Speedo Fantasy Board - Mens Swim Suit Board - Briefs, Bikinis, and More

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sebbie 05-19-2020 01:24 PM

Part CI
Part CI (101)

The role that snug-fitting clothing plays in a guy’s life has always been a topic that has fascinated me. Once I got to an age where I COULD ejaculate, then the question quickly turned to exactly what the circumstances were when this actually happened, involuntarily or with some “overt” help from me.

Think back to the first time in your life that you actually realized that you had ejaculated semen. Some medical references claim that some guys have dry orgasms with repetitive involuntary muscle contractions for some months to actually ‘voiding” any semen. (I am always amused by the sober phrase “voiding semen” as if this were somehow a somber, completely joyless event.)

Anyhow, I don’t recall ever having a dry orgasm. The earliest recollection I recall of voiding semen has me awakening at 2 AM and discovering there was a goofy puddle of something sticky on my pajama leg that if I were lucky, turned into a still noticeable and starchy looking dry stain by morning. Mom said “That is nothing to worry about” but did not tell me anything else (or tell me to see if I could somehow stop doing that. (The limited advice I was getting was somehow both reassuring and in retrospect, amusing).

The first few times this happened the stains were small and almost unnoticeable, but a problem was that they were starting to get bigger. And despite the fact that these events were occurring in the middle of the night, it dawned on me that maybe just maybe I should not be just sleeping right through them. Instead, why not wake up just before this happens and then fall back asleep afterwards?

The other major event in a boy’s life is when he has his first daytime orgasm and voiding of semen. My personal recollection was that I was fond of swimsuits at a very early age especially the ones with the snug nylon liners. And I had a little wading pool in the yard. Oh hot days I would get into my suit, crawl into the pool and just sit in the water for many minutes if not hours. What to do? Why sit and stare at my navel? My penis was drawing my attention away from that as it was starting to feel really good as I sat there and the more I thought about it the better it felt.

Suddenly and somewhat violently (at least I thought so at the time) my penis started to feel really, really good. I was suddenly in a very special place. I was ejaculating into the swimsuit. But conveniently the water in the little pool was going to wash away any evidence. Should I tell mom what had happened to me? Well no, I thought, as she seemed totally unconcerned with the same thing happened to me in bed at night. But, I had just had my first daytime orgasm, and boy was it fun. Plus it was a complete secret. No one knew other than me.

So, I quickly figured out the real reason to try and be in the wading pool on a regular basis, and this became a regular summertime routine. The swimwear soon got connected psychologically to being able to have a secret orgasm. Besides, I was perfecting my bedtime techniques. I was beginning to realize that there was no longer any reason to just wait and see if a nocturnal emission just happened (perhaps at a strange hour like too near the time I needed to wake up for the semen to have time to dry).

Instead, I could kind of “encourage” things along a bit on my own. And the stuff I had pieced together while out in the wading pool was, well, helpful. Why not ejaculate, fully awake, at 11 pm, for example, and the semen stains would have plenty of time to fully dry by early morning? I was making important calculations like this and begging a schedule that had me ejaculating nearly every night.

More generally my fondness for snug=fitting clothing was increasing. I wanted to be in anything that I thought would get me aroused. And I was watching my friends. At that age guys are growing rapidly, and starting to build more muscular bodies, meaning they were quickly outgrowing jeans that were correctly sized in the previous summer. Most parents (mainly the moms) were struggling to keep the boys in close that fit their bigger bodies.

But I noticed an odd thing. At least some of the guys who had clearly outgrown the jeans they wore the past summer were still wearing them this year anyway. Perhaps their parents were too poor to buy them jeans that fit. No, the guys seemed to actually like the fact that the jeans a bit fit tight in the thigh, short in the ankle, and, seemingly most importantly, snug in the butt. The fact that the jeans were now worn but now body-conforming seemed now to be a plus, not a minus. What was going on here?

I grew up in a Western-focused community, and a modified cowboy look was very popular. Wrangler cowboy-cut jeans complete with the Wrangler patch on the right rear pocket was a very popular look, and part of the look is the fact that the jeans fit close to the body but especially so in the butt and thighs.

Stretch denim had yet to be invented, and jeans routinely shrunk when washed a few times. This meant that jeans that were merely snug when purchased after a few washings were, well, quite body-conforming.

I remember being in the local store in search for a pair of Wrangler jeans. Another guy was also shopping and trying jeans on. He complained to the clerk that a particular pair of jeans was OK but he was actually in search of a pair that fit snugger in the thigh and in the butt. I suspect the clerk was concerned that any snugger cut or smaller size would be too tight to wear after a few washings, but that did not seem to concern the guy at all. The whole idea was that when the jeans were laundered, they would have to conform to the guy’s body exactly even if this required some effort to get into the jean. The tighter the fit, the better, and a bit of a struggle getting in and out of the jeans was part of that.

At that point in time I got to thinking about the predicament the guy would find himself in if he got a hard-on wearing those. But maybe, just maybe that was what he was hoping for. These are the kinds of questions one never gets answered.

As time wore on, stuff kept getting snugger and tighter for me as well. In the back of my mind I was worried the potential about the embarrassment of having an “involuntary voiding” of semen even as I was enamored with being able to keep maintaining a nice semi hard-on as the day went on.

To be continued…

sebbie 06-11-2020 12:33 PM

Just Having Fun!
Just Having Fun!

A guy’s early experiences with his post-puberty body may at first seem all but inconsequential, but leave an indelible imprint on what a guy continues to enjoy doing throughout his life. I have always found this statement to be both weird and interesting. At one time I thought that perhaps I was the only one “affected” in this way, but I have gradually come to the conclusion that other guys have the same “problem” or “hang up”.

Bluntly put, a guy’s first experience in ejaculating contains equal parts “scary” and “fun” At least, that is the mindset I had the first time “it” happened to me. At the same time, was scared stiff (no pun intended), but enjoying myself with wonderful sensations that I had never experienced before.

So, I want each of my readers to think back to the very first ejaculatory experience each of you have had in the daytime and were wide awake. What exactly were the circumstances that sent this “unfortunate” event off? Of course, this was not an unfortunate event at all, but an extraordinarily wonderful, happy event. Psychological and sexual nirvana. Of course, you thought the sensations were great fun in addition to being scary.

For most guys, I suspect your first wide-awake experience was not with a sexual partner or even in the presence of a possible sexual partner. Someone else may have inadvertently been there, but having this happen in the presence of a sibling, parent or male peer added complexity to the situation and you might still be psychologically affected by the fact that this happened to you in an “embarrassing” situation. Guys quickly learn that they should keep utterly silent to anyone around them about anything that happens ejaculation-wise. [This at least holds until guys learn that they can make money uploading ejaculation videos to a porn Web site, but they learn that much later! And most of these hide the face (identity) of the ejaculator. Same deal, interestingly! ]

So what set you off way back? I guess it should come as no surprise that personally my first experience of this sort occurred while I was wearing swimwear. I saw photos of guys in Sears and Wards catalogs modeling brief-style suits and wanted very much to be in the same place they were in. The suits they were wearing just HAD to feel really good. All I had was a boxer-style suit, but, oddly enough, the nylon lining was essentially a brief suit underneath. For now, that would have to do!. But at that age I was so horny and easily aroused that was plenty. The rest was history.

Then my two male cousins from the West Coast showed up and they both wore swim briefs on a more or less steady basis and had no issues doing that even if they were not near a body of water. How I admired them! But I was well into college before I got my first real swim brief. By then I was living alone and could enjoy myself whenever I wanted to. Many of my suits have taken a lot of this sort of “abuse” over the years and I have enjoyed every minute of it. Every, every second!

For a long time I kept wondering if there are other guys out there who grew up with a similar fondness for swim briefs. Do I have some weird psychological “disorder” of some sort, or is this common among guys?I also keep wondering about the gay/straight thing. If there is a fondness for swim briefs as masturbation aids, should this be thought of as somehow being a “gay indicator”? Or do many other guys who deem themselves straight have the same “swim brief” affliction? This is a puzzle I have never totally resolved.

Many of you are aware that I had my prostate removed in 2014, and one of the side effects of the surgery is the inability to get a spontaneous erection. The orgasm muscles still work, but orgasms are just OK without an erection. The good news is that for some guys the ability to get an erection sometimes gradually returns over time. The tricky part is that normally guys get erections because of some weird mixture of the physical and the mental, and no two guys are the same in this regard. I wanted to see if I could improve my situation over time by using a variety of methods, a vibrator, a little estim device, a VED device. All of these are devices for treating erectile dysfunction in all its forms irrespective of the cause but they are also used purely for recreation. But what excites a guy varies a lot from one guy to another. After surgery a lot of guys are looking to get enough of an erection to have penis/vagina sex with the wife.

So, fast forward 50 years. I am 72 years old and likely about 60 years past my first wonderful-but-scary daytime ejaculatory experience. Every night I have been running “experiments” using the various devices. Vibrator or estim first, then the VED. But I usually come out of the VED being, well, quite big and hard. I like to then see if I can take myself to yet another level without going into an orgasm. I’m “edging” as in getting close to the edge of not being able to control myself but staying just on this side. Being there is fun. Way, way fun! Really, really fun! And the next day I can pick up where I left off, pretty much, but I will keep feeling hornier and hornier as the days go by. The tricky part is to learn how to do this over multiple days.

So, what next? Why I pull out a swim brief, a little blue “Club Swim” Euro brief with a 28 inch waist that I can barely fit myself into. This fits like a Seobean or Aqux brief and doesn’t quite cover my “Y” in back. And the “comfortable” place for my still-somewhat-erect penis is “up”. Funny, I feel down there. My penis seems to like where it is at very much. I am suddenly 12 again and am feeling really good. I’m not scared any more. I’m just enjoying myself.

I sleep soundly through the night. I awake and feel myself down there. My penis is still pointed up, and feels somewhat hard. If my penis is happy my outlook on life is good. I want to keep going today. Continue to enjoy myself. I discard the brief which now has a neat little precum stain on the lining where my penis tip has lain all night long. I still feel horny as all get out.

I slip on that “mean” little 2x(ist) thong I am so fond of, and over that my asics wrestling singlet. Today will be a fine day. Meanwhile I have learned a lot from watching porn videos. The guys in the videos are using vibrators as well as a variety of estim and VED devices for recreational masturbation. And interestingly, some of them are also edging in the sense that they are employing these devices over several days and seeing exactly how long they can go without having an orgasm. Watching other guys attempt this is interesting. I’m 4 days past my last orgasm. This keeps getting tougher and tougher to do, but at the same time each day somehow gets more and more enjoyable. Weird fun!

The guys in the videos are doing this as recreational masturbation and not treating any physical issue. The idea of forcing me to sleep in a really tight-fitting swim brief is mine, however, and adds a new dimension to the entire experience. I want to do that some more! Lots more in fact!

Oh, and I have come to the conclusion that the main reason most swim briefs have a front lining is not to better hide one’s penis when the brief is wet, but to provide an additional layer of “protection” when a guy precums in the brief so that a trail of tiny wet stains do not show on the front of the brief before he dives into the water!


sebbie 07-08-2020 12:48 PM

Part CII
Part CII

I have written any number of times about my experiences in sleeping in thongs, straps with cups and other snug-fitting garb, but last night I was playing around by and with myself once again, and I ended up having a wonderful night. I got to thinking that maybe my readers would like to hear the details of exactly what I did to and with myself that made for so much fun all night long, with the idea that maybe there would be some things my readers might wish to do as well.

Both physically and psychologically, what I do ends up being way fun. Doing this successfully combines a mix of the psychological and the physical. I love wearing thongs—always have—it’s the combination of the elastic cord or band that cuts snuggly between my glutes and the idea of getting my penis and balls all positioned inside a pouch that never seems to have quite an adequate amount of room. For a lot of guys who like to wear thong underwear and swimwear The whole idea of just getting into one with everything in place becomes an erotic experience given the attention a guy needs to place on making certain that all parts of the male anatomy is where it should be.

Last night, as my “challenge” I picked out an old black swim thong from Koala Swim. These are the ones with a very narrow front pouch and a really tight fitting rear band that has to fit between the glutes. Getting into the thong posed a fun challenge for me. A proper fit pushes the penis and balls upward and forward even as the thong back disappears between the glutes. Keep in mind that I am going to be wearing this through the entire night if all goes as planned. Great fit and feel once everything is in.

Next up, I am going to be wearing a strap with a cup over the thong. And, of course, I am an old school strap guy. I like the flat cups like the guys wore in the 1960s, not the roomier “Banana Style” cups. Now keep in mind that the thong is pushing a guy forward and upward into the strap cup, even as the cup itself is putting pressure downward. Think about this. Two opposing forces providing tension in opposite directions with my penis stuck between the opposing forces.

I’ve said this before, but the best straps and cups are the ones that fit so snug that they can only fully contain a flaccid penis. Penises and jock cups have an interesting relationship. Somehow, penises seem to know when they are about to get crammed into a space that leaves almost no room for expansion. Invariably, they take advantage of whatever space is there right up to the walls of the cup. In the process, with the cup containing the expansion, penises are capable of generating some marvelous sensations in that limited space. Sensations that can drive a guy bonkers if he just thinks about it for very long.

I have often wondered about how much of this is physical and how much is linked to the fact that the guy psychologically knows that his penis is going to be cramped for space. Sexual sensations always seem to be this goofy mix of the two. The uncertainty about what will happen only adds to both the psychological and physical enjoyment. It is this same mix of feelings that sometimes makes guys very wary about wearing straps with cups for the very first time. But this is also an extraordinarily fun place to be.

So I am in my black Koala swim thong, and have my TruFit old-school strap and cup over. What Next? Why a Dolphin Swim brief, of course. The Dolphin is black with red on the sides—classic old school swim brief that covers the thong, strap and cup and holds the cup firmly in place. This looks neat and feels even neater.

By now, I’m feeling, well, more than a little horny. The thong is squeezing itself between my glutes, and my penis feels like it is in another place entirely. Is it the thong pouch that is doing this to me, the firmly positioned cup, or some of both? Can’t tell! Who cares! Whatever is happening I am feeling absolutely great down there. The cup is pressing down on me and my penis knows that space to expand is really limited. Can I fall asleep this way? Good question.

I tap on the cup and my penis notices. I press harder on the cup with my hand. My penis likes that a lot. But in this situation it is impossible to have an orgasm while still in the cup. It’s frustrating, but, at the same time I am savoring my predicament moment by moment. This is why the phrase “delicious agony” was invented I guess. I try to adjust the cup a bit, but that only seems to make matters worse, or maybe better. My penis is absolutely loving the situation it is in. Goofy, wonderful fun. Delicious! Delicious!

So I do soon fall asleep thinking to myself that other guys need to experience what is happening to me . My body is great. It’s letting me drift off still in delicious agony.

I awaken but not till 5 AM. Still feeling great down there. I made it through the night without awakening at 2 AM to tear everything off. I finally get up at 6:30 and tear everything off. My black thong has some really neat wet precum stains in the pouch, about quarter-dollar sized. I still have not had an orgasm. I get up and start writing this.

A great part about all of this is that if I can avoid having an orgasm today I will be even hornier tonight and I can repeat the process once again. This is great technique for learning the nuances of how to edge. The pressure and need to ejaculate keeps building night after night. Some guys are able to go for a week or longer without ejaculating but this keeps getting tougher and tougher to do. But testing yourself this way is part of the fun. At some point I will break too, but not for now! Not now!

I like it! I like it! Enjoy yourself! I always do.

sebbie 07-09-2020 01:29 PM


Day 2
Every guy knows that a lot of the fun associated with just being a guy has to do with having orgasms and ejaculations. Guys pick up on that idea at a very early age. But male sexuality is more complicated than simply the sheer pleasure of ejaculating, way more complicated. Throughout their post-pubescent lives guys keep learning new things about themselves and their bodies.

Some of my readers may think that what I am talking about is relationship-driven, as in who a guy has sex with or not and why. I never want to be accused of ignoring the psychological aspect of male sexuality, not at all. Sexuality is always a crazy goofy mixture of the emotional and the physical. What feels good or not on part depends on who a guy is with, or not.

