a couple of “regulars” who Joe waved at or said hello. As Joe got out of the pool he stood at stared at the diving pool, which was really a wing to the lap pool. As always, it was empty. Occasionally, someone would use it for water running, but not often. An urge hit Joe, one he had not felt before.

With the guards blessing, Joe walked over to the diving section. He stood on the side and did something he had not done in a good twenty years. Joe dove in. Not from a board, just from the side, but head first, as straight down as he could. His youthful urge to dive made him smile. That he did it, made him beam. When he got out of the pool, the lifeguard gave him a thumbs up. Joe smiled and did it again.

After a half dozen of those poolside dives, a now somewhat nervous Joe climbed up to the lowest of the boards, the 3 meter board. “A little over 9 feet to the water” Joe thought. He made the mistake of walking to the end of the board and looking down. As a kid, the coaches never let him do that. Three meters looks a lot farther than it really is. “Damn,’ Joe thought. He almost got down off the board, but just as he got ready to do that a spurt of courage took over. He checked the drawstrings on his suit, stretched his arms, shook off his nervousness.

It all came back to him. He solidly approached the end of the board, his bounce was perfect and he went up and forward over the water. His body turned 180 degrees to put his arms and head toward the water and he gracefully made a straight arrow-like dive,arms out front and together. A ripple of a splash. If a judge watched it, it had to be a ten. His new blue and purple print suit disappeared into the water. Joe knew he rocked it, both the dive and the suit. He made his underwater check to make sure everything was still where it should be, a flashback to his younger days when those old Nylon suits sometimes would just slide right off as you hit that water, despite being tied.

“What a great dive” the guard yelled as Joe got out. The guard was standing up on the ladder of her stand holding both hands up with five fingers showing in each, symbolically the ten rating. Joesmiledback and gave a return thumbs up. Joe was done for the day as he walked back to the locker room.

“Maybe more tomorrow” he said to the guard as he passed. They both smiled. A new spring in Joe’s step.


The three other guys in our room were still asleep when I woke up. Fromthe silence through the adjoining door the other dudes were asleep aswell. The sun was just breaking over the water. I quietly slid out of bed, trying not to wake Zach, who was in the same bed. Some straight guys would think it was weird to sleep in the same bed with another guy, but on our away swim meets it was always four to a hotel room, so the swimmers were used to it. I stood there for a second wearing just the suit I had slept in. Zach looked to be asleep. The room was cooled off from the night air coming through the open balcony screen. I grabbed a new suit and shirt out of my bag and changed quietly. I then grabbed my goggles. I quietly went out the door and headed down to the pool.

The pool was not a full lap pool, but it was at least long enough to get in some kind of a workout. I dropped my shirt on a chair, put my bottle of water at the edge and jumped in. As I swam, I watched the sun slowly fill the sky with color. I felt the after effects of the wine and beer from yesterday as I made sluggish laps back and forth.

I though about Scott last night on the beach. The long embrace, the feel of Scott getting more aroused against me. Us laying down on the sand as we drove each other wild exploring our tangled bodies. Scott whispers in my ear as he climbed closer and closer to losing control. The feel of his tightly fitting suit against my hand. Reliving it was making me hard and horny even as I swam. I don’t think either of us expected what happened, but we sure did enjoy it. I smiled internally at the thought. I swam for an hour. It was awesome to have the pool alone. As I finished I stood at the edge and watched the waves crash onto the beach under the now full sun. It was much warmer now. I was positioned in front of a jet hitting me in exactly the right spot and I was enjoying the sensation and the peacefulness of the empty beach and the open ocean. Maybe I was enjoying more than the ocean, the jet sure felt good.

I wondered about Joe, whether he went swimming this morning. As I laid my head into my hands and watched the surf, I smiled as I recollected how much fun we had at breakfast. Joe was such a nice guy, and I really liked talking to him. I felt bad that he was left swimming alone, never thinking in my youthful exuberance that he had swam alone for years, and probably was just as happy that some young punk was not interrupting him. I watched the surf, now very much enjoying the gentle massage the pool was giving me.

The clang of the gate ripped my attention away from the beach. I looked up as Zach came through the gate with two big cups of coffee. “I knew I’d find you here, Speedo boy” he said. “Thought you might like some coffee.”

“Thanks,” I replied. “You were sound asleep when I left.”

“Not really, I was actually awake, watched you get dressed and leave. Thought about coming along but the bed seemed way warmer.”

“All the other guys asleep?”

“Yeah. I think Scott might be awake, though. I saw some movement when I was leaving.

I was still in front of the jet and still enjoying the impact it was having on me. Zach had on a sweatshirt and a pair of board shorts. He pulled a chair over toward the pool and sat down.

“So, what did Scott and you do?” Zach asked.

“Oh, not much. We just walked on the beach, had some wine, and then hung out here until you guys showed up.”

“So, I know why you took off on the whole pick up girl thing, but what’s the story with Scott?” Zach asked.

“Well, let me just say I don’t think it is his thing either.”

Zach smiled. “Cool,” he said. He watched as the water was bubbling up in front of me. “Dude, you rocking a jet right now?” He smirked.

“Yeah, kind of” I replied blushing.

“Your such a horn dog.” Zach replied.

Zach didn’t wear a suit under his boardies. Said he did not think he was getting in the water, but I convinced him to do the hot tub. “I hate wearing shorts in the water” he said as he climbed in.

“Should always come prepared,” I quipped at him.

Scott joined us a few minutes later. He was wearing a solid red Speedo, which looked really hot on him. He got in the hot tub with us and we all lined up facing the beach. Coffee in one hand, he put his other under the water as we all watched the waves.

“Good morning guys” he said, as he gently rubbed his hand against my leg. “How was the girl scene?” he asked Zach.

“Oh, we all got laid twice” Zach replied with a smirk.

“Yeah, in your wettest dream” Scott replied.

Scott had slid his hand right up onto the part of me that was previously enjoying the water jet in the pool. As he and Zach discussed the events of the night, Scott gently rubbed over my suit, obviously well aware of what he was doing to me. As much as I was really into what he was doing, I really didn’t want to get to where I could not stop myself. I let Scott continue for a little longer than I took his hand in mine and diverted his action. I was so turned on, it would not have taken much more to finish the job, in fact I was really thinking I was going to anyway.


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