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sebbie 05-17-2014 12:26 PM

Surgery issues
In November, 2013, I was diagnosed as having two small tumors on my prostate and the best strategy (given that I am in otherwise good health and relatively young) was to have laproscopic removal of the prostate (which was causing me issues with BHP as well). That surgery happened early February. Then, in early April I tripped, fell on concrete, and cracked the ball of my femur at my hip. That was repaired with three screws the following morning. I went in a rehab facility for a week but have been recovering at home since then.

Yesterday, the orthopedist X-rayed my hip and concluded that the crack had grown completely back together in only 5 weeks from surgery. My hip still doesn’t quite feel like it did before the break but the doctors say not to worry and that I shouldn’t limit my activity. I had used an expensive NuStep machine in rehab a week after surgery. I had abandoned using a walker only a couple weeks after coming home from rehab, and was walking around unaided. Many of you know I am a big stationary rowing advocate. A couple weeks ago I got back on my rowing machine just to try the movement. I discovered I could row no problem with no pain in my hip and really no more stress on my hip that with the rehab NuStep machine. The orthopedists yesterday were truly impressed by how well my hip break had healed in such a short period of time. I told them a little bit about my “secret” method. A key to hip rehab after a break is to keep moving and to keep blood flow going around the broken area so the repair can get the nutrients needed to grow back together, and whatever I did really worked.

The rehab from the prostate surgery has been trickier. The surgery has a much higher permanent cure rate than the other options for prostate tumors such as radiation. The problem is the consequences of no longer having a prostate. If you have read my posts over the years outlining the stunts I have done that somehow involved my prostate you understand why I feel like I have suddenly lost a lifelong friend. Plus, there are some other things that happen as a consequence that can be disconcerting if not downright terrifying.

First, at least temporary incontinence in which urine flows freely in unexpected circumstances. In most cases, this situation gradually improves over time, but there are footnotes and asterisks to that one.
Second, when the prostate goes, the surgeons do a good job to spare the nerves that control blood flow to the penis, and they did that in my case. The problem is that the nerves are still traumatized and need time to repair and rebuild themselves, a lot of time, as in 12 to 18 months I read, minimum.

Third, in the surgical process you lose not only the prostate but all of the other glands that provide the fluid in semen, which means I can have dry orgasms without any significant erection, but they will be dry, and here comes one of the footnotes, above. If I get sexually aroused, even tho I have very few issues with incontinence otherwise, I will start leaking urine. This is largely because one of the functions the prostate had was to shut off urine flow from the bladder when sexual arousal occurs, and my prostate is no longer there. This is more than a little disconcerting, and can understand why it would be quite disconcerting in partner sex.

Late at night, about 4 AM, I can start to feel that my penis might be just beginning to fill with blood again, as it did before the surgery. I used to have nice erections at about 4 AM nearly every night, and my body seems to be just barely starting to get back in.

I can stimulate myself by rubbing my penis, and even without an erection this still feels quite nice. If I keep doing this (with a towel or tissue to catch any unwanted urine flow). I am pleased to report that even with only a minimal erection, the orgasms still feel very good. Not A-, but perhaps a “B-“

So, this past Wednesday I had my 3-month checkup from my urologist, and I outlined a number of the issues I was having. He felt that given I was only 12 weeks out of surgery, I was in a very good situation, and he reiterated the notion that I needed to have patience in rehab. (I gave my surgeon a copy of my book!) Not having a partner may actually make the rehab easier to work though, as I do not have to worry about what the other person might be thinking or wanting me to do.

A lot of you here know how much pure enjoyment I have had with self-pleasuring myself using a variety of methods from straps and cups, to Lycra, tight jeans, and of course to swim briefs. Given what has happened to me over the past few months, I have not lost my interest in any of this. I can now pull on a really tiny swim brief without any concern that someone else might notice my erection :) :) . I was playing around wearing snug jocks with a cup yesterday, and was still amazed at how wonderful the cup still felt pressed tightly around my groin and penis. A lot of the stuff that was really fun for me before remains way fun to me, and more important than ever. Today I am headed out in one of my tightest pairs of jeans, just for the fun of it.