I am a strong advocate of the idea that partner sex is not the place for any guy to first discover who he is as a sexual human being. On order to be successful a guy needs to first understand who he is as an individual, single human being with male sex organs. This involves learning an array of self-pleasuring techniques. Perhaps more succinctly put, learning the techniques of masturbation. Instead of treating solo sex as an inferior activity that guys should never do, I am going to suggest that every guy make way to elevate masturbation to an important part of his daily life.

What I am saying may be tricky to do. I have written at length about the problems teenagers may face in dealing with this at home, and then as college students living in a dorm room or a fraternity house. Some guys seem destined to be constantly stuck in situations where they are never able to have any real privacy as single guys and tjis is unfortunate. Some of the best solo sex methods take time to implement, and this becomes more and more of an issue if a guy seldom has any time by himself. I think a lot of guys probably end up having sex with partners in part because that is the release when the privacy a guy seeks when playing with himself is restricted or absent entirely.

Besides, mastering solo sex ultimately can make you better at what you need to be able to do when you are having sex with a partner. And what you need to be able to do specifically is NOT see how fast you can get an erection and go into a full-scale semen-producing orgasm…Everything about partner sex is intertwined with being able to come slowly and deliberately. The guys who thought they were somehow studs because they could masturbate to orgasm in the bathroom in 60 seconds are not the winners but the losers here.

Besides, assuming you are having sex with a female, you have probably found out that women can have multiple orgasms within a single sexual encounter—or none at all. Women just don’t fit the male mode of getting quickly into a single, gigantic orgasm that blows them away all at once like some guys who think they are good at having sex do. For a woman, a sexual encounter is a much more complicated thing than that. To be successful at satisfying a woman a guy must first learn how to get hard and stay hard for a long period of time without ejaculating. This is tricky stuff, generally not learned by quickly masturbating behind a closed bathroom door.

What does all of this have to do with swim briefs, compression shorts, jock straps and other gear guys are fearful of? A great source of anxiety for a lot of guys is that they are inadvertently going to get a hard-on at a time and in a place where there is no obvious sexual encounter about to take place, and that this will be embarrassing or lead to peer bullying. So guys avoid any item of clothing that could get themselves into that situation. But then once guys marry and attaining an age, the greatest fear then becomes NOT being able to get a hard-on in the presence of their sexual partner. Funny how all of this reverses itself as a guy gets older.

Male sexuality can be a lot more fun if a guy can learn how to get horny and hard WITHOUT immediately concluding with a full scale orgasm, and in this regard, the various items of snug-fitting clothing can play a critical role in helping a guy accomplish this over longer periods of time. The only question is what specific clothing item works for a guy and this can be very individualized. The fascination that a lot of guys seem to have with snug-fitting jeans currently seems to fit right into this. Some guys pick out jeans simply because they like how the jeans feel on their bodies which, translated means they feel horny wearing them

I’m convinced that guys’ fondness for tighty whitey briefs in the middle of the 20th century was connected to this as well. What happened since then is more interesting in that the tight-fitting compression gear and ordinary daily underwear has largely merged into one. Guys picking out underwear are still thinking in terms of what will make them feel horny without causing them to unexpectedly go into a powerful orgasm.

The idea of being able to stay aroused but not to the point of going into a full-scale orgasm seems to now captivate a lot of guys, and from the standpoint of enjoying one’s sexuality as well as having sex with a partner I see this as being a very good thing. Further, guys without sexual partners can still have intense pleasure as well. It’s all a matter of “reading” your own body. Does wearing a skimpy swim brief as underwear under your tight-fitting skinny jeans make you feel even more aroused than wearing something bought specifically as underwear? Go right ahead! How about a jock strap as underwear? Do your thing! Whatever makes you happy down there is the correct choice.

So the guys on the porno sites sometimes engage in sessions that last for days in which they attempt to get very aroused but not quite to the point of having an uncontrollable orgasm. Each day they get harder and harder, and with each day that passes it becomes more and more difficult to keep from ejaculating. But that is part of the fun, because the guy somehow knows that when he does finally ejaculate, it is going to be really powerful.

So last night I went into day two of my edging experiment. Another thong. Another strap, another thong and another swim brief. Once again I made it through the night without an orgasm. The cup I was wearing fit really really snug, a goofy-tight fit and I couldn’t do a thing about it.

But as I write this on my computer this morning I am feeling really horny. Unresolved. I’m already thinking about what I might try wearing tonight, to make things even more difficult to deal with. Coping! Male sexuality is all about coping, and doing things to, with and by yourself is a key element of all of that. You too can learn to cope.

Have Fun!

microbikinidave 07-09-2020 05:56 PM

Many good points made!!
I joined the Board hoping to find a like-minded community of guys who, whether gay or straight, revel in the eroticism of their bodies in general and sexuality in particular. Well, I'm VERY pleased! I fully agree with the points made about male sexuality being a life-long process of discovery and pleasure! I take specific steps daily to not only care for my health and body in general, but also my orgasmic abilities in particular, especially good cumshots. Your comments about the angst many guys put themselves through in regards to clothes in general, and underwear and swimwear in particular, are right on point. Geez, they don't realize what they are missing out on! I have always worked to have time and privacy to masturbate, utilizing the "external and internal squeezes" to prolong the sensations, with some rip-roarin' cumshots all the way to my neck!! I noted in my "Cumshot Confidential" post about the Kegel exercises I do. I'm pleased to report that, at age 68, my initial spurt still goes about 1 foot! I enjoy watching cumshot videos, but have noticed something which puzzles me in regards to a number of the porn actors. They are trying to jack off without any lubricant!! They don't look happy, and their cumshot may not be very large (or enjoyable;OUCH!). They have great bodies, but you wonder if they are REALLY ENJOYING their sexuality!! (Maybe not!) In regards to my first, concious (non-wet-dream) ejaculation, here is my story. Scene: Taking a bath. Privacy. Erections came easy and were fascinating! Soaping up. Hard-ons are easy to wash. Hey, that stroking feels goooood! Let's keep this up a while...whooa...feels like I'm gonna piss!!! WHAM! Several thick spurts of creamy fluid GOOSHED out of my cock!! WOW!!!:):):) Off to the races ever since, and I'm starting to think I could show those gay porn actors a thing or two! I'm looking forward to comments as well as first-cumshot experiences from other Board members.

sebbie 07-17-2020 01:26 PM


As a teenager growing up, I probably spent an inordinate time focusing on the sensations I was feeling in my groin area, and in trying to better understand what was happening to me in my body as I grew just a bit older each day. Compared with today’s teenagers, information sources relating to sexuality, and in particular male sexuality were few. There was no cable TV, no Internet, and certainly few places that one could go to find answers to questions I almost invariably thought were far too complicated and embarrassing to ask anyone.

Still, I was growing up on a farm. Cattle and sheep were breeding ind having lambs and calves regularly. So far as the mechanics of relationship sex occurred in livestock by the time I was 13, I had probably seen a lot more stuff than the “town kids” had, given that the town kids were not raising livestock like I was.

But there was something missing—maybe a lot missing. I knew all but nothing about relationship sex as practiced between two human beings. Of course, I had a loving mom and dad, and the mere fact that I was there said a lot. They were inclined to say nothing about the details of what exactly went on between them. But still, exactly what went on between two human beings with respect to partner sex was largely uncharted territory.

The other interesting part of this story is that about this point in time I discovered that I really liked being a loner, at least most of the time. I had a few close male friends, but most of the other guys seemed to be primarily focused on the females in the class, and were taking early steps in forming bonding relationships with members of the female class. I was never very comfortable chatting with females, even as a lot of the guys seemed to thrive on that. This activity still mostly makes me uncomfortable. Over time I have gradually learned how to cope in such situations where chattering with members of the opposite sex is required, but I still have a desire to get out from the situation as quickly and as painlessly as possible. This is just a place where I do not want to be stuck, and I cannot imagine having to deal with it on a daily basis. The Covid shutdowns have not been a problem for me as I just continue to live my life pretty much the same way I always have---I do not need to interact with other people to be comfortable and that has actually proven now to be a great strength not a weakness.

I suppose that given what you have just read, some of you would perhaps conclude that this is the description of someone who is asexual. But if you have read any of my other chapters here you will probably conclude that is definitely not the case. It is just that being in a sexual relationship with another person is not the center of my life, or for that matter any real part of my life. There are, of course, times that I feel quite horny, but In order to get into that condition generally I have not been mulling over the nuances of how it could be to be having partner sex.

Sexual relationships as a rule do not last forever. Guys get divorced, spouses can die or even just lose interest in sex. And when something like this happens, guys often completely fall apart both mentally and physically. It is here when having a backup plan for enjoying your own male body can really be helpful. And any backup plan of necessity is likely going to involve getting the best out of one’s own body in much the same way guys handled their sexual feelings when they were 12 or 13. Almost invariably we are discussing solo sex here also known as the “M” word.

Now I realize that one of the great taboos in male sexuality is that the vast majority of guys of any age would never care to admit that they now masturbate of even did masturbate at one point in their lives, because the entire male society is built around relationship sex most acceptably with a female partner. And guys who do not regularly get to have sex with a female partner are frowned on as being in an unfortunate but hopefully temporary situation. The wild idea that male sexuality just possibly take on other forms of pleasure is a nonstarter in a relationship-centered society.

Despite what I have just told you, all sorts on interesting sensations come out of my groin area, sometime in the context of this goofy mix of the psychological and the physical. I can easily feel horny even without thinking for an instant about being with a sexual partner. I view this not as a “9defect” of some sort, but rather a talent that allows me to navigate waters that would pose difficulties for guys who are fixated on having partner sex for every release. This whole world of guys getting charged for crimes involving attempting to have sex with a partner who does not want to have sex seems like a crazy place to me—a place so far off in another alien planet that I do not even have to think about it.

What I know for sure is that guys can get horny in situations that do not involve a sex partner or even a potential sex partner. And being horny every guy knows is potentially the first stage in masturbating perhaps to ejaculation and without being fully in control. This possibility drives guys bananas because that means that whatever makes a guy feel horny in such a situation must be immediately shut down or the worst could happen—an uncontrollable and obvious ejaculation that somehow happened when everything went out of control, all right in front of a bunch of his male peers.

We have discussed some of the most interesting instances over and over where guys might worry about this. The classic example is the instance of the swim coach requiring that the team members all wear the team swim brief for the upcoming meet—the little league coach expecting all the players to wear a jock and cup when participating in the sport, but there are others. Just shopping for clothes can be the source of some “strange” feelings for many guys. The current underwear departments seem filled with designs that are meant to make a guy feel horny. It used to be that guys went to Victoria’s Secret to buy sexy clothing for their wives or female partners to wear, but this is considered nowadays not to be a politically-correct thing for a guy to ever do. Nowadays, women may more likely shop for underwear for their MALE sexual partner—designs that are sure to make him get feeling horny as a prelude to having sex.

Then there is the whole parade of compression gear—shorts, tees and running tights that not only fit snuggly but emphasize male bulges in critical areas. What is up with THAT, anyway? And the skinny jeans! Ahh the jeans. Is it good for a guy’s jeans to fit so snug that it is obvious that a guy’s groin area is not shaped the same as that of a female, and how is it that the men’s jeans retailers are selling jeans that are designed to fit so snug that they look like a painted-on second “skin” and how do those feel in the groin? Is it possible to go into an uncontrollable ejaculation simply by wearing a pair of snug-fitting jeans? Of course!

Unlike when a guy is 13, once a guy has grown into adulthood, being able to get horny enough to go into a full-scale ejaculation without being with a sexual partner might be seen as a huge advantage, a useful skill to have mastered, and not a problem of any sort.

To be continued…

sebbie 07-17-2020 01:26 PM


As a teenager growing up, I probably spent an inordinate time focusing on the sensations I was feeling in my groin area, and in trying to better understand what was happening to me in my body as I grew just a bit older each day. Compared with today’s teenagers, information sources relating to sexuality, and in particular male sexuality were few. There was no cable TV, no Internet, and certainly few places that one could go to find answers to questions I almost invariably thought were far too complicated and embarrassing to ask anyone.

Still, I was growing up on a farm. Cattle and sheep were breeding ind having lambs and calves regularly. So far as the mechanics of relationship sex occurred in livestock by the time I was 13, I had probably seen a lot more stuff than the “town kids” had, given that the town kids were not raising livestock like I was.

But there was something missing—maybe a lot missing. I knew all but nothing about relationship sex as practiced between two human beings. Of course, I had a loving mom and dad, and the mere fact that I was there said a lot. They were inclined to say nothing about the details of what exactly went on between them. But still, exactly what went on between two human beings with respect to partner sex was largely uncharted territory.

The other interesting part of this story is that about this point in time I discovered that I really liked being a loner, at least most of the time. I had a few close male friends, but most of the other guys seemed to be primarily focused on the females in the class, and were taking early steps in forming bonding relationships with members of the female class. I was never very comfortable chatting with females, even as a lot of the guys seemed to thrive on that. This activity still mostly makes me uncomfortable. Over time I have gradually learned how to cope in such situations where chattering with members of the opposite sex is required, but I still have a desire to get out from the situation as quickly and as painlessly as possible. This is just a place where I do not want to be stuck, and I cannot imagine having to deal with it on a daily basis. The Covid shutdowns have not been a problem for me as I just continue to live my life pretty much the same way I always have---I do not need to interact with other people to be comfortable and that has actually proven now to be a great strength not a weakness.

I suppose that given what you have just read, some of you would perhaps conclude that this is the description of someone who is asexual. But if you have read any of my other chapters here you will probably conclude that is definitely not the case. It is just that being in a sexual relationship with another person is not the center of my life, or for that matter any real part of my life. There are, of course, times that I feel quite horny, but In order to get into that condition generally I have not been mulling over the nuances of how it could be to be having partner sex.

Sexual relationships as a rule do not last forever. Guys get divorced, spouses can die or even just lose interest in sex. And when something like this happens, guys often completely fall apart both mentally and physically. It is here when having a backup plan for enjoying your own male body can really be helpful. And any backup plan of necessity is likely going to involve getting the best out of one’s own body in much the same way guys handled their sexual feelings when they were 12 or 13. Almost invariably we are discussing solo sex here also known as the “M” word.

Now I realize that one of the great taboos in male sexuality is that the vast majority of guys of any age would never care to admit that they now masturbate of even did masturbate at one point in their lives, because the entire male society is built around relationship sex most acceptably with a female partner. And guys who do not regularly get to have sex with a female partner are frowned on as being in an unfortunate but hopefully temporary situation. The wild idea that male sexuality just possibly take on other forms of pleasure is a nonstarter in a relationship-centered society.

Despite what I have just told you, all sorts on interesting sensations come out of my groin area, sometime in the context of this goofy mix of the psychological and the physical. I can easily feel horny even without thinking for an instant about being with a sexual partner. I view this not as a “9defect” of some sort, but rather a talent that allows me to navigate waters that would pose difficulties for guys who are fixated on having partner sex for every release. This whole world of guys getting charged for crimes involving attempting to have sex with a partner who does not want to have sex seems like a crazy place to me—a place so far off in another alien planet that I do not even have to think about it.

What I know for sure is that guys can get horny in situations that do not involve a sex partner or even a potential sex partner. And being horny every guy knows is potentially the first stage in masturbating perhaps to ejaculation and without being fully in control. This possibility drives guys bananas because that means that whatever makes a guy feel horny in such a situation must be immediately shut down or the worst could happen—an uncontrollable and obvious ejaculation that somehow happened when everything went out of control, all right in front of a bunch of his male peers.

We have discussed some of the most interesting instances over and over where guys might worry about this. The classic example is the instance of the swim coach requiring that the team members all wear the team swim brief for the upcoming meet—the little league coach expecting all the players to wear a jock and cup when participating in the sport, but there are others. Just shopping for clothes can be the source of some “strange” feelings for many guys. The current underwear departments seem filled with designs that are meant to make a guy feel horny. It used to be that guys went to Victoria’s Secret to buy sexy clothing for their wives or female partners to wear, but this is considered nowadays not to be a politically-correct thing for a guy to ever do. Nowadays, women may more likely shop for underwear for their MALE sexual partner—designs that are sure to make him get feeling horny as a prelude to having sex.

Then there is the whole parade of compression gear—shorts, tees and running tights that not only fit snuggly but emphasize male bulges in critical areas. What is up with THAT, anyway? And the skinny jeans! Ahh the jeans. Is it good for a guy’s jeans to fit so snug that it is obvious that a guy’s groin area is not shaped the same as that of a female, and how is it that the men’s jeans retailers are selling jeans that are designed to fit so snug that they look like a painted-on second “skin” and how do those feel in the groin? Is it possible to go into an uncontrollable ejaculation simply by wearing a pair of snug-fitting jeans? Of course!

Unlike when a guy is 13, once a guy has grown into adulthood, being able to get horny enough to go into a full-scale ejaculation without being with a sexual partner might be seen as a huge advantage, a useful skill to have mastered, and not a problem of any sort.

To be continued…

sebbie 07-17-2020 01:26 PM


As a teenager growing up, I probably spent an inordinate time focusing on the sensations I was feeling in my groin area, and in trying to better understand what was happening to me in my body as I grew just a bit older each day. Compared with today’s teenagers, information sources relating to sexuality, and in particular male sexuality were few. There was no cable TV, no Internet, and certainly few places that one could go to find answers to questions I almost invariably thought were far too complicated and embarrassing to ask anyone.

Still, I was growing up on a farm. Cattle and sheep were breeding ind having lambs and calves regularly. So far as the mechanics of relationship sex occurred in livestock by the time I was 13, I had probably seen a lot more stuff than the “town kids” had, given that the town kids were not raising livestock like I was.

But there was something missing—maybe a lot missing. I knew all but nothing about relationship sex as practiced between two human beings. Of course, I had a loving mom and dad, and the mere fact that I was there said a lot. They were inclined to say nothing about the details of what exactly went on between them. But still, exactly what went on between two human beings with respect to partner sex was largely uncharted territory.

The other interesting part of this story is that about this point in time I discovered that I really liked being a loner, at least most of the time. I had a few close male friends, but most of the other guys seemed to be primarily focused on the females in the class, and were taking early steps in forming bonding relationships with members of the female class. I was never very comfortable chatting with females, even as a lot of the guys seemed to thrive on that. This activity still mostly makes me uncomfortable. Over time I have gradually learned how to cope in such situations where chattering with members of the opposite sex is required, but I still have a desire to get out from the situation as quickly and as painlessly as possible. This is just a place where I do not want to be stuck, and I cannot imagine having to deal with it on a daily basis. The Covid shutdowns have not been a problem for me as I just continue to live my life pretty much the same way I always have---I do not need to interact with other people to be comfortable and that has actually proven now to be a great strength not a weakness.

I suppose that given what you have just read, some of you would perhaps conclude that this is the description of someone who is asexual. But if you have read any of my other chapters here you will probably conclude that is definitely not the case. It is just that being in a sexual relationship with another person is not the center of my life, or for that matter any real part of my life. There are, of course, times that I feel quite horny, but In order to get into that condition generally I have not been mulling over the nuances of how it could be to be having partner sex.

Sexual relationships as a rule do not last forever. Guys get divorced, spouses can die or even just lose interest in sex. And when something like this happens, guys often completely fall apart both mentally and physically. It is here when having a backup plan for enjoying your own male body can really be helpful. And any backup plan of necessity is likely going to involve getting the best out of one’s own body in much the same way guys handled their sexual feelings when they were 12 or 13. Almost invariably we are discussing solo sex here also known as the “M” word.

Now I realize that one of the great taboos in male sexuality is that the vast majority of guys of any age would never care to admit that they now masturbate of even did masturbate at one point in their lives, because the entire male society is built around relationship sex most acceptably with a female partner. And guys who do not regularly get to have sex with a female partner are frowned on as being in an unfortunate but hopefully temporary situation. The wild idea that male sexuality just possibly take on other forms of pleasure is a nonstarter in a relationship-centered society.

Despite what I have just told you, all sorts on interesting sensations come out of my groin area, sometime in the context of this goofy mix of the psychological and the physical. I can easily feel horny even without thinking for an instant about being with a sexual partner. I view this not as a “defect” of some sort, but rather a talent that allows me to navigate waters that would pose difficulties for guys who are fixated on having partner sex for every release. This whole world of guys getting charged for crimes involving attempting to have sex with a partner who does not want to have sex seems like a crazy place to me—a place so far off in another alien planet that I do not even have to think about it.

What I know for sure is that guys can get horny in situations that do not involve a sex partner or even a potential sex partner. And being horny every guy knows is potentially the first stage in masturbating perhaps to ejaculation and without being fully in control. This possibility drives guys bananas because that means that whatever makes a guy feel horny in such a situation must be immediately shut down or the worst could happen—an uncontrollable and obvious ejaculation that somehow happened when everything went out of control, all right in front of a bunch of his male peers.

We have discussed some of the most interesting instances over and over where guys might worry about this. The classic example is the instance of the swim coach requiring that the team members all wear the team swim brief for the upcoming meet—the little league coach expecting all the players to wear a jock and cup when participating in the sport, but there are others. Just shopping for clothes can be the source of some “strange” feelings for many guys. The current underwear departments seem filled with designs that are meant to make a guy feel horny. It used to be that guys went to Victoria’s Secret to buy sexy clothing for their wives or female partners to wear, but this is considered nowadays not to be a politically-correct thing for a guy to ever do. Nowadays, women may more likely shop for underwear for their MALE sexual partner—designs that are sure to make him get feeling horny as a prelude to having sex.

Then there is the whole parade of compression gear—shorts, tees and running tights that not only fit snuggly but emphasize male bulges in critical areas. What is up with THAT, anyway? And the skinny jeans! Ahh the jeans. Is it good for a guy’s jeans to fit so snug that it is obvious that a guy’s groin area is not shaped the same as that of a female, and how is it that the men’s jeans retailers are selling jeans that are designed to fit so snug that they look like a painted-on second “skin” and how do those feel in the groin? Is it possible to go into an uncontrollable ejaculation simply by wearing a pair of snug-fitting jeans? Of course!

Unlike when a guy is 13, once a guy has grown into adulthood, being able to get horny enough to go into a full-scale ejaculation without being with a sexual partner might be seen as a huge advantage, a useful skill to have mastered, and not a problem of any sort.

To be continued…

sebbie 07-20-2020 12:46 PM

Part CIV
Part CIV

Male sexual arousal is always this complicated mixture of the psychological along with the physical sensations. Starting at puberty, and maybe before, guys’ psyches are bombarded with the idea that while male sexuality is a lot of fun, the key to being able to enjoy your own body as a male human being is all about building a relationship with a sexual partner—most often female but perhaps another male.

Every guy who has made it through puberty knows that he can easily get aroused and get goofy fun feelings without being in the presence of a sexual partner—but frequently the stimuli still involve activities between two people, say on an Internet video—which the guy is often scared to watch but he does it anyway, in part writing it off as a “learning experience” so he will know exactly what he should do at the point in his life when he does get involved with a real sexual partner.

In another place entirely is the idea that a guy can get sexually aroused to the point of ejaculating without even thinking about being with a sexual partner. Every guy by the time he turns 14 already has had any number of experiences that prove this, but this is one of the darkest secrets of male sexuality as in “I know I jerk off whenever I get in a private enough of a situation that I am relaxed enough so that I won’t be discovered but I would never tell anyone what I have been doing least of all any of my male friends my age”. Guys may even attempt to somehow research the question of what their male peers do and how they handle this part of who they are, but the data are often limited.

Then there is the issue of what exactly is helpful in stimulating arousal in a guy who wants to jerk off on a regular basis. I presume that my readers here have all experienced jerking off while wearing a swim brief. This is the part that gets really interesting. How is it anyway, that the mere act of actually being able to crawl into a swim brief—something that that seems not all linked to a relationship or partner sex—can get a guy so aroused? That is really strange and goofy, or is it? Does the fact that I get turned on this way mean that I am gay and would prefer another guy to a female as a sexual partner? What gives, anyway? If put in the same situation would my peer males have the same “response” to wearing a swim brief? Is this common among guys, or am I the only guy in existence that somehow thinks jerking off in a swim brief might be way fun? What exactly is it about the swim brief that sets me off, arousal wise? It seems crazy, but I also like being in this situation a lot except that I sure hope no one else ever finds out that I have this weird “affliction”?

A fun mind-game is to think back at the first time you actually got your own swim brief. What are the details of your personal experience? Were you a swimmer and this was a requirement for all the team members? Did you ask your parents to buy you one because you “needed” it for school? Did you get to go shopping for your brief on your own? And how did you feel physically and psychologically when all of this was going on? Were you aroused simply by thinking about what was happening? Did you have male peers you knew were “stuck” in the same situation and if so how were they coping?

Now, guys generally don’t get a hard-on every time something touches the penis, and that is fortunate. But by the time a guy turns 14 he already knows that merely wearing clothing covering the groin will not likely get him an instant erection, and guys are thankful for that. Still, by age 14 guys know that their penises are quite sensitive to certain kinds of rubbing or touching. Heck, a successful jerk-off session is all about rubbing all the right places in just the right way. But one could make the case that the same holds true for successful partner sex. There are nerve endings down there, and they are nerves that love being stimulated that way. This is at the heart of who we are as males for goodness sakes.

I’ve thought long and hard about what makes a swim brief so special with regard to sending fun signals to arousal central. I think it’s a combination of things. Penises love being in snug places, but especially snug spaces with slick and smooth walls. And the fabric of a swim brief not only fits snuggly, but is way slick and smooth. Maybe not as snug, slick and smooth as the walls of a vagina, but still a fascinating place to have one’s anatomy inside.

All I know is that I wanted to have a swim brief from the very first time I saw a guy wearing one, but a particular turn-on for me was seeing a guy’s penis outline pointed upward with the underside of his penis pressed firmly against the slick, stretchy pouch cloth. That guy must really be enjoying his situation and I really want to be in the same situation he is in.

Does my fascination with this mean I have a gay side? Would any gay guy be turned on just by seeing a guy wearing a swim brief pointed up like this? Well, swim briefs do seem to play more of a role in the gay world than in the straight world, but I can only guess.

Getting back to the main story here, another question is what was your first experience that happened after you crawled into the swim brief that you got for the very first time. I would have been horny as all get out in that regard and wanting to “try it on” to experience the sensations as soon as I thought I could get some privacy. What I would have really had in mind was to break-in the brief by jerking off in it to ejaculation. Then I would have had to rinse off the ejaculate and allow it to dry. But I would have been thinking that maybe if I got this over with for one time I would be starting to get “used” to the idea of wearing it, and the second time would not be as traumatic (or fun) and so on, so that I could eventually wear the brief without any fear at all of uncontrollably going into an orgasm. Or maybe not. My big question would have been whether the other guys my age were also having to deal with something very similar to what I was going through. Had they known what happened to me, some of my peers may have tried to claim that my ejaculating in the swim brief was clear evidence that I was gay, and that is not something most guys would want to have happen. Dark secrets here.

Jerking off in a swim brief is not something that a guy suddenly loses interest in doing as he enters young adulthood. More generally sex therapists like to say that guys gradually quit jerking off alone so much as they build bonds with sexual partners. If so, this means that jerking off in a swim brief is not something most married guys would ever do because partner sex is both better and more enjoyable. What does a guy do if he still is fond of jerking off in a swim brief after he has established bonds with whoever wants to be a sexual partner? If that partner finds out about the guy’s “affliction” how will the partner cope? The whole subject of solo male sex poses some knotty issues for guys but I presume more so for straight guys with female partners than for gay guys, given that most women are taught that she should be the sole source of sexual pleasure for a guy, and a guy jerking off in a swim brief simply does not compute in that world. For two gay guys, the idea of mutually enjoying a swim brief jerk-off session seems tame as both guys are on the same page sexually.

Still, the question I always have is that there seems to be a lot more sales of swim briefs on line than I see swimmers wearing briefs at the pool or beach. Might it be that many guys buy these simply because they enjoy jerking off in them? Maybe I am not alone in this respect.:)

To be continued…

microbikinidave 07-20-2020 07:00 PM

The "Big Picture" of jacking off!
Here is what I mean by the "Big Picture:" let's assume we are dealing with a straight couple who work out regularly and love wearing micro-wear at the beach (and wear micro-underwear as well). They have a strong and satisfying sex life and marriage, and are faithful to each other. Like other guys, this gentleman began jacking off at an early age, and really likes it. Now, say his wife is out of town for a few days attending a conference in connection with her job. Our guy friend is going to enjoy jacking off while she is gone. And what do you suppose our lady friend is going to do as well with that rather LONG, FIRM "helper" she made sure to pack?:):) Soon, she's back home and they are "together" again. Both enjoyed periods of satisfying masturbation when they could not be together. And there is another good reason for any guy, gay or straight, to be good at jacking off WHEN he has a partner: he can jack off while his partner enjoys watching and shoot several spurts on his partner's boobs (or pecs!) and abs! He can also jack off and shoot several spurts for oral cumshots or facials. So there is a lot to be said for jacking off throughout life!:):)

sebbie 07-26-2020 02:13 PM

Part CV
Part CV

So, human sexuality is this goofy combination of physical sensations having to do with nerves and touch, and the mental/psychological part which frequently but not always has to do with the visual. Once a guy reaches puberty, it takes awhile for all of this to settle in. I’ve sometimes thought that as adults many guys still do not fully understand the complexities of the situation they must now confront.

If I were to watch TV or the movies, I would probably come to the conclusion that sexuality is all about the attraction that two people have for each other, normally on a visual level. Yet there have been movies made which focus on the idea that even blind guys can and do regularly get turned on sexually obviously without visual stimuli of any sort.

Generally the commercial movies end up being focused on relationship sex mostly straight M-F sex but a minor category being movies that contain some aspect of gay M-M or F-F partner sex. This latter category generally is treated not as would otherwise could be major commercial releases but as something generically called “art” films, and a subcategory designed to appeal to people who are not, you know, straight. This is a relic of the old days when it was generally believed by the public that gays somehow had something “wrong” with them. But then apparently the movie market says that relationship movies that make lots of money need to feature people who are having sex with a partner of the other sex and whatever else there is has yet to be fully sorted out.

Another interesting aspect of all of this is how the porn sites subdivide and categorize videos. Apparently a lot of people want to watch heterosexual couples engaging in penis-vagina sex with nothing left to the imagination about what part fits where, and this becomes a giant straight category.

Then there is another big category of videos that feature a guy having some form of sex (usually oral or anal) with another guy. And this becomes a portion of a giant “gay” category of porn videos.

But there are other videos—solo sex videos—in which, at least on the male side, is revealed how a guy might engage in doing himself to orgasm (or just get really turned on) without a sexual partner. Oddly enough, all these videos get tossed into the gay sex pile apparently as if the only guys who masturbate are, in fact, gay.

Of course, this is a patently false assumption. I do not doubt that there are some gay guys who would be interested in this whole subject matter of how to engage in solo sex, but, oddly enough a pile of straight guys might be more than a little interested as well.

Think about this. As a young teen I was learning the nuances of who I was as a guy and I seemed to uncover a new way to enjoy my own body nearly every day. This all would have been great fun had I not been so worried and apprehensive about what I was doing by, to and with myself. And everything I was learning was a dark secret not to be revealed to anyone.

Of course I had male peer friends. But the last thing I would have ever have done would have been to get up the nerve to ask one of them if he was having the same “problem” as I am having and surely not quizzing him about what he was doing specifically to deal with the ongoing situation. A worst-case scenario would have been for the guy to come back at me and say he had none of this problem I had described, why am I asking such silly questions. Worse, he might respond by saying that engaging in such solo activities was something real guys (as in guys interested in females, sexually) would never do that. Further, if I liked doing that to myself that was a sign that I was actually gay at least in part. Real guys were female-focused for all their turn-on activities.