So, I hope to use this site as a means to help me with my prostate surgery rehab. Right now I am getting semi-erections in the 3 ¾ to 4 inch range, but hope to still do better than that as the coming months pass. In the process I hope to learn some things that could ultimately be helpful to other guys in prostate surgery rehab. I have another appointment with my prostate surgeon in 6 months, and will be interesting to see where I have gotten at that point. This site has become my “rowing machine” for prostate surgery rehab. I don’t want this to be depressing for any of you. Feel free to ask me questions about any of this. I always loved it when I pulled a little suit on and immediately got a little quarter-sized spot of pre-cum on the suit at the very tip of my penis. Not being able to get to do that ever again is the specific part I am saddest about.

All for now.


Byron 05-17-2014 02:38 PM

Most interesting post Sebbie and I am sure your maintained optimism is pulling you through gradual but good recovery.

The ball and socket of the femur is well known to surgeons as a problem area in falls but you indicate a complete healing of the bone and subsequent ability to go on the rowing machine again without pain. I should be very interested to hear therefore what the surgeon said about your synovial membrane - you seem to be lucky with that remaining intact when arthritis otherwise results for so many if artificial replacement surgery is not undertaken.

LOL - I also read this as an anatomy lesson as I had always wondered where is the little valve which says urine or semen shall pass along the urethra.

NJHunkguy 05-20-2014 07:33 PM

Speedy Recovery !!!

sebbie 05-24-2014 10:27 PM

I'm coming along in all respects, I think! I walked about a half mile yesterday.

Lap Counter 05-31-2014 05:50 PM

Best wishes for a speedy (Speedo?) and full recovery. Your chronicles of your experiences are a resource for all of us as we age.

Byron 05-31-2014 10:44 PM

Yes indeed....
....a resource and an inspiration I would add

sebbie 06-02-2014 01:46 PM

My hip is back to normal now, or nearly so. I wish I could say the same about the erection issues following the prostate surgery, but that supposedly takes time as in 12-18 months.

I think the stationary rowing really has been speeding the recovery of the hip. I remain a big fan of that.


SwimTeamSpeedo 06-02-2014 11:56 PM

Warm wishes
Sebbie, I am glad you are getting your workout routines back. Sorry to hear about the one issue. I wish you continued good news and great progress.


sebbie 06-03-2014 12:01 PM

STS, my surgeon is confident that the prostate tumors are completely gone and he was able to spare the nerves that are key to getting erections. But not only the prostate but the other glands that supply fluid to make semen are gone. I knew that was going to happen going into the surgery. I opted for the surgery rather than radiation because the long term cure rates are substantally better with the surgery. The problem is that the nerves that control erection and blood flow do not automatically go right back to normal after the surgery, but it takes time for them to repair themselves. 12 months is more-or-less the average wait, but it could take 18-24 months or even longer. In the meantime, I do not have to worry about getting an erection getting into a Speedo tho there are some other weird issues. There are some studies that suggest that Viagra aids in restoring blood flow, and my surgeon gave me a few pills to try, tho I am waiting for the nerves to heal a little more before I run the experiments.

There are some other surprising consequences of the surgery. A classic problem is incontinence, but for me that cleared up quickly for the most part in a matter of weeks after surgery. Except that the weirder problem is that w/o a prostate to shut off urine flow, when I touch myself on my bottom or even wear a thong I an liable to shoot a small steam of urine. Indeed, if I get sexually aroused for any reason that can happen too. I am glad I am not in a relationship as this could really be an issue with a partner.

Having said all of this, even w/o a significant erection, i am easily able to have really nice-feeling orgasms, tho without semen any more. These still feel really great, thankfully.And I also think I am starting to feel the beginnings of blood flow return to my penis, if only slightly. Some of the things I am doing with straps, compression shorts, etc are in part therapy experiments to check out exactly what I am feeling and what is happening in the entire groin area post-surgery especially when I get myself tighty strapped in and my penis is in a very confined space.

Patience! Patience!


SwimTeamSpeedo 06-07-2014 03:25 AM


Your surgeon sounds awesome. Glad he/she is so open about your desires and needs. You have me curious about the feel of a dry orgasm. Stay positive.


Byron 06-07-2014 05:37 PM

Dry same as wet, but without ejaculate (think back pre-puberty)

(wise to be careful on the Viagra Sebbie - don't want BP shooting up)

sebbie 06-08-2014 03:45 PM

As one of the nurses said it is possible to have an orgasm without having either an erection or liquid semen. If you ever experiment with seeing how fast you can have an orasm w/o having a firm erection you would have a good idea as to what they feel like w/o an erection. The nerve endings are not as sensitive, but they are still a lot of fun. You cant tell there is no semen if you don't look. I'm doing a study on penis since in my recovery. Flaccid, I am only about 2 3/4 inches. Before surgery I was about 6 inches. Currently, after one of these dry orgasms I am at about 4 inches. I think this is some improvement from just after surgery, but I am hoping for further gains. I miss my Cowpers the most, and the things it was able to do, but sadly, that is gone for good.

Byron 06-08-2014 06:16 PM

This may assist your readers Sebbie : http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedi...le_anatomy.png

sebbie 07-08-2014 12:35 PM

I'm doing pretty well now. My hip feels all but perfect, and I am back to 90 minutes of stationary rowing and weights a day. My weight is back to the normat 146 lbs.

My erections have yet to fully return, but I continue to be hopeful. Its interesting to try and come up with ways to have fun without a full erection!

Byron 07-08-2014 10:10 PM

Good luck...
A return to exercise without pain sounds like good news Sebbie and your research on fun without a full erection will be worth an academic paper for worldwide distribution !

sebbie 07-10-2014 11:40 AM

Prostate surgery and the Cowpers
I got to noticing yesterday when I was slightly aroused that there was a tiny strand of clear stuff running down from my penis, with a slightly larger "drop" at the end. I said to myself "that certainly looks like a tiny strand of my much beloved precum, from the Cowpers gland. But I thought I had lost my Cowpers gland when the prostate and the seminal vescicles were removed durning surgery.

Turns out, probably not. I found several blogs that address the specific issue by those who have had prostate surgery. Apparently the Cowpers gland is located downstream, well away from where the prostate is positioned, and the cowpers is not normally removed during surgery. There are many other guys reporting that they are getting dry orgasms post surgery with the exception of precum.

For me, having an intact Cowpers gland is one major key in getting back to resally enjoying myself. I did not realize all of this before as I was leaking too much uriine when I got sexually aroused post surgery, which was washing away the precum before it had a chance to form in drops. And I am starting to once again sense that really great-feeling tension I always felt at the initial stages of arousal I have always associated with a Cowpers gland springing into action.

This is going to take some time. I'm 5 months out of surgery. The data I read last night says that 37 percent of those who have had surgery similar to mine get an erection back in 12 months, but 67% in 24 months. Of the remainder, some were hot getting an erection prior to surgery, and some had too much nerve damage done during surgery, but the latter case is often guys who had much more complicated tumors to remove than I had.

Stay tuned. I'm glad I have all the different methods available for self- stimulation at my disposal. I can now proiceed carefully and at my own pace w/o concern with respect to a partner. My white aqux swim briefs were veru useful last night :-). Stuff is starting to happen for me (again).

Dooley67 07-10-2014 07:11 PM

I hardly know you Sebbie, from being on the board only a couple of months, but I've been following your recovery and I'm happy for you that things are beginning to improve. Hopefully you will steady improvement as time passes. Five months is not a long time post surgery and you appear to be very patient and happy when you notice small positive changes. I look forward to hearing more about your successes.


sebbie 07-11-2014 04:48 PM

I think I need to run some experiments this evening with a combination employing a nice snug suit and my vibrator, on the order of something like what was being done in the video to that Japanese guy. I'm starting to feel some real tension in the groin area again post surgery, and I need to try some stunts to see exactly where this all leads.

I never cease to be amazed at the sensations I discover in the "research."

sebbie 07-12-2014 12:04 PM

My choice of suit for last night was that really tiny little yellow Seobean I had purchased at Christmas. Good lord its tiny and tight-fitting, its the smallest thing I have in my suit wardrobe. I immedisately went into a mode of involuntarily discharging a small urine stream just thinking about how I would feel getting myself into it. (When you lose your prostate, you also lose the muscles that shut off urine flow when you get aroused, and any urine left in your badder just streams out. There is another muscle that controls urine flow from the bladder that shuts this off under anything but sexual arousal conditions) Interestingly, when I get aroused like that, this is the only time when I have a "leakage" like that. Pretty much, in the old days I would be seeping lots of precum at this point instead. I am starting to learn how to deal with this. Keep a towel or two handy One partial solution is to just let it go for awhile before putting on the suit. Then I will be dry or nearly so.

Once I got into the suit, a tiny drop of precum appeared to form at the tip of my penis, staining the suit.

At that point I started up the electric vibrator, with my penis positioned "up in the little suit" Even only slightly hard, the sensations were nothing short of physicaly and psychologically amazing. The problem is that I think I pushed everything a little too fast. It was only a minute or so when I went into an intense dry orgasm. This orgasm was quite dry, with no more urine leakage.