I would have been devastated had that happened and certainly I did not want to even begin to verbalize my thoughts on the subject. I would argue that growing up the vast majority of guys exist in the place I was in, never learning more from others than I did. The vast majority of guys never get to the point where they even talk openly about such questions for the reasons I have cited, let alone get involved in a circle jerk or other overt sexual activity with one or more male peers. And they enter adulthood, marriage and all the rest still being stumped by what exactly was going on down there when they were teenagers.

Then there are the physical aspects of it all. Growing up I quickly discovered that it was fun to wear snug-fitting clothing, items such as underwear, swimwear, snug-fitting jeans. I was relying on peer observation. I noticed that other guys my age seemed to like some of the same clothing items I did—cousins who wore tight jeans and wore swim briefs to bed, for example. The mystery always was whether they were doing this because these items tended to arouse them as well, or did they wear these items simply because that was the popular style of the day. I would have never dared ask this question openly, just observe, and to this day I still have no idea what the answer might have been had I ever dared ask the question. It was just something guys did not want to talk about with anyone.

So fast forward to adulthood. A lot of guys grew up in a system that probably was no more open about such issues than the guys were when I was growing up. If any adult male is OK with getting into the “gay” section of the porn video sites, many of the questions you might have had with respect to whether or not what you did by yourself as a young teen was normal or not can probably be answered, and you might just uncover some fun new ways to masturbate that had not occurred to you before. Some guys are quite creative in this regard, and may be able to teach you a thing or two with regard to how to do techniques for messing with your own body down there.

Of course, you may not want to do this because you believe what you were told by peers when you were 14 that masturbation was something only gay guys were interested in doing and that if you like it that much then surely deep down you must be gay. If you believe that, I am not going to try and help you. On the other hand…

To be continued…

sebbie 08-13-2020 06:42 PM

Part CVI
Part CVI

Like many of my readers I am sure, I have time that I use better when writing on a variety of topics. The other “problem that I have being here is that somehow my mind drifts toward thinking about how I can use the free time to pleasure myself. Nothing remotely dangerous of course, and nothing even involving a sexual partner. Just me here, sitting alone, thinking up ways to make myself happy. My overall happiness almost always entails creating some neat sensations down there. When I was younger—much younger—I was at least a little bit embarrassed that I was having these thoughts—thinking about ways to make my private parts do stuff that would make me feel good in my head. One of the loopy aspects of all of this is that most people seem to think it is OK to feel good in your groin area if you are in a relationship with a partner, but if you are alone, this means that if you start to figure out ways to pleasure yourself sexually you are somehow doing stuff that you somehow “should not be doing.” Culturally, there still exist strong forces that say male self-pleasuring is something that should never be done—a definite no-no. Never mind that every guy engages in it and I am not even sure if some guys more than others.

Over the decades I have managed to build a large collection of items that I like to use when I am feeling like I am feeling right now. None of these items are dangerous though a few some might see as silly. I have a very large collection of swimming briefs and thongs, jock straps some with cups and some without, compression gear, running tights, and really snug fitting compression tees and blue jeans. Plus some one-of-a-kind items I won’t go into explaining here. And of course I have always been a big fan of tighty whitey and even thong underwear, so I have plenty of those as well. As a single guy living alone who thoroughly enjoys pleasuring myself, it has been great fun to have such a collection. I keep finding different ways to have fun and I have not run out of ideas.

Today I am doing some layering. I have long thought layering garments over other garments was a fascinating way to stimulate myself, with more fun happening as the fit gets snugger and the layers increase. I would recommend this approach to any guy who wants to determine exactly where his psychological and physical limits in this regard are. Young guys tend to be very wary of getting into a situation where they might go off in an unreasonable time or place, and many are so anxious that they avoid wearing any clothing that could accidentally get a guy in that situation.

As I grew older I discovered that I had attained somewhat more ejaculatory control than I had as a teenager, and wearing clothing in public that made me feel horny was no longer something that I needed to be that concerned about. The net impact was that I started wearing snugger and tighter fits as daily wear though gradually getting tighter and tighter. Some guys seem to think that the only fun part of being horny is getting to the ejaculation part, but that is not true. It is the trip not the destination—the path a guy takes from the moment he says to himself that “I feel horny” that is the really enjoyable experience. The ejaculation part—however much mind-blowing fun—is merely the cherry on the top of the bowl of ice cream. It is the journey that got you there that is the really important part.

So, I am doing some layering today. I start with a little thong underwear—the kind I like are the once where the pouch holds my penis and balls securely and the rear that cinches up really snug between my glutes.

Over the thong goes an old school jock strap, and today it is one without a hard plastic cup.

Over that goes an old pair of black Bollinger compression shorts that fit really really tight. And a black compression tee on top.

I bought some really neat ultra-snug-fitting blue jeans from Hollister around Christmas time and I have not had a chance to wear them to go anywhere. Made of stretch denim size 30W x 30I, these get pulled up over all the other layers and fit through my thighs and calves like a second skin. I think they look great as well. This is the same size I wore when I was 19, but I fill them out a lot better now.

I am now feeling, well, both cheerful and horny as I write this all down. I like how I am feeling very much and I am most anxious to soon get on one of my stationary rowing machines for a half hour more today. Clad this way I know the time on the machine will pass quickly and I love how that thong cinches up between my glutes with every stroke of the machine.


sebbie 08-18-2020 05:55 PM

Guys have always had something of a love-hate relationship with their cups. The whole idea of wearing a hard cup as part of a guy’s protective gear for participating in certain sports—football, baseball, Karate—d oes not come easy for most guys. Another basic problem is that more often then not guys are often first confronted with the idea of wearing a cup at about the same time they are confronted with all sorts of other things happening down there—things that they have had little experience with trying to control effectively. Everything that happens down there seems new and strange, with the whole idea of the situation somehow being exciting and, at some level wonderful being only an afterthought.

Any “normal” guy is quite sensitive to any situation where he thinks there is a possibility that his penis will be touched in some new or unexpected way. Loose-fitting shorts present less of a problem in this regard than snug-fitting shorts. In swimming, jammers somehow are usually less of a problem than a swim brief might be. But anything that fits snug in the groin and around the penis is a potential “cause” for concern.

Too, every guy at some point believes that he is the only one among his male friends that has this problem, and that he somehow has an issue because he gets hard (or at least semi-hard) when confronted with whatever clothing situation he is facing. The other guys like to act as if they have no issue with all of this—and true, there is an “I’ve gotten used to wearing this so Ha Ha you may have an issue but I surely do not.” The thought that there are other guys who can “tolerate” wearing nearly anything down there no matter the fit is not reassuring.

Hard cups designed for use with athletic supporters, as well as the traditional rubberized athletic supporters have been around for a long time. But over the years manufacturers have made a number of changes designed to make the cups more “comfortable” to wear. The question here is what specifically are we now referring to when a discussion of a hard cup designed to secure and protect a guy’s penis is the issue at hand.

Part of this relates more generally to a guy’s anatomy and the fact that males have male organs that are largely separate from the rest of the male body and for various reasons these are constructed in such a way to be at least somewhat out in the open air. But then if a guy wants to participate in an athletic sport it is probably best to tie everything down somewhat and for the male organs to not go flopping around every which way when the guy is merely actively engaged in the sport. One of the functions of a swim brief is to secure a guy’s male body parts so they aren’t flopping around back and forth with every swim stroke. In short, a snug fit makes a whole lot of sense when swimming on for a variety of reasons. There are other styles—jammers, square cuts—that could also secure the male body for swimming as well, but to do so the fit would need to be as snug as the brief. No loose-fitting shorts would work at all without at minimum having a lining mimicking a swim brief, and then there are other issues if the goal is to be able to move quickly through the water.

Up until about 25 years ago, the vast majority of athletic supporters and cups designed for sports like football and baseball were all made in a similar way. The traditional supporter was made of rubberized elastic material with a waist band typically 2 ½-or 3-inches wide, leg straps but zero coverage in the rear, The cups all fit the same way and looked pretty much the same. The design was made to just barely have enough room to contain a flaccid penis (there were sizes as SM, MED and LRG). Getting your first cup and strap was a male “rite of passage” so to speak. The cup size varied with the waist size. This was a bit odd in part because there is no particular reason why a guy’s waist size and his penis size should be linked. Some guys with big penises have slim waists and some guys with big waists have small penises. But the manufacturers somehow assumed that the guys with the bigger waists must be older and this have bigger penises as well!

The cups were really interesting too. Assuming you were not wearing a strap with an waist too large for you, the cup would press firmly against your groin. And the cup was flat and had just enough room to contain your flaccid penis. The very logical question any guy would have is what would happen if he started to get erect while in the strap and cup. Turns out, this could be stressful, annoying, perhaps a trifle painful or maybe just a bit of fun as well. The cups were designed to keep the guy’s penis “firmly” in one place. With a bit of a hard-on, the guy would see if he could surreptitiously “adjust” the cup in an effort to find a more comfortable spot for his penis to be, but adjusting the cup from the outside usually tended to make the situation worse not better. The guy’s penis would say “I like that” and respond by getting harder not softer only making matters that much worse not better.

So then the “Banana” cup (a trade name) appeared. This was and is a bigger cup with lots more room for a guy’s penis to flop around some inside the cup even if semi-erect. My problem with that is generally I am not sure it is a great idea for a guy’s penis to be flopping around inside a hard cup with every move in a sport. The idea that in sport, a guy’s penis is firmly pinned down in one place still makes a lot of sense to me.

Traditional jock straps and cups are seldom worn for team sports any more. There are on-line companies that sell them though the most important manufacturer, Bike, has ceased operations, and old Bike straps in great condition now fetch a premium price on Ebay. Sport now is largely done employing compression shorts instead of a traditional strap—shorts with a pocket to hold a banana-style cup. The traditional straps and cups that are being sold nowadays primarily go to the guys who like to use them for “recreational” purposes that do not include engagement in a team sport of some sort. On occasion I have worn a strap and cup when doing yard work.

To be continued…

sebbie 08-20-2020 12:43 PM

On being strapped and cupped a footnote
I’m fully strapped and cupped this morning. I’m going out to do a little yard work before the temperature gets too high. I found a little “Riddell” strap with a pouch that holds a cup. The cup today I would describe as a “mini-banana” cup. I think it’s actually a boy’s cup that is shaped like a much smaller version of an adult-sized cup. My penis has a bit of room but not enough to flop around. There is a steady, neat pressure than does not abate on the sides and top of my penis. It’s a neat but subtle sensation, and one I will have to cope with as I do my work.

If I try to touch my penis all I can feel is the hard cup. But oddly enough that still feels neat this morning.
Underneath the strap I have a pair of way undersized tighty whiteys which adds to the fun. Over everything a pair of Tesla compression shorts, and over that a lightweight pair of sweatpants.

I am all set for my yard work. I will likely ooze a bit while I am working but I am always good with that.

Some of you reading this may have never strapped and cupped yourself, and for others, it may have been a long time. This is safe, neat fun. I highly recommend doing so. You might find that you enjoy yourself too and especially like being strapped in for doing normal outdoor work. I certainly do. The experiments are very worthwhile and enjoyable.

sebbie 09-24-2020 01:14 PM


I have grown very fond of edging employing a $15 penis pump from eBay, and have come to believe that getting into and using one of these is just another male “rite of passage” that goes right alongside other male rites of passage such as crawling into your first swim brief, your first jock strap or your first thong. In each of these instances, a lot of males initially seem to be more than a little apprehensive with respect to what might happen to them “down there”, and whether or not psychologically they could deal or cope with what could happen to them.

Therefore, once a guy gets up his nerve to any one of these, in general he wants a degree of privacy to make certain that nothing embarrassing happens that he has to somehow explain or get teased about.

I clearly remember how I tried to deal with the experience of getting into my first swim brief. I was quite apprehensive, to say the least—actually climbing the walls psychologically. I realize that some of that was fear of the unknown, and my penis was simply dealing with the psychological turmoil I was facing. Psychologically scary but really terrific fun at the same time. My penis was sending sensations to my brain I had never felt before (so to speak).

I did not participate in any sports in high school where a strap was mandatory gear. But I was always very curious as to how the guys who got to wear straps (I saw that as being a major benefit to being an athlete) felt wearing them, so the first thing I did after I got out away from my family was to go out and buy myself a strap. Same deal as the swim brief. I was scared but still loving the fit and feel. Soon I was building a collection of straps. I got hooked on the ones that had hard cups that pressed firmly with constant pressure on my sensitive areas. I started wearing a strap and cup even under jeans when doing yard work, and my collection kept growing year-by-year.

Men’s thong underwear did not really come to the US until the late 1980s but when I saw them in the stores I knew I wanted to try them. Same deal, exactly, but I was much older then. I quickly discovered that the area between my glutes was, well, psychologically interesting, and a great way to generate interesting sensations was with a thong that had a back consisting only of an elastic cord that easily cinched up snug between the glutes. As I walked I could feel the cord brushing between my glutes with every step and I was soon, almost instantly, feeling horny. It helped that my penis was encased in a snug pouch too. I started thinking up fun combinations employing thongs with a strap and cup over. I enjoyed myself tremendously, edging my way through the day (and also often, the night).

So, I was serious when I started reading about the use of vacuum penis pumps, sometimes called VED devices as a means of improving erectile function after RP surgery (which I had 6 years earlier) but also as a safe means of maintaining and improving penis health (the blood vessels in the penis atrophy if not regularly engorged with blood). So the urologists are suggesting the use of a VED device as a safe way for anyone who wants to improve their ability to get and maintain an erection with those who have had prostate surgery simply being one category.

I started thinking about “old times"--the fun I had getting into my first swim brief, my first strap, my first cup, my first thong, and some of the grand old feelings of incredible terror mixed with delicious fun came back to me. Getting into the pump was going to be, well, interesting. I ended up going on eBay to discover literally hundreds of vendors selling VED devices without any indication as to them being a medical device but merely a sex toy of sorts, and for the same reason I knew I had to have a swim brief, a strap or a thong, the VED was just another male rite-of-passage, I went on a couple porn sites and found 19 y/o guys enjoying themselves inside VED tubes. Clearly the market for these was drastically bigger than just for guys working on ED issues!

I really like being in such a “predicament” and, as I say, the pure pleasure of getting my first brief, strap or thong was being repeated. The VED device arrived, and of course I was on a psychosexual “high”. I loved the situation I was in. That was in January of 2020.

Since then I have been in a penis pump on a very regular basis—sometimes every night, but sometimes taking a break for a few nights. Taking a break often makes me feel hornier when I do get back in, and I really truly enjoy that.

This is great edging fun. The whole idea is to see how much tension a guy can stand without going into an orgasmic spasm that you cannot control. But the even more interesting situation occurs AFTER you get out of the pump. Lube yourself up with a water based gel lubricant (gel soap works fine) and then see if with manual stimulation you can improve your erection further by applying your fingers to the most sensitive areas. Again the idea is to edge yourself to the very point where you think you might go into an orgasm, but not quite.

So, I was having really great fun last night edging. I love to edge using the penis pump as a starting point. And I decided to not get off at all, but keep adding to the intensity with the thought of maintaining this all night long. So, what did I do? I found one of my old thongs with the elastic cord back and crawled into that. Great fun given the state I am in from having applied the pump and then played with myself afterwards. The cord immediately started giving me some neat sensations.

Then I pulled on a little swim brief—this one my dark navy “Harry Potter swim team“ brief with the gold diagonal slashes across the front right side. This brief is not skimpy, just snug, and holds my penis firmly in the “up” position to be touched and fondled. Then I crawl into bed and (try to) sleep. I fall asleep touching myself and enjoying some really super-neat physical and psychological sensations that begin at the underside of my penis.

I really sleep well in this state, and by morning I am steel feeling quite hard and horny. The entire scheme sustains itself while I am asleep. RP surgery removes the prostate but leaves the Cowpers’ glands intact, meaning that when I am horny I still precum. Of course, when I awaken I want to check if I have pre-cummed during the night. The inside of the thong pouch reveals what happened during the night. A really neat sticky precum stain about the size of a coin half-dollar. I had enjoyed myself the whole night or the sticky stain would not have been so big.