Next time I try, I want to slow everything down a bit, partly in hopes of getting a little stronger erection in more time before I go off into orgasm. If I can slow things down I am convinced the orgasm will be even more intense. And I do want to try this again and soon.

On the plus side, I'm learning specific ways to still have a lot of fun even without a prostate. My penis still feels great only a little bit hard with the vibrator attacking it on the underside, I'm gradually learning new applied techniques to deal with the initial urine leakage problem.

What I did last evening was pretty intense and focused, but interesting research for me. Hitting the underside of your penis with a vibrator when your penis is positioned up in a tiny little suit like the Seobean is about as intense as it gets, and a good thing to try to see what happens even if you still have an intact prostate.

I recognize that sexual arousal is a very individualized thing. In particular not everyone enjoys getting off in a tiny suit as much as I do. How this all would work with a partner, I don't know. In that situation there would be some tricky curves to negotiateI am sure.

But, did I enoy myself sexually post surgery? Absolutely! This is wild and crazy fun to see exactly what your body is capable of absorbing even when a few key parts are missing.

Disclaimer: With my comments here I do not wish to gross any of you out.The urology surgeon doing the prostate removal tries to do a good job of explaining exactly what the side effects will be relative to how things operated prior to surgery. And the patient normally lacks the nerve to provide specific details on how he was getting off pre-surgery anyway.

In my case, I did manage to pass along a copy of my Amazon book "Understanding Male Sexuality" to the surgeon before the surgery, however, so he kinda knew some of the stuff I am into.

Having an intense orgasm is a huge gift to being human, and I highly recommend running some self-experiments to see what your body is capable of doing for you. What you learn can also intensify partner sex. Even in my situation, I am having great fun.

David Sebringsil "Sebbie"

SwimTeamSpeedo 07-13-2014 12:14 AM

Sebbie, interesting series of posts. I am glad you are finding the exploration of your body's ability to respond exciting. The male body is a fascinating machine. More important, glad you are doing well. I enjoy the detail and factual explanations in your posts.


Byron 07-16-2014 12:21 AM

PC info.
Some new breakthrough with vaccine - on news today (University of Surrey)
but do not know whether it has a name.

Btw, have you seen this video?

sebbie 07-17-2014 12:43 AM

interesting video!

sebbie 08-01-2014 01:45 PM

6-month surgical update

I thought I would write you an update on my prostate surgery as of this morning. Right now, I am almost exactly 6 months out of the surgery. Not surprisingly, there have been two significant recovery issues, small amounts of urine flow that occur in odd situations, and, difficulty in getting back to having an erection. The fact that orgasms are without semen is not a problem. Indeed, I can masturbate in bed at night without messing up the sheets, something I couldn’t do without a little urine flow a few months ago. Being able to shut off the semen in bed entirely might have proven a quite handy talent when I was 12 or 14!

At this point, the urine flow issue has been pretty much confined to two situations. First, anything that presses on my butt can cause this to happen, even just drying my butt with a towel can do it. Not a lot of urine though, just a few drops, usually. I suspect that guys who stick whatever in their butts would have a potential issue here, however (attention gay guys!). Things in the butt normally massage the prostate through the rectum, and neither the prostate nor the prostate valves that shut off urine flow at that point are there any more, and there is usually a little urine in urethra beyond the bladder. Thong underwear is a bit dangerous to well, as the pressure from the strap on the back of the thong often cinches up tight right into the butt area pressing against the spot where the prostate was, and I am still running experiments on this using various thongs to determine exactly what happens and when.

The other situation normally occurs when I otherwise would have been precumming prior to surgery. This is, of course. At the very early stages of sexual arousal. I am discovering that this is a lot more complicated that I thought. This morning I was feeling kinda horny, and I decided it would be fun and sexually enjoyable today to just wear a skimpy little jock strap around the house today under compression shorts, when I am working around the house, excercising etc. Before the surgery the tight strap would get me precumming, no problem, and rather quickly. So I got a tight little strap in place and immediately shot a tiny stream of urine, not much but more than a few drops.

I pulled the strap down to check and, lo and behold there was a nice little spot that was clearly precum, between the size of a dime and a quarter. Psychologically I was feeling pretty good too, much as if I had been precumming in the old (pre-surgical) days. The only tricky part is figuring out how to deal with the little urine stream that accompanies or just precedes this, and I can go back to my much-beloved precumming employing a strap, thong or a tiny suit. In the case of the strap I am wearing today, the thinner urine stream went right through the coarse textured rubberized pouch, leaving the viscous precum stain pretty much intact in the pouch. Interesting!

The other issue, of course, is if, when and at what level will real erections start to occur. As I indicated, I am about 6-months away from the so-called nerve-sparing laparoscopic prostate surgery. The surgeons face the dilemma of not wanting to leave any of the tumor behind and yet leaving their patients as intact as possible with respect to being able to regain an erection post-surgery. Every prostate and surgery is different. My surgeon tells me he thinks he left me in pretty good shape to eventually get my erections back. A lot of the surgeries happen on older guys who didn’t get good erections pre-surgery, so sparing erection nerves is not an issue in these surgeries, but my surgeon knew that was not where I was pre-surgery.

After even nerve-sparing surgery, the nerves at the base of the prostate take a long time to heal so they are functional again. All the literature I read said figure a minimum of 12 months, maybe 18 months if at all. Here is what I have observed.

1st three months: My penis just sat there, about 2 inches long. If I worked at it long enough I could stimulate myself into an orgasm, but that was accompanied by a flow of urine which was more than disconcerting to say the least. My penis remained soft through all of this, and barely over 2 inches long.

4th month. Occasionally I would lie in bed and wake up thinking I was starting to feel some real sexual tension in my penis again. I would stimulate myself and started doing measurements, and discovered my erect penis was pushing 4 inches. By the way, erect penis measurement is not an exact science, and it partly depends on how much you push skin back at the groin to take the measurement.

6th month (now) I am starting to be able to have dry orgasms that are not accompanied by significant urine flow start to finish. Each week as I experiment some more I keep feeling just a bit more tension in the grown area. My penis still does not get to a place that I would call “hard” but it does feel quite pleasant. And the orgasms seem to be getting stronger, little by little. My ruler says that at my best right now, and, interestingly, immediately post- not pre-orgasm, I could be up to 4 ½ inches. I just read a study that claims the average male erect penis length is 5.6 inches. If that is the case I only have a bit more than an inch to go to be at least “average” again. My chances of becoming a record breaker is nill, but then I never was that anyway. I’m thinking more along the lines of something that looks neat semi-erect in a Seobean or Aqux, and that should potentially be much more doable.
I want to also say that still have quite a ways to go, a minimum of 6-12 months, when I hope this will really start to come together, but for now, I am on track, I think.

You guys may not fully appreciated it, but your posts of photos and stories have been very useful in my post-surgical recovery, and for those I am grateful. Come to think of it, I need to locate one of those rotating vibrators like that cameraman in the Japanese Speedo video had. I suspect that would be useful therapy for me.


sebbie 08-03-2014 06:38 PM

That was fun
That was rather fun. I was getting bored with my stationary rowing this afternoon so I decided to try something new. Off went my little Gildan tighty whitey briefs, and on went a patterned cotton Joe Boxer thong, size SM
The thong fits snug enough so that the back cinches up between my buttocks. With every stroke of the rowing machine, it tugs tighter and pulls on the pouch and the contents therein. What an interesting sensation. Needless to say, my rowing has been going by much faster this afternoon. I love the feel of the thong as it tugs and pulls in a lot of interesting ways, something new with every rowing stroke!

I am headed off to do some more rowing...as they say, make your exercise enjoyable if at all possible.

sebbie 08-22-2014 11:42 AM

As you all know by now, I have been using my collection of suits as important "therapy" in terms of getting myself back after prostate surgery that happened in early February, now just over 7 months ago. The research I read on this is that if I am going to get my erections back at all there is a long recovery period of at least 12 and maybe 18 months out. I need to periodically run "tests" to see if I am making progress or not.

Last night's test was done with one of my most favorite Seobean suits, one that is almost impossibly tiny and tight. Clearly blood flow is starting to return to my penis. I'm feeling a special tension and tightness in my penis when I am in the Seobean that was not there even a few months ago. I am starting to have a much nicer visible bulge than before as well, and was able to have a nice-feeling orgasm too.

I did a quick post-orgasm measurement and I measured out at 4 3/4 inches. My penis at the peak still does not get firm enough for penetration, but the sensations I am feeling are much more like pre surgery. My reading right now is the average erect penis size is actually only about 5.6 inches. I think I have about an inch to go. 5 3/4 inches would essentially be a full recovery. I'm hoping that will happen sometime in the next 12 months.