All is well, and I am still feeling horny. I will spent the day wearing an undersized blue jammer and then see what happens tonight. I am enjoying myself in ways I could not have imagined when I was a teen-ager. Getting your first penis pump is not unlike the sequence of events when I got my first swim brief or strap—a neat male rite of passage.

What happens tonight? Will I remain as horny as I am right now? I will see!

sebbie 10-02-2020 02:00 PM

Part CIX
Part CIX

Every guy has a preference as to what style and fit of underwear he likes to wear. These preferences do not necessarily remain constant throughout, say a year, but may vary depending on a number of factors. For younger guys at least, maybe older guys as well, a continuing concern is that of “will anyone see me wearing this, and if so, who?” Young guys constantly worry about being teased or worse, if seen wearing underwear in, say a gym locker room, that varies too much from what the other guys are wearing in the same situation. So there is a “herding instinct” that goes on in that guys are interested in figuring out what other guys their age are wearing in order to conform to “the norm” in any situation.

In temperate climates, climates such as where I grew up, the temperatures can vary widely from the summer months to the winter, and a practical consideration is whether or not the weather has turned cold enough to merit wearing say, pair of long johns versus a brief. I presume that guys living in a warmer climate, say Florida or southern California, do not need to be very concerned about all of this at all, and wear pretty much the same cut and style year around.

Then there is the issue of being in a relationship where for whatever reason, a guy knows that his underwear might be seen by the other party in the relationship. Something nicer (more expensive) and maybe even sexier (whatever that is) may be the appropriate choice. This is where the market for underwear costing $25 a pair designer underwear potentially comes into play, not the 3 for $10 (or even 5 for $10) cotton briefs from the discount house.

The other big issue is that what is popular among men as to the go to underwear does not remain forever constant, but changes over time, and some of these changes are quite dramatic.

I grew up as a teenager in the 1960s. Practically every one of my peers wore white cotton briefs with a fly, or maybe occasionally what were called boxer briefs that were the same design but with a slightly longer but still short leg (maybe a 2-inch inseam). The white cotton fly front brief was so popular that in a group of students maybe one in 25 or even one in 50 wore something different. Talk about herding instinct. In the winter, a lot of guys switched over to a white cotton long john that fit snug all the way the thigh and calf so that a guy could pull on jeans over without it being readily apparent that he was wearing long johns. But I presume guys growing up in warmer climates just stayed with their white cotton briefs year around.

The cotton briefs always fit quite snug. The guys were at the age where they were growing rapidly and as a result guys quickly got used to a snug fit. After all the underwear were still in good condition even as they kept fitting a bit snugger and snugger. So guys got “used” to being in briefs that fit quite tight.

Thinking back, this was also a period of time many guys chose to wear swim briefs for regular swimming and related activities. The fit of the briefs was not significantly different from the fit of the combed cotton underwear. Guys had seen all their buds in the cotton briefs anyway, so seeing your buds in a swim brief was nothing that was considered odd at all. Lots of guys did this.

Early in the 1960s, nearly every cotton brief was white, this in part due to the fact that mom washed the briefs with the other white clothes. Had they been dyed there was the problem of how to wash them for fear that the less than colorfast dyes would soak into the other while clothes. Besides, a colored brief was considered by the male tribes to be effeminate. Guy’s briefs were white and always had a fly. Colored briefs and especially colored briefs without flies were “for girls” and the kind of thing a guy in a gym locker room would be teased about. Of course, the swim briefs of the time were both colored and without a fly but that was swimwear not underwear so that was OK. Besides, a guy usually did not wash his swimwear in the washing machine but merely rinsed it out.

By the mid 1960s, manufacturers were starting to experiment with more colorfast dyes for combed cotton, and we started seeing the first combed cotton briefs in color. Still only the truly daring guys were going to be caught wearing these in the gym locker rooms. Now date night---that COULD be another matter. Still, the guy dating a girl did not want her to see anything that would lead her to believe that he was gay in any way, and a colored brief may leave an unintended impression. So I suspect gay not straight guys were often the first to adopt the idea of wearing a colored brief.

By the late 1960s into the early 1970s, there were several interesting developments. First, the briefs were getting briefer, at least some of them. Second, more and more you were seeing colors other than white as dyes became more colorfast. Third, as the briefs became briefer, some of them were starting to be marketed to guys as “fly less” briefs. And fourth, there were some briefs being marketed to men that were made of materials other than cotton—nylon briefs and even stretch nylon briefs made of material that easily could have been used to make (horror of horrors!) a woman’s panty!

Given the male herding instinct with respect to the idea that a white cotton brief was the only appropriate male underwear, all of these developments took time for guys to assimilate. What if a guy showed up in a gym locker room wearing a colored brief that was skimpier than a white cotton brief? And what if the brief lacked a fly? And what if the brief appeared to be made out of a material that was not the usual combed cotton? What do these three “features” say about, err, the guy’s “sexual orientation” for goodness sakes? What is this guy trying to do in picking this style of underwear? Isn’t a fly somehow “proof” that a guy has a penis? How does this underwear style “work” when a guy steps in front of a urinal?

All of these are great unanswered questions that members of the white cotton brief herd must have had. It took time for guys to figure this all out—to adapt to the new trends and styles (styles that many guys believed mist have started among gays and then spread). Many in the herd never adapted to the new trends but some, perhaps those more secure in their sexual orientation, did.

The other fascinating trend in the 1970s was the changes that occurred over the decade in the sizing and fit of swim briefs. The swim brief that Mark Spitz wore in the 1976 Olympics was actually quite large, with maybe 4 or 5 inch wide sides, but the briefs the competitive swimmers all wore kept getting skimpier and skimpier as the decade went on. The Europeans in the international competitions first showed up in briefs with much narrower sides, and then the American swimmers would follow at the next big competition.

All of this was happening even as underwear manufacturers were gearing up for the manufacture of more and more bikini style briefs for men, and increasingly briefs that were made of nylon or other swim brief like stretch materials other than cotton, came in an array of colors not white, and of course, were fly less.

Goodness, if the hunky swimmers in international competition wear this kind of swimwear, why was it not OK for a non-athlete to choose a similar style for his own underwear? The swimwear choice of a world class athlete did not somehow change his sexual orientation from straight to gay, so why would a bikini-style fly less brief worn by a non-athlete do this? The herd pondered the question. Maybe guys should be allowed to select whatever underwear they felt like wearing and not simply adopt whatever the other members of the herd wore. Is it a good idea to tease guys for having the courage to wear underwear not exactly like what the other guys wore? If a guy wants to be an individual in hois underwear choice, what is so wrong about that?

Lots of questions here: Few answers!

To be continued….

sebbie 10-02-2020 05:40 PM

Part CX
Part CX

Several trends dominated men’s underwear in the 1980s. By then the idea that every young guy could only be seen by his peers wearing white cotton briefs (aka tighty whiteys) had gradually faded. The same change happened for older adults. But, if white cotton briefs were not the “go-to” design that guys just wore without thinking about even making a conscious decision, then what was the alternative going to be? This was a puzzle of sorts. Maybe some guys did not like having to think about trying to make a choice. The old system of just buying white cotton briefs at least was simple. likef a guy knew his waist size, he was good to go, so to speak.

Underwear manufacturers were coming up with new cuts, fabrics and colors. The two main trends away from white cotton briefs were going in two completely different directions. One major trend was cotton boxer shorts typically with inseams that went all the way to mid thigh. Somewhat coarse-textured plaid fabric was the favored design, most commonly in various shade of blue, but less often, red.

But the other trend was toward brief designs that broke all the white cotton brief rules.” First, the briefs could be purchased in a variety of colors, often a three-pak or a five-pak each in a different color—maybe somber gray or black but also colors like navy blue, dark red and forest green. And guys might be able to choose whether the rise needed to cover the belly button or not. Lower rises that let the belly button breathe, so to speak were in.

Then as the rise came down the issue became whether the underwear needed to have a fly or not. With low rise underwear it may be just as easy to face the urinal with the penis over the elastic waistband rather than through the slot of the fly. This is an interesting question that has never been totally resolved. But the bottom line is that some guys started buying briefs that were not only colored but lacked a fly. Only a few years earlier such brief fly-less underwear for men would be considered too “girlie” to be a viable choice.

Then there was the problem of the high school student in the gym locker room. Some of the old worries guys had about being teased or bullied in the locker room for their choice of underwear design remained, with the guys at school largly opting for those oversized loose-fitting plaid boxer shorts. Those were the new “safe” choice for guys who worried about getting bullied because they were wearing something too girly/sexy/gay-looking.

The market for the trimmed-down briefs was now really with the guys where were a bit older, in college maybe, and at a point where they were less prone to bullying, if at all. By that time guys usually were more confident with who they were sexually and less prone to thinking that underwear choice and popularity at school were somehow linked. And the underwear manufacturers were ready and waiting.

At this point there were racks of colored brief-style underwear is all sorts of cuts and designs, ranging from something large enough to simply be called a fly less brief. That was followed by what were called bikini briefs with sides maybe an inch wide. Next up was the so called “string bikini” where the sides merely consisted of a narrow elastic waistband with triangular pieces of cloth making up the front and the back and sewn together at the bottom.

Then there were the fabrics, cotton mixed with Lycra® but then, more prominently the polyester/Lycra blend fabrics that were very slick, snug and stretchy. Would such styles and snug-fitting fabrics give me a hard-on, and, if so was that really such a bad thing? Guys have always had a “love-hate” relationship when contemplating situations that could lead to an inadvertent hard on, because this could lead to an embarrassing situation if in a semi-public setting such as a locker room, but even the thoughts about how this could happen were fun :) . Maybe the underwear would be used primarily as sleepwear, well maybe the sleep that “takes a break” every once and awhile. Every guy knows exactly what I am talking about, and if the new underwear sort of helps things along, what is terrible about that? Quite the opposite!

So guys did but these new underwear designs and in large numbers. Whether such underwear got a lot of use as daytime wear may be beside the point. Underwear is more than just for daytime wear. There are other situations where the right pair of underwear could be a valuable “accessory” and guys need not be so prim as to not be able to admit that.

Thong underwear for men did not make it to the US until the late 1980s, though rumor has it that adventurous Europeans were wearing the design earlier than that, Only the daring men in the US were willing to experiment wearing thongs. That is a topic for another day. I am finished for now.

To be continued…

sebbie 10-03-2020 02:22 PM

Part CXI
1 Attachment(s)
Part CXI

Then the men’s thong underwear! Ahhh, the thongs! In the US, thong underwear for men did not show up in any numbers until the late 1980s. I recall finding my first pair on display in a store in about 1989. On even seeing the packaging I was already hooked on the idea that a thong would be really fun to put on, let alone wear as underwear for any length of time.

The first thong I encountered carried the “Hom brand”. Apparently these had been selling quite well in Europe and there was no reason not to introduce the same thing in the US. I immediately bought 3 pair realizing that if they did not cut it as regular underwear they would still be fun to use for masturbation.

The Hom thongs were really skimpy, with only a ery narrow round elastic cord as a back. I kept saying to myself “these should come with an instructional pamphlet as to how to get into them. I deduced that it was important that the snug pouch contain both my penis and balls, but there was barely room if I were completely flaccid (and in mere seconds I was not anywhere flaccid). How was I to get everything inside if I already had a stiffy? Good question.

But part of the fun was that there was no practical way for a guy to get his penis and balls in the pouch without some significant “manual manipulation”, and this only made matters worse (or maybe better, depending on how you read the situation that you were in). Surely not for the faint-hearted.

Then there were other problems. This much manual manipulation meant I was precumming in small drops of clear viscous fluid, putting stains on the front of the thong, but particularly in the penis-up position, which was the best way to be if my balls were to be completely inside the pouch. But my balls kept falling out and dangling below the thong. That was no good.

I soon discovered that the only way to keep my balls in place was to pull the cord back really snug as soon as they were in position. But this caused other “problems”. I quickly learned about a very sensitive spot on my body, just behind my balls, where a bunch of “sexually active” nerve endings terminate that is called the perineum. And, I discovered that thongs have a bit of a lump or knot right at the point where the pouch attaches to the cord back. Pulling on the cord put upward pressure on that knot and sent the perineum into overdrive. The perineum must be wired directly into the Cowpers. The net effect was that if I was already oozing precum before I was really oozing now. So the perineum is a fun place for any guy to explore by simply trying to get himself into a thong made like this. I suddenly realized that the guys in Europe who had been wearing these designs had discovered a few things a lot of Americans didn’t know about their own bodies.

Then there was the effect of the cord. I had never before really thought of my anal area as being sexually-active but I guess I should have given its proximity to the prostate and the internal part of the penis. So I am being pressed on the perineum and being stroked by an elastic cord while cinched up tight between my glutes. Are these practical daily underwear or simply an elaborate sex toy?

The next big event was when Jockey introduced their thongs about 1990. I bought a few of those too. Instead of the elastic cord they had a narrow elastic band only about a quarter inch wide. If anything they were skimpier and snugger fitting than the Hom brand. Some of them were made of a stretch fabric that actually stretched quite a bit, but only under extreme conditions. This meant that they were even tougher to get into and wear correctly.

Still, over the years, I did actually get to the point where I could wear a Jockey thong as underwear when I went out. There were all cotton versions as well as the “meaner but more fun to wear” stretch fabric versions. I owned some of both.

Like I say, I got hooked doing this many years ago and still enjoy messing with myself this way a lot. On occasion I will wear a thong as sleepwear only to discover that by morning it still has multiple precum stains. I suspect a lot of guys would terrified to do this, but it is really great fun. You might learn stuff about how your body reacts that you never knew before.

My Hom thongs deteriorated many years ago, but interestingly the original Jockey ones, many of them at least are still in reasonably good shape, particularly for a stretch fabric now about 30 years old.

I found one of them this morning—one of the “meaner,” stretch fabric versions—and crawled into it. Just as in olden days my balls kept falling out of the pouch and I had to keep tugging at the back. It did not take long for me to start oozing again. (See photo) This is still a great way for a guy to enjoy himself. Sadly, Jockey quit making this particular design some decades ago and I have yet to find a currently available thong that is quite as much sheer fun to wear.

To be continued…

sebbie 10-05-2020 01:08 PM


As the 1990s continued onward, it was becoming clear that guys young and old were moving more and more away from the traditional white cotton briefs that were nearly a uniform for guys of any age a decade or two before. Teen guys more and more seemed to favor the loose-fitting plaid boxer shorts with inseams that went to mid thigh and the go-to style that would not lead to any teasing and bullying in the gym locker room. Jeans were loose-fitting then as well which meant that the bulky styles posed no barrier to getting dressed in jeans.

Most interestingly, the shift to loose-fitting boxer shorts and away from brief-style underwear coincided almost exactly with the period in which guys no longer wanted to be seen in brief-style swimwear, even the guys who were involved in team swimming were looking to wear something that covered their thighs when at the pool. And jammers started reigning at the pool.

But guys where weren’t in swimming competition opted for loose fitting board shorts that extended to the knee or nearly so. They did not want to be seen in anything that fit snugger like a jammer did. A sloppy look ruled the day.

Meanwhile, back at the underwear racks, another interesting trend was underway. To get a measure of what the adult males were increasingly wearing it is good to walk the men’s underwear aisles at what were the then three big discount stores in the US. That is where most guys shopped for the underwear they would be using for daily wear. There were still lots of cotton briefs not only in white but in various somber tones such as grey, black and navy, as well as boxer-briefs in cotton that were made like a brief in the same cotton but with longer legs, maybe a 2-inch inseam. And of course plenty of the loose-fitting plaid boxer shorts so popular with the teen males who wanted to make sure they conformed to what the other guys their age were wearing.

But each of the discount houses had their own separate racks of proprietary store-brand briefs. These were unlike the white cotton briefs in that the material was smoother and came in either a cotton-Lycra blend or a still smoother polyester-Lycra blend. The designs all came in both materials. Apparently some guys preferred the absorbency of the stretchy cotton blend while other guys obviously preferred the slick feel of the polyester-Lycra blend. Some of the latter were very similar to a swim brief. For guys who thought it neat or fun to see what they would look like in a colorful Speedo® this was an opportunity to find out while maintaining the “image” that this was still just underwear.

Each of the three big discount stores had their own proprietary brands. Walmart had cut this deal with Jockey for them to supply discount underwear under the “Life” brand while still keeping the upscale Jockey brand for the department stores. Meanwhile, Kmart was having success with their store brand underwear under the trade name Joe Boxer. And Target’s store brand was “Merona”.

The racks of designer discount underwear at the three discount houses were very similar. Guys could choose between a brief with a higher rise (though still lower rise than a standard tighty whitey) in an assortment of colors and either in the cotton/Lycra blend or the Polyester blend. The cotton-blend fabric was sometimes available with a fly but generally not for the stretch polyesters. Sides on this style of brief probably averaged about 2 inches.

Next in terms of fit was what was called the bikini brief, typically with sides of ¾ inch to 1 inch. Again, same choice of fabrics, but bikini briefs had no fly. Given the low rise the guy could just pop himself over the waistband when at the urinal, or at least that was the theory.

Next down was what they called the string bikini. But the string was simply a narrow band of elastic maybe ¾ to ½ inch wide not a string or cord.

Then finally there were the thongs, typically not as “mean” as the real Jockey thongs were. They were made from cotton/Lycra blends or sometimes stretch polyester/Lycra, and typically the back was a wider band of fabric covering elastic maybe ½ to ¾ inches wide. I guess the idea was that guys who were apprehensive about having an elastic cord or narrow band cutting between their glutes would be more willing to try the style if the back merely covered that area rather than cut into it.

As guys get into their teen years, increasingly they are permitted to pick out their own clothing items at least within reason. Parents often put bounds based on practicality. So guys realize that a package of briefs, boxer briefs or loose fitting boxer shorts would immediately would meet the parent’s approval, as being both practical daily wear and easy to launder.

But the stuff on the racks I describe was another matter entirely. Is this stuff practical for daily wear, even one of the brightly colored briefs or bikini briefs? And does underwear without a fly make sense for a guy at all? And do these get laundered with the other white underwear? This is the likely parent disapproval set of issues.

Complicating all of this the guy is trying to gauge if he really wants to be seen wearing something like this in the gym locker room in the presence of his male buds. For that matter, is this something a guy could wear when on a date with a girl his age? These are complicated questions that have no easy answers.

Still, in the back of the minds of guys, at least a lot of guys, they are seeking a few pair of underwear specifically for the purpose of being fun to mess around in aka masturbation. For some guys wearing something snug and skimpy, this could easily lead to, well, you know. But that too is kind of a problem, because if every time a guy crawls into one of his selections he starts to get an instant woodie, that could mean that such underwear is not practical for daily wear at all.

For a host of different reasons, I am thinking that the underwear on these racks, from the skimpy colored fly-front briefs, the bikini briefs, the string bikinis and the thongs were mainly marketed to guys who were out on their own, maybe in college, and not living at home with their parents. Being out on your own often gives guys new opportunities to just kick back and enjoy themselves in special ways that were difficult when the guy was living at home. And the guy is doing his own laundry so a cum-stained pair is no problem at all to take care of.

But these racks have all disappeared from the discount houses. The market must have largely disappeared as well. Kmart no longer exists with any more than a few stores at most, but they kept selling Joe Boxer cotton thongs and bikini briefs nearly to the end. Walmart and Target quit a selling thongs decade or more ago. I checked all three Web sites and merely finding a men’s bikini brief of any sort is difficult. What remains are an occasional cotton one—not too skimpy, but not much else. Walmart is still selling a few pieces of “Jockey Life” branded underwear. I saw nothing at Target under the Merona brand tho I have not checked any physical stores lately.

In the last two decades what guys buy for underwear has changed a lot. Maybe guys rely on Amazon or eBay for the skimpy styles any more to the extent that demand exists. The current thing appears to be underwear that provides the look and feel of athletic compression shorts.

To be continued….

sebbie 10-06-2020 01:59 PM


Then by the end of the 1990s, things had changed drastically. It is always amazing to consider how college and professional athletes influence clothing designs for other guys, but that is something that has long gone on. Most interesting to me is the impact on what guys wear and do not wear as undergarments, not only when participating in an active sport, but how many of the same ideas spill over into non-athletic wear for school, work and leisure.

The late 1990s started the era of compression gear for athletes that had only been a minor part of sport prior to that. The Under Armor company was founded with very limited capital by a 24-year old ex-University of Maryland Fullback Kevin Plank who disliked how the cotton tee shirts he was wearing under his jersey seemed to retain water from sweat rather than quickly dry out, and so he started by making a compression poly-stretch fabric tee shirt that he discovered had a natural wicking action and quickly dried. He soon had contracts to supply compression tees for a number of college teams and this was quickly followed by compression pants.

Wikipedia explains all of this in a lot of detail here.


College and professional football players generally must wear straps and cups, but in an era when (sometimes female) reporters are allowed locker room access, there is a modesty issue here should the camera see something inappropriate for TV, so players by regulation are required to wear something OVER the strap and cup but UNDER the football pants. I suppose and ordinary brief would do, but wouldn’t a pair of compression shorts work a lot better,
and then for cold weather, instead of showing bare skin below the knee, why not simply go with a pair of compression tights that extend to the ankle?

Guys took notice. The players wore compression tees under the jersey, ones with long sleeves in colder weather, and compression shorts or tights under the football pants and hiding the strap and cup.

Meanwhile, over in professional and college basketball, played indoors, the athletes began wearing (usually white) short sleeved compression tees as the first layer before the sleeveless team jersey went on, and, guess what? Compression shorts (again usually white) with legs that extended near the knee were peeking out from under the team shorts.

If these items made sense for serious athletes, why not also for more casual active wear for non-athletes. Besides a lot of guys have always had this closely-guarded secret “thing” for finding an “excuse” to wear skin-tight compression gear. I can think of any number of reasons why guys might feel this way, and, the perfect excuse when with your buddies (or even trying to come up with a motivation that would seem rational to your parents)—I am just wearing what the big athletes are wearing.

Starting around the year 2000, sales of snug-fitting compression gear at Under Armor soared, and companies like Nike and Adidas had to come up with their own versions of much the same thing. It soon became a compression gear free-for-all. The guys who had always simply wanted to find out how it would feel to wear such skin-tight gear could now freely do so without having to dream up elaborate explanations for their parents and buddies. How does it feel to get a hard-on in this type of skin-tight gear? That was now a realistic empirical experiment that could be conducted.

Compression pants come in a variety of lengths, with the most popular being the length that stops about mid thigh. The look had become so popular that underwear manufacturers started to take notice. Why not stretch underwear of a cotton/Lycra or even polyester/Lycra blend with a similar fit but for daily wear under street clothes. And the tees—obviously loose-fitting tees should be replaced with cotton or poly/Lycra-blend fabrics that fit close to the body, like the athletes wore.

So underwear styled like athletic compression gear almost overnight took over a major share of the entire market. Gone or nearly gone were the tighty whiteys, the colored briefs, bikini briefs, string bikinis and thongs, not to mention a lot of the loose-fitting plaid boxers. Instead, there was now a bunch of underwear with the same fit and coverage as the compression shorts worn by athletes. This was a strange turn of events for sure.

The one remaining issue was whether this underwear should have a fly or not. Versions without a fly COULD be worn as an outer garment, but generally if there was a fly in the design that meant that the garment was intended always be worn under another garment.

For that matter, some compression shorts have a fly but others do not. I assume that I should pull a loose-fitting pair of shorts OVER the ones with a fly, but it is OK to wear the ones without a fly as an outer garment. I assume other guys view this likewise.

To be continued…

sebbie 11-27-2020 01:22 PM

Enjoying yourself: A short guide
Enjoying yourself: A short guide

For a lot of guys, the idea of having sexual feelings is so intertwined with being in a sexual relationship with another person that it is difficult to separate the two. But partner relationships involving sex quickly get very complicated, at least for most guys and invariably the sexual sensations and feelings parts get meshed together with all sorts of complicated stuff that has nothing to do with sex. On occasion, guys have been known to ask questions with regard to if it is possible to just kick back and enjoy ones’ own male body without getting bogged down in dealing with all of the other stuff a sexual partner invariably brings into the mix.

Every guy loves to masturbate, a fondness that began in early adolescence if not before. By the time a guy enters young adulthood most guys have probably discovered ways of improving the experience that they didn’t know about as young teens. A lot of these methods may involve snug-fitting items of clothing in some ways. And for this I am offering a short guide that I might prove helpful, particularly for guys who do not want to deal with a complicated sexual relationship with another person.

Swim Briefs

The snug-fitting swim brief is the “classic” garment for adding to the masturbation experience. From a very early age every guy quickly learns that anything that fits snuggly in the groin area can really feel interesting and good, and not long thereafter discovers that it is neat to be able to recreate these sensations whenever you want.

What is it about a swim brief then that makes wearing one so much fun? I think it is a combination of two ideas, first a garment that fits very snug, and second a garment that is made of a material that is not only stretchy but fits very slick and smooth. These two in combination often will drive a guy bonkers.

So, there are few guys in this world who do not long to at least be able to find out how he will feel wearing a snug-fitting, slick-and-smooth swim brief, but for a variety of reasons some guys have never dared to actually obtain one. The fear that others (parents, peers, college roommates) will discover what they are really doing with the swim brief and why they have it on even if they are not planning on swimming and this is a potential source of embarrassment.

But there are ways of working around this, wearing the brief under jeans as if it were an underwear brief, for example, or under sleep pants in bed. I say, if this is something you have always wanted top do, go for it. Life is too short to miss out on this. I recommend the “penis up” position which will give you a nice “kick” just walking around while wearing the brief. And two or three briefs of different sizes is even more fun. This is part of the “not to be missed: stuff every male needs to experience.

The jock strap

When I was growing up, getting involved in any sort of athletic endeavor that required participants wear a strap was something of a male “rite of passage”. The old-school jock straps consisting of a rubberized pouch, two leg straps and a 3 inch wide elastic waist band and leaving your butt completely bare was a wild and crazy thing. Any guy would have to be brain-dead to not realize that just getting ones male parts into such a garment was going to be a “stimulating” experience.

The old-school straps are tougher to find nowadays, but they still can be found at least on line. The hard protective cups provide another interesting component to the overall male experience. Again I would say that every guy needs to own at least one strap even if the only use is for male “self abuse”. Several straps, some cupped and others not, are better. This can get very habit-forming too.

Male Thongs

Thongs for guys, either as underwear or as swimwear, did not really enter the US until the 1980s. Then for awhile they were everywhere with all the major underwear and swimwear manufacturers making them. But in recent years, you seldom see these any more in store, but many designed to be worn as revealing swimwear or as underwear on line.

A properly fitting and sized thong will teach a guy some important things about sensitive and sexually-active body parts he may not have known existed. The obvious one is from the thong back that cuts between the glutes and brushes against the anal area that interestingly turns out to be sexually active.

Even more interesting is that not only does getting into a thong pouch provide some of the same experiences as getting into a strap ouch, but the back of the thong attaches to the pouch with a knot of heavy sewing, putting upward pressure on the perineum. This is great fun and highly enjoyable. It should immediately send almost any guy to “precum heaven” and he will start to ooze juice almost immediately. Again, a male experience not to be missed, for precum heaven is a wonderful place.

Compression Gear.

My forth option is compression gear, shirts long and short sleeved along with jammer style shorts or longer, ¾ or full snug-fitting running tights. Wear this gear in combination with any of the other three and you should be “off to the races” quite quickly. You will quickly discover how much fun it is to spend an afternoon just steadily oozing precum. The male body is a wonderful design of which I am always in awe.

Maybe that complex sexual relationship was not that important after all. The path to feeling horny is right there in your dresser drawer. You can do all of these things safely, by, to and with yourself!

sebbie 11-28-2020 01:46 PM

In this holiday season
In this holiday season

One of my favorite stories I wrote in my “What to wear” series was the one in which the two college roommates decided to have some fun with each other by each placing an order for the other of several swim briefs. Each roommate picked out several swim briefs for the other to wear.

The real stunt was not the choice of a particular brand of swim brief, nor style. The whole idea was to choose a single brand and style of swim brief, and then order that same brief in a number of different sizes each in a different color.

The brief should be relatively inexpensive, skimpy but not too skimpy, and available in an assortment of colors and many different styles. In the story, each roommate ordered 4 different briefs. For this purpose the Sporti brief at Swimoutlet® is a good choice, inexpensive and comes in a variety of colors and sizes. There is both the standard brief and the skimpier “Euro” brief. The men’s sizes range from 28-40 inch waist with Youth sizes going smaller still.

The idea is to order four different sizes in four different colors for your bud, and he does the same for you. The largest size should be your normal waist size for a comfortable but not that snug a fit. For me, that would be a W 34. Then the other three briefs would be downsized in increments, say 28, 30 and 32, though aY26 would be interesting as well (maybe skip the 32!).

What specific sizes are ordered for each other depends, well, on the normal waist size of your bud. You would want the largest one to just fit nicely, with the fit being snugger and tighter as the waist size gets smaller.

For guys, the mere THOUGHT of trying on a new swim brief of any size probably induces some reaction “down there”. Both physically and psychologically, trying on any new swim brief irrespective of sizing is an interesting moment in the life of a guy. And doing an on line order will stress a guy out in marvelously interesting and wonderful ways as with each day he contemplates what will transpire once the briefs arrive. Equally interesting is that the bud will be struggling with the same little “problem”. Waiting for the expected packages should keep both guys horny for a week more or less. It is important for both guys to “contain” themselves and not jerk off to ejaculation during the waiting period. Keep the horniness embers “glowing” but resist the urge that may come over you to ejaculate right now. This is quite a fix for a guy to be in, let alone two guys both struggling with the same issue. Precumming, of course is allowed during this period of waiting, not that a guy could somehow will that not to happen.

On the day the briefs arrive, both guys should have worked themselves up to a high degree of enthusiasm for the edging contest that is about to take place. How hard each guy will be as the two packages of swim briefs are opened is anyone’s guess, but they are going to both be glad the wait is over.

As any guy knows, getting into even a normal-sized swim brief with a hard-on is a lot more challenging than doing the same thing flaccid. If both these guys psychologically are where I think they will be, they are already showing nice “semis” just thinking about all of this. The first, biggest brief is still fun, especially in trying to find a way to point a slightly-hard penis without stimulating yourself ‘too much”. Of course if a guy ejaculates getting himself into the biggest brief, he has lost and the contest is therefore over, at least for this time. There is a worthwhile male skill with edging, but like any skill it requires practice to stay on the edge.

Assuming that the guy survived getting into the the first brief in his condition, he now needs to get the brief off without ejaculating, which can be a challenge in itself. Having another guy there with the same “problem” only adds to the difficulty of the task at hand. This magnifies the psychological difficulty for both guys.

But a second, snugger brief, awaits. And the third, and the forth, each one posing a more difficult edging challenge for both guys. The contest ends as soon as one of the guys ejaculates semen, with the guy who ejaculated being the loser.

Once that happens it is best to just stop, leaving the guy who did not ejaculate without cumming. Stick the briefs away in a dresser drawer and try this all again, maybe in a week or so. Will the guys be able to both get into the smaller sizes without ejaculating this time once they have had time to think about what happened the first time? Good question. The answer is obtained by trying this another time, on a day that both the buds are again feeling horny and again have not ejaculated in several days. Part of the fun of doing this is getting yourself in a place where you have not ejaculated in some time and have a strong but still controllable urge to do so.

As I went to bed last night I was thinking about all of this, and feeling horny. I decided to get into a really small 26Y genuine Speedo® I had in my collection with the idea of seeing if I could make it through the night without going into the convulsive-like orgasm. Oddly enough, I fell right to sleep in the tiny briefand slept the whole night through. The black lining of the Speedo shows precum stains quite nicely. When I awoke this AM there were still some nice stains right at where I had positioned my penis tip the night before. I clearly (no pun intended) had a great night but I basically slept right through it. I woke up thinking about the story I was going to write today. Undersized swim briefs can be quite useful in a host of different ways and should be a part of every guy’s wardrobe.

The best to all of you in this weird holiday season. I hope that I have given you some ideas that will make your mood brighter and happier.

sebbie 12-13-2020 01:56 PM

Some thoughts for the holiday season
Some thoughts for the holiday season

As the holiday season approaches, along with the giving of gifts, I cannot help but think of things that happened to me in years past, often many years past. As many of you are probably well aware by now, I developed a fondness for snug-fitting clothing at a very young age. I loved very much how it looked and felt on my body, and I greatly admired the guys who got to wear such items of clothing.

I quickly discovered that I liked a lot of things. I would rather have some new snug-fitting clothing item than something to play with. Of course, getting a swim brief as a gift had to be on the top of my list. But that was so much wishful thinking. It was the dead of winter. It was 20 below zero F out. No one swam where I lived, and certainly not in the dead of winter. Besides I did not know how to swim.

But somehow, I always managed to compensate. I really liked brief-style underwear, and if a little too small, all the better. And I loved really snug-fitting jeans as well. I liked the look and the feel very much. The mere thought of being able to wear such items often put me in a great masturbation mode a mode that I was very fond of.

Then I got older and moved away from home. And I had my own money and I was free to buy exactly what I wanted. I went straight for the swim briefs. And, of course the snuggest, tightest jeans I could find. And the underwear my parents would have regarded as “way too small.” Each of these items in one way or another got me off. I enjoyed myself in ways I could have only dreamed of before I got out on my own. This was terrific. I was living alone. I could do what I wanted whenever I wanted. Even own a jock strap—or two—or three. I keep wondering if I am the only guy with such an “affliction”. This is not something one dares ask anyone about. All I knew was that I was liking the situation immensely.

Then along came the compression gear, the running tights, the tees. More fun. I could own a wrestling singlet if I wanted. I bought a rowing machine. I needed gear to wear while rowing. A hot tub too! A perfect “excuse” to own an entire “wardrobe” of Speedos.

But the holidays still come around every year, and I still am having these thoughts every year about what an ideal Christmas present would be if I were 15 years old again. So every year I try and come up with something interesting. My Speedo collection is huge. My jock strap collection is huge. I have quite a few jammers and full-length running tights and compression shirts.

But this past year I have really been enjoying my Tesla tights. They have become my daily wear still living alone and in retirement. I have a pair on today. I have been wearing the same pair pretty much steady for a number of months and the pair I have been wearing has been taking a lot of abuse. Amazon beckons. I think I will order another pair or two. How about bright blue, size SM of course? A perfect fit!

I have lots of straps. I really like straps. But I have fewer Singlets. How about a blue one of those as wella color I do not have? I will look and feel so neat rowing and stationary cycling in a bright blue singlet. I put lots of hours on my exercise equipment. I row, cycle and watch TV at the same time. Nothing wrong with feeling just right horny as well.

How about this Singlet

And how about these tights


And this shirt


Stuff that looks and feels great. Gonna be a great holiday. I can feel it already!

sebbie 12-14-2020 01:34 PM

Just having some good clean fun
Just having some good clean fun

Edging has become very popular with guys in recent years, and if the porn sites are any indication, more and more guys are learning edging techniques they enjoy as opposed to plain old masturbation and plain old sex with a partner. I would like to think that I started building my edging skills long before it became a popular idea with males, and early on I was sharing ideas on the Internet that were quite enjoyable as well as being totally safe to do. At some point I guess I got so good at it that I started to enjoy that activity more than simply having an orgasm. But I also keep adding things to the mix, while still enjoying some of the techniques I first discovered were great fun decades ago.

Last night was terrific fun. I combined some old methods with the new. Let me tell you the details of what I did. Maybe you can try some of this on your own.

My readers know I have a little estim device that I bought for $20 on ebay. This is set up with two AAA batteries in a control device, wiring and some conductive stretchy silicone rings that go around my penis. The device produces a very mild shock from the two little batteries controlled in strength and pattern by the wearer. Mine has just two conductive silicone rings one fits at the base of my penis and the other at the tip or glans area.

If you do not feel horny just reading about this you will after you wear the device for a few minutes. If you are a Speedo fan, one could slip a pair of Speedos on over the wires and let the wires dangle out of the top of the waistband but this is not necessary. My only caution here is that if you play around with this a bit too long, you could easily go into the involuntary muscular contractions of ejaculation. The sensations are very similar to what you would get pressing a vibrator against your penis, and as you probably realize it is possible to go into full ejaculatory mode with a vibrator without having much of a hard-on. So lesson 1 is learning exactly when to stop using the estim device and move on to the next step. You will want to feel horny when you remove the estim but not so horny that you involuntarily go into full ejaculation mode. Finding exactly where this point is for every guy is different but that is the whole idea behind learning edging.

The next step is to insert your penis into a manually-operated penis pump. This works particularly well if you after the estim experience as you already be semi-hard. The really fun part about a penis pump is that it will make you harder and longer with each stroke of the pump, and you get to watch this in great detail. Do not be in a hurry. Go slow and steady and watch all the details of what is happening to your penis. Your penis will not only get longer and bigger around but also get a deeper red color as more blood is drawn in by the vacuum. The standard way of doing this is to have a rubber ring positioned around the base of he pump, and pop that on to the base of your penis from the pump once you are big and hard.

Despite all of this, it is difficult to ejaculate while still inside of the pump Once again, you are edging. Pull the pump off. I have seen guys ejaculate while inside a pump on the porn sites but this is rare.

If you thought you were feeling good after using the estim device, chances are you are feeling really good now. A delicious hard on-with a snug-fitting rubber ring at the base of your penis. The third step is to lube yourself up using shower gel soap (I recommend the Dial® brand in the tall blue container) and engage in some plain old-fashioned masturbation, repeatedly stroking your now quite hard penis from glans to base in repeated well-lubed strokes. What you learned about technique when you were 14 years old now applies here. But remember you are still in edging mode. The tricky part is to take yourself up, then stop before getting to a point where you cannot refrain from going into repetitive muscular contractions of ejaculation.

While I am enjoying myself this way, I am also drawing a tub of warm water. Again, I still want to avoid going into ejaculatory contractions. At some point I stop stroking myself and dive into the tub to cool down a bit and wash the soap off, while removing the rubber penis ring. Coming out of the tub, I am not as big and hard as I was, but still feeling pretty horny.

I’m ready for bed. But nighttime is going to be fun too. I start thinking about some nighttime wear I first enjoyed over thirty years ago, A thong with a narrow elastic band for a back, the kind that cuts deep between my glutes. I find one of my old thongs just like that. In my condition just getting myself into the pouch is going to be a fun challenge. But it is a challenge I am up to and know I will love how I feel once in.

But there is more! Next up I am going to put on a strap with a snug-fitting cup on over the thong. I found an old strap with a cup that fits very snug. This same strap has given me a lot of pleasant sensations over the years. I put that on. It still feels great. That thong back cutting deep between my glutes producing distinct but pleasant sensations. The cup pressing gently but firmly down on my penis that has been through so much tonight already. I am again horny as all get out.

I get to thinking that running tights could substitute for looser fitting sleep pants and I dig out an interesting yellow pair with a sewn-in pouch that fits neatly over the jock have on, pressing down on the cup holding my penis firmly in place. I crawl into those and add Andi low cut socks to my bare feet, and then I simply crawl into bad.

To my surprise I fall asleep almost immediately. After all my body has had quite a workout today and I have greatly enjoyed every minute of it. I wake up at 4 AM and I am still feeling way horny. I start tapping on the jock cup with my fingers and attempt to move it around a bit with the tights still in place. Even a slight movement of the cup sends shivers up my spine. I tug on the thong back, now deeply embedded between my glutes. Every tug feels sensational. I’m still enjoying myself in strange and wonderful ways. I have still not gone into the muscular contractions that are associated with ejaculation.

I fall asleep again. At 6:30 AM I pull off the tights and the cupped strap, still feeling way horny. My body is clearly loving where it has been for the last 10 hours or more. When I say clearly loving it, what I mean is that the inside of the thong pouch has some great clear precum stains on it, still wet. I was precumming in my sleep for sure.

So I get dressed and start thinking about writing this all up to share with you. I write best when I am feeling way horny, and this morning is proof of that. I will likely stay in this condition all day long. Then tonight, I will be ready to go at it again.


sebbie 12-17-2020 04:57 PM

Fun, Super fun…
Fun, Super fun…

Edging entails taking yourself up to the very edge of going into the really enjoyable muscular contractions of ejaculation, but then backing off just before you get there, cooling down for a bit, and restarting. It is quite enjoyable to learn how to do this over multiple times on a single day and then over several days. Learning exactly when the point is reached where the orgasm becomes involuntary and thus not going over the edge is the tricky part. But expert edgers can go for a number of days, perhaps weeks doing this repeatedly without ejaculating. The mere thought of being able to do this often drives guys bananas in a fun way even as they are enjoying themselves immensely.

If you go over the edge it will take you a day or so to recover, assuming you are a young guy. For us older guys think more like 3-4 days before you get back to feeling really good (horny) again. But, on the plus side, edging is a technique guys will enjoy more and more as they grow older. Getting to the edge of orgasm without going over the edge gradually becomes the best part of being a male. If you are a younger guy, I know you are fixated on having the repeating muscular contractions of a real orgasm but at least think about experimenting with edging. If you are an older guy, maybe some of the edging techniques I employ on a daily basis will be useful and become as important to you as they are to me.

I have already explained that my little estim device and especially my penis pump get a lot of use. Younger guys—guys who need no “assistance” from a device might still find these devices and edging techniques useful as well. Every night I try some new stunts with my penis pump in terms of technique. Pump, stop, remove vacuum, pump again, stop,..etc etc. By the time I get through with running my penis “experiments” I am invariably big, red and hard, but, not at the point where I must immediately ejaculate. I follow this up with some quite enjoyable “old-school” masturbation, using a gel soap as I indicated previously, but I “constrain” myself as I specifically want to feel really good but not to the point where I am in ejaculation mode. That is the point where I jump into the warm water tub to “cool down” a bit. Given all the gel soap I had been using on myself, I emerge from the tub with really clean penis and balls, and though a little shorter now than when I got into the tub, my penis is still a neat rosy red color. AND psychologically I am still feeling way horny and focused. A neat place to be.

What next I am about to crawl into bed but I still want to be able to enjoy myself. I have a large collection of snug-fitting clothing items that I bought for just that purpose. I spot a black 2x(ist) underwear thong I had not worn in some time. I don’t think these are still being made. It has the classic Y-shaped cord back and a back that looks like a thin piece of elastic rope. And I quickly remember that this one fits way snug.

I crawl into the thong and, struggling I get my balls into the pouch along with my still partially engorged penis. It’s way snug and tight in there. But the neat peat is that in order to just get into the thong puts a lot of upward pressure on my perineum, that neat little nerve-filled spot just behind my balls. Hey this feels way good. And just pulling on the top of the “Y” buries the thong back deep between my glutes. It feels like an erotic rope there. I am truly loving it.

But there is more. I now spot a little Club Swim (now Sporti) “Euro brief, also in black, in my favorite 28” waist. These briefs fit but they do not quite cover the top of my crack. No problem, The thong is pushing my penis up and forward and the Club Swim brief is pressing down in the opposite direction. The opposing forces, along with the stimulation from the perineum back of the pouch and the cord between my glutes feels wonderful. The top of the “Y” can be tugged easily as it is above the rear of the swim brief. A place I want to be.

Finally I pull on my bright yellow running tights over the top of everything and crawl into bed. I am always amazed at how quickly I fall asleep given everything that is going on down there but I have a great night’s sleep. OK, on occasion I do wake up and check to see that everything is still in place, which it always is, somehow. I woke up at 6:30 and got out of everything, checking the inside of the thong pouch and noticing a still-moist silver-dollar sized precum stain. I must have precummed the whole night long.

I’m up and about now, and still feeling way horny. The best part is knowing I can do something similar tonight, and tomorrow night, and maybe even the night after that. I do not to have an orgasm if I can keep doing this over and over?

Besides, my writing is better when I am feeling way horny…

All the best to all of you!

sebbie 12-18-2020 01:45 PM

Thinking this morning about sex, life and swim briefs
Thinking this morning about sex, life and swim briefs

Sometimes I go into a very deep-thinking, contemplative mood. Not quite “Why am I here?” but close to that. I live what can only be described as a solitary lifestyle. I never have cared that much about just hanging out with other people, the activity that most people seem to greatly enjoy. I am fine in situations where I must do this. I do not see myself as either a social nerd or as an outcast. Still, there is something about me that says I am happiest when I am alone, just tapping on my computer as well as engaging in other “activities” that are probably best done in private. In some ways, both mentally and physically, I am perfectly adapted to a covid-style shutdown. Over the years I have discovered all sorts of ways to enjoy myself while living in near-isolation.

The mystery that has always been confusing to me is why so many people seem to live for being in social and often sexual situations with other people. I have found this other way of life where I can be perfectly happy just being myself. Being around other people generally not what makes me happy. I discovered this at a very early age, maybe 12 or 13, when my parents thought I was old enough so that I could stay at home by myself when they went off running errands of various sorts. Of course it did not take me long to learn that these were real points in time for discovering how some interesting parts of my body worked. It wasn’t long before I was masturbating while wearing swimming gear I had in my dresser drawer or even in my underwear I had grown out of. After just a single session I was leaving some big cum-stains on various items of clothing, not to mention my bed sheets, and I was hoping that mom would not notice the interesting starchy yellow cum stains or if she did, she would not say anything to me about how they got there. Mom was great in that regard. At some level I was embarrassed about all of this but I was having so much sheer fun there was no way I could quit.

When I went off to college, I was always interested in figuring out how I was going to be able to continue to masturbate on a frequent basis without creating social issues with a roommate. But I managed to find a single dorm room that was connected to two double rooms with a shared common bath. Perfect! I could close my door and masturbate to my heart’s content and then just act normal around my suitemates without leaving any clues about my deep fondness for having solo sex. I was adapting very well to a lifestyle I enjoyed very much and increasingly developing a fondness for snug-fitting clothing that helped me get off on a frequent basis. I was doing my own laundry as well.

Over 50 years have passed and I still greatly enjoy doing a lot of the same things I enjoyed doing way back then. And in the process I have managed to remain a very happy person without ever getting into a messy sexual relationship with another person. This may seem weird to guys whose entire sexual being is intertwined with the idea of a sexual relationship with another, but from my vantage point the endless chases that guys go into in an effort to find this other person is the weird stuff and my situation is the normal one. It seems to me that a lot of guys are miserable in large measure because they never find what they are looking for. I have ended up assisting other guys going through one or more divorces—too many of them in my mind. I think I am seen as something of an interesting “case” simply because my happiness does not appear to be tied to a relationship. I know a lot of interesting stuff about being a happy guy who remains single and unattached.

As I was getting ready for bed last night I was thinking about all of this. I had just gone through my new nightly routine similar to what I described in the previous chapter and was in the process of picking out items to wear as sleepwear. I read a lot of stuff related to relationship sex problems guys are having with women. There are two tricky parts about male-female sex. First, “real” sex is supposed to result in an orgasm for both partners at the end, and second, ideally both orgasms should occur at about the same time. In particular it is usually the guy who ends up going into an orgasm first and the female orgasm comes later, and if the sex manuals are right, oftentimes for the female not at all. So the female ends up acting like she had an orgasm when in reality she did not end up where she desperately wanted to be. For guys, this is a medical condition called premature ejaculation. Great male lovers have conquered this.

So I am a big fan of edging for guys, though as a solo-sex not partner-sex activity for guys. I dare say that I have gotten very good at “bubbling along” just beneath the level where the involuntary muscle contractions begin. Learning to edge is an interesting way of developing one’s skills in delaying orgasm and thus reducing the instances where premature ejaculation in male-female partner sex occurs. But in relationship sex a guy often gets so focused on the need to ejaculate that the idea of holding off gets lost. Is not a guy more of a man if he ejaculates almost immediately in male-female partner sex? Well, maybe (or perhaps surely) not.

Still, how can a guy realistically practice edging if he is in a relationship situation 24/7 with a sexual partner? Not simple if the partner is female. And I often think that a gay male couple has some advantages here over a male-female couple, in part because the male partner might also find the edging techniques enjoyable to learn as a “together” activity. But, M-F, the situation changes entirely.

So, I keep going along edging (the slang term is getting hot-and-bothered) day-after-day. I have not felt the admittedly wonderful involuntary muscle contractions down there in well over a week. How long can I stand abusing my body this way? Well, much longer than when I was 30. Some 40 years later I fall asleep quickly when I am horny. I pick out something to wear as sleepwear, another thong, another swim brief and really tight running tights. I quickly fall asleep. I do not wake up until about 6 AM. I am still feeling just as horny as I did when I crawled into bed. In this state, ordinary problems and issues that might consume my attention during the day seem not so important at all largely because I am still feeling so good down there. This is amazing. Great fun. It’s almost like being 13 all over again. My body is a wonderful place to be. True, I am isolated and that is actually a great place to be as well. I’m looking forward to another night just like last night. Ejaculation is this momentary burst of intense pleasure, but edging is really where it is at and what I want to keep doing by, to and with myself.


sebbie 12-20-2020 01:30 PM

Coping with the urge to ejaculate
Coping with the urge to ejaculate

As young teens, just after the onset of puberty, guys soon realize that coping with the urge to ejaculate is part of their daily lives of just being guys, and that this will somehow have to be dealt with practically every day. Each guy faces this “task” differently, and, at the same time generally each of us has an inborn curiosity with respect to the issue of whether my peer males about the same age are struggling in the same way and the methods peers are using to cope with the situation.

And, just learning about this as an effort to better understand how our bodies work in this regard can pose a challenge. The issue of individual sexual sensations and urges quickly gets intermingled with the idea of having sexual relations with another person, and, of course, as a young teen that is generally not a practical or workable way of coping.

But there is more! Young male buds talk about lots of stuff, but this entire topic generally is not something that would be discussed except perhaps in the context of being turned on with the prospect of having sex with a female. Everything else is off limits. Most young teens are embarrassed to even bring up the questions that they really would like to know more about even with (maybe even especially not) their own parents, so in really interesting and useful content is really difficult to locate.

The additional complicated issue is the “am I straight or am I gay?”topic/issue that is floating around. And this gets messed together with the “do my male peers masturbate and, if so, do they know something I do not know?” topic. This, in turn, gets intermingled with the “If I enjoy pleasuring myself then does that mean I gay? topic. Combine all three of these and you can quickly see why being a post-puberty male teen can quickly be difficult to navigate. My male friends all talk about being turned on when they are “with” a girl whatever the word “with” might mean. But I am having these other “issues” involving sensations in my body many of which seem to have nothing at all to do with being with a female about my age.

And many of the situations that make me uncomfortable represent times, places and events that are completely unrelated to being with a female. Every guy has vivid memories about interesting, weird and perhaps even scary instances where he ejaculated under circumstances that do not involve a sexual encounter with another person at all. For me, I ejaculated a time or two just riding on a school bus. Somehow the steady vibrations in the school bus making its way down rough gravel roads set me off. Fortunately for me no one saw any evidence of what had happened, and I was able to get off the bus and to my house without detection.

Another time I was just riding along in a car still 30 miles from home and that happened. Once again I escaped detection.

Another time I was older and driving down the interstate at a legal 75 mph. Somehow I was feeling really horny but I was still 30 miles from home. It got to be something of a challenge to see if I could continue to drive down the interstate at 75 mph while ejaculating. I am still here to write about this so this ended fine, and without incident and clearly I could ejaculate in those days at 75 mph with both hands still holding steady on the steering wheel.

Teen males do have access to the Internet and this access could provide some access to answers to questions that are too embarrassing to ask parents or peers. Few teen males have not visited pornhub or other similar sites out of sheer curiosity or as a method to fill in some gaps in their knowledge.

The most curious thing about the porn sites is that the videos showing solo male masturbation are all found under the “gay” sections of the site, as if the only guys who masturbate are those who are at minimum, gay-curious. This reinforces the teen-bullying idea that if a guy is somehow caught jerking off then he should be teased and bullied as being gay. This is sad. Straight guys do it too. Practically all of them. And these guys are also curious as to how other males cope with the situation. And if this is something you cannot discuss with your peers or parents, where else can you then turn?

I have this “weird” view that being a sexually-active male does not mean that you need a partner at all, and that a guy’s sex life can be highly enjoyable no matter what your situation is with respect to a partner, whether male of female. And that solo-sex can also become warm and tender sex. In this regard I find many of the solo sex videos to be just that, A guy along, enjoying himself with the camera rolling and with the guy in the camera hoping that the watchers will enjoy seeing some stuff that ordinarily goes unseen.

But, a lot, (if not most) of the gay male partner videos seem to be anything but warm and sweet. In fact, a lot of them are downright brutal. Is gay sex REALLY that brutal? If I were interested in learning more about how sex works on a daily basis with gay guys, this is a very poor place to gather information. I have been around gay guys enough to realize that for a lot of relationships, sweet and tender is a much better description than brutal. But I guess such calm relationships are not worth filming.

I suppose that if I were to head over to the sections of the site that contains depictions of straight sex, I might find many of those videos to be more brutal and unrealistic with regard to depicting how partner sex normally gets played out between a man and a woman, but again, the Internet is a very unrealistic representation.

As I have indicated many times before, I have had several male friends (all with female wives) who have gone through divorces, and in each case I have tried to remain friends on both sides. I keep thinking that the male partner might at some level “admire” my situation of seemingly remaining sane without ever being in a partnered situation and deep down they are curious as to how I have coped all these years. Still, none of them ever dared ask the really interesting questions (this even as they enter periods of their lives where they may no longer be having partner sex on a regular basis). I can understand why all of this is so confusing for many guys and also why females oftentimes are frequently confused as well

All for now!

sebbie 02-05-2021 01:31 PM

Growing Old...
Growing old…

As a young person, like a lot of young guys, I likely thought that the sensations that a guy experiences as a teenager would gradually fade into nothing as the years went by—that is, my body over time would gradually adapt to a situation where I was gradually less and less able to have and enjoy sexual sensations as I grew older, and that this was just something that all guys had to cope with, pretty much.

For those of you who have diligently followed my pages, you realize that I have been through a lot over the years, the most drastic being losing my prostate 7 years ago at the age of 66. Many of you also know that I have never been married or been in a sexual relationship with another person, despite my fondness for the sensations the male body is amble to create “down there”. Yet, somehow I still have this goofy idea that I have had a far richer sexual life and gotten more out of it than most (if not all) of my male peers who obviously pursued different paths along the way. Now I know that some of these same guys likely think that I have somehow “missed out” on some of the best that life has to offer in this regard. Perhaps I would say the same thing to them as well. It is probably best not to assume anything about what works or doesn’t work when it comes to male sexuality, because what you think you know might apply to your own situation and work very well, but the whole idea of transferring a thought or an idea with the thought that this could be useful to another guy is fraught with difficulty. Still, I get a kick out of just pressing forward and barging ahead anyway.

Let me say first that over the years I have gotten a huge amount of pleasure from my own body and the sexually charged sensations it is able to create for me over and over. And I never stop finding new techniques that are really fun and only require a degree of privacy to pursue. But no problem there, as I have always lived alone for all but a few short periods of time in my adult life.

One of the first things a guy learns in adolescence is a detailed knowledge of the sensitivity of his penis to simple touching, rubbing or stroking form the base to the glans. Given that a lot of partner sex involves fitting the penis into a snug-fitting cavity (hole, that this should be the case comes as no real surprise. What does come as a surprise, however, is that there are many parts to the male body that are sexually active and that some of these parts are not located on or even that near the penis.

I have long thought about the question “Why do a lot of guys think that the mere act of putting on a men’s (or boy’s) swim brief leads to a degree of sexual excitement centered in the groin area?” Is it the whole idea of having to attempt to stuff your most sensitive body parts into a snug-fitting pouch made of a slick fabric that might feel arousing when pressed against the shaft of your penis? The idea that in so doing a guy may get an erection? The idea that once wearing a brief that others—male peers and females both--might gawk at what could be the outline of your male body parts in covered public view?

What is it, anyway that makes this whole act so psychosexually sensitive for a lot of guys? Why do some guys “collect” swim briefs of various cuts and sizes and make use of them in masturbation? Is this completely “normal” or do guys who do this have some sort of a psychosexual “problem” that needs to be addressed? And, for guys who get sexual enjoyment out of doing these things? Am I the only guy in the world with this “problem”? Or are lots of other guys so afflicted?

The “affliction” I describe CAN be a lot of fun. Guys would not pursue it in large numbers and with such enthusiasm if this were not true. And how does this mesh with the idea of forming a sexual relationship or bond with another person, male or female? Will I have to hide this “idiosyncrasy” from my partner or risk losing my partner? Maybe there is another gay guy out there somewhere who on his own has discovered some of the same things, and we can enjoy our “problem” together. Females not so much!

For most of my adult life I have enjoyed my own body in a bunch of different ways. I developed a routine of sorts that has served me well over the years and kept me quite happy living alone as a single guy. I admit the 2014 prostate surgery was a “shock” to the system, as lots of things did not behave quite as they did before the surgery, But guys in partner relationships complain about this as well. In my case I had no need to coordinate my rehab with another person, but it was still a stretch to convince my urologist that I was at least as concerned about my post-surgical capabilities as any married guy would be.

The bottom line of all of this is that I now have most of what I once thought could be lost forever back. I added a few new things—most notably some penis pumps (better known in the trade as VED devices) and an estim device but these have turned out to be quite pleasant indeed. One way of looking at this is that these devices introduce a couple new ways of engaging in self-pleasuring that I would not have otherwise discovered without the rehabbing after surgery.

Many of my readers know that I an a big fan of men’s thong underwear but primarily for using it as a truncated sleep garment. I have worn them at bedtime for decades. And, I was doing just that last night.

Now I really like the thongs with the ultra-snug pouches—the ones I have to really struggle with to get everything inside. And the ones where the rear cord is so short it crawls between my glutes, tugs on the snug pouch and presses upward on my perineum. The combination of these three sensations makes me horny—really horny.

But last night, before I got into a favorite thong, I began by playing around with my estim device, setting it up with a ring at the base of my penis, and another in the glans area. I can “tolerate” only a little of that, as my goal is not to start going into an orgasm. But these little devices are really fun as a masturbation aid set up that way.

After the estim episode I am ready to put on the VED device. The estim has made me “sexual sensation-focused” and the VED device does its best “work” when I am already feeling, psychologically, well, you know. It only takes a few minutes to pump myself to the point where I am quite large and red.

At this point the VED device comes off, but I am still quite red and hard. Time to coat my penis with some gel soap to make it slick and more fun to touch. That feels really great. I’m loving the sensations I am feeling, and the bright penis color only adds to the fun. I could easily get there but I still do not want to go into muscular contractions of orgasm. Right at the edge I pop into a warm tub of water my penis still quite large and hard. The warm water cools me down psychologically a bit, but I pop out of the tub still with a colorful, oversized penis and dry myself off. The next step is to crawl into the little thong. This won’t be easy because my penis is still rather big, but that just makes the attempt more interesting. I do get myself in, but the consequence is that I am precumming quite a bit. I’m going to crawl into bed wearing my thong, but first I pull on a pair of running tights that have a distinct pouch in front, a pouch that fits around the thong pouch perfectly. I like the erotic feel of the tights too—how they hold my pouch, my thighs and my calves. I quickly fall asleep and occasionally rub and stroke myself down there as I drift off What a great way to fall asleep!

I know some guys are fearful of growing old. Others of you might be fearful of growing old without a sexual partner. But, here in my 70s, I am making the most of it all and enjoying myself immensely at the same time. I sleep soundly through the night and wake up the next morning and there are viscous droplets of neat wet precum ooze on the front of the thong pouch. Everything is fine. I had to have precummed the entire night long. I check my blood pressure. It’s 107/79. What a great night!

nespeedoguy 02-05-2021 05:55 PM

Nice story
Great story, I’ve loved speedos and pouch bikinis tried few thong all get me going! Never tried any cock pumps. I do enjoy a fleshlight and prostate toy solo when not much action, few cock rings. Learned to sound my cock as teen and still have to to keep scar open. But no complaints as seems to stimulate next erection big time! Nice to share what feels good! Peace

sebbie 03-21-2021 01:31 PM

Nocturnal Emissions
Nocturnal Emissions

At puberty, a guy experiences his first real orgasm involving muscular contractions. Perhaps only dry at first, but also often with some semen. In some instances, guys have their first orgasms at nighttime and sometimes while sound asleep, leaving starchy stains on whatever they wore to bed. As a young teen I found these curious but interesting. It was easy enough to explain away what was going on to anyone who noticed the stains as this was something that “just happened” while I was sleeping and not anything that I had any control over, that is, a true nocturnal emission.

Of course, nocturnal emissions and wet dreams are the same thing, pretty much. A guy has a dream with a sexual theme and he suddenly wakes up to discover that he has had an orgasm. Or maybe he wakes up just BEFORE the orgasm takes place but he is both feeling really horny and physically his penis feels rock-hard and supersensitive. It is impossible to ignore the situation and remain in this state for very long, so the guy reaches down there and more or less “helps” things along a bit.

Of course, this orgasm is really powerful and really fun. Now there is a lot more sticky semen as well, not just a small stain or two. Still no one knew the guy was actually awake and playing with himself when he popped his load. To others this is just another nocturnal emission and no one else is the wiser.

Guys quickly become hooked on doing this to, by and with themselves. This should be something that can be enjoyed every night if possible but all the ejaculate creates quite a mess. What to do? Have an orgasm in the shower and hope that doing this daily will quell the nighttime urges and other stuff? The problem is that these nighttime orgasms are really really fun and the ones guys do in the shower tend to be less fun in part because they are accomplished in a hurry. A slow and leisurely pace is better, much better, and a sexy dream only adds to the fun.

By the time a guy reaches college age he has pretty well figured out that the “problem” he is having is common to nearly all of the male students and the big problem with men’s dormitories is that the guys are typically doubled up in a room and the showers might still be down the hall as in many of the older residence halls modeled after military barracks. In short, as a place to masturbate in private the dorm is a not even as good as the situation was when the guy was living with his own family back home. These nightly ejaculation sessions are still way fun and are helpful at alleviating some of the tensions ordinarily associated with being a college student, but the privacy a guy really needs to be happy only happens occasionally (as in “My roommate went home for the weekend but I stayed in the dorm”).

So the guy needs to find a way to get off under the covers without creating an obvious mess. Sleeping in the nude is not helpful and only creates more problems. The loose-fitting boxer shorts that some guys sleep in are also a problem, in part because they do not contain semen very well. In a pair of boxer shorts a good load is still going to go everywhere and if this happens in the early morning hours what went on is going to be most difficult to hide as the stains will still be wet.

Interestingly, a tight-fitting garment such as a swim brief with a double-lined pouch will contain the post-orgasm mess better. Wearing a swim brief to bed might “throw” a college roommate for a bit, but he should get used to seeing you that way. It might take a bit of time for the roommate to adjust to see you wearing a swim brief to bed at night but in that case I would suggest simply pulling over a loose-fitting pair of shorts over the briefs should solve that problem. You are not sleeping in loose-fitting boxer shorts but boxer shorts lined with a swim brief. And you are still set up so that you can rub yourself as the need arises with the boxer shorts still in place. So what if your roommate knows you have a skimpy swim brief on underneath. With luck, your roommate might figure out on his own exactly why you are doing this and then adopt the method himself!

Another trick I learned is to keep a box of facial tissue next to the bed since you might need to “blow your nose” during the night. Then, suppose you are on the verge of having an orgasm at 2 AM. The trick is to quickly grab a couple of the tissues and wrap the head of your penis like a condom and the layers of tissue should catch