At this point my orgasms are completely dry with no semen or urine. But they otherwise feel basically the same as pre-surgery.

Still having issues with a short squirt of urine in the initial arousal stages, pre-surgery this would have been the point where I would be precumming a lot. A towel is useful for collecting most of this BEFORE getting into the Seobean. Actually I am still precumming as my cowpers gland is still intact, but the prostate is no longer there to quickly seal off the urine flow so the short squirt of urine quickly washes away the gooey precum. I am watching this all closely, and hoping also that this will improve over time so I can go back to the precumming I enjoyed so much as an especially enjoyable activity pre-surgery.

I am also pleased to report than other that this one issue with urine flow I no longer have any significant issues with incontinence in other instances, in particular no problem any more leaking urine as my erection proceeds past the early arousal stage such as it is now occurring. And the orgasms are back to being really fun not just so-so. And I am looking forward to further continuing improvements. I have a few Viagra pills to try to see if they help in getting a turgid erection, but they are so costly that I am waiting a bit more before trying them to get the natural healing a little further along, since I am sure I am making progress over time without the pills.

To all of you out there who enjoy getting aroused and erect in a skimpy suit, this is not something to be ashamed or embarrassed about. Rather think of it as a great gift and something you should regularly take advantage of. On a 0-10 scale of "different" arousal circumstances this one gets maybe a "2". I am actually happy that I can run these tests and don't have to deal with issues related to a partner at least not during my recovery period. Absolutely safe too, no one ever got anyone pregnant nor got an STD of any type getting off in a suit!

Enjoy yourself whenever you can!

Byron 08-22-2014 03:33 PM

Sounds good on the whole Sebbie but watch the Viagra - have surgeons said anything about not raising BP for a while?

sebbie 08-22-2014 06:13 PM

there are lots of potential side effects which is part of the reason I have not dove in. But my urologist will want a report back on the effects so I do need to run the experiment before my next urology appt not till Nov.

sebbie 08-23-2014 07:48 PM

That was, well ,...interesting
So I picked out one of my favorite classic pairs of thong underwear, a black 2x(ist) that is no longer being sold. That one always excites me very easily into precumming because it cinches up almost excruciatingly tight againt the perineum area, puching all my male parts front and forward. In the pre-surgery days I would be precumming even before I got it on.

What happens now is I get out of my white briefs and I immediately shoot a short stream of urine, which I conveniently collect with a handy towel, before I even get myself into the wonderful thong. Once this is over I pull on the thong, and I immediately notice that now the liquid is primarily precum not urine. I kick back and enjoy myself making the situation tough to deal with by pulling over the thong a little white Bike jock. I'm still precumming.

Then over that I pull on a pair of classic blue, yellow and red compression shorts dating probably from the late 80s. These are both slick and really tight fitting. The neat part is I get a nice penis bulge at this point, with a small damp spot on the shorts right at the tip. This is almost like the olden (aka pre-surgival days) The bulge isnt as large as it once was but it is there...

Things are coming along in a lot of different ways. I am curious if the urine flow that starts the precumming will gradually disappate over time. The tricky part technically is that the prostate used to shut off the urethra almost immediately after the cowpers started oozing, but now I no longer have a prostate.

The intense pressure on the perineum from the snug little thong cord still feels really great, prostate or not, and one of these litle experiences in life that no male should miss out on! I highly recommend experimenting with this to see how your body behaves in such an intense situation. Its unlike anything I have experienced from a swim brief. I am starting to master having sexual fun post prostate surgery. Most of the stuff that I thought was way fun before surgery is still way fun, but maybe in a bit different way.


sebbie 08-23-2014 09:55 PM

Hurrah! Hurrah!
I checked the pouch of the 2x(ist) thong, and it was overflowing with gooey precum from the cowpers. Crystal clear, sticky, viscous. Apparently any urine is thin enough to pass right through but the precum stays. I'm gonna be fine guys, I'm gonna be fine. Have you precummed lately? :-)


sebbie 09-06-2014 06:51 PM

Well, to day I'm on the verge of hitting 5 inches max. My little suit arrived today http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-Boy-ON-T...em1 c447695f1

and that is what did it I'm sure.

Swimwear as rehab therapy! Oh well, if it works it works!

I need to talk to my surgeon about all of this. I'm under an inch of where I was pre-surgery. Slow but consistent gains from week to week. That is useful medical information for sure,


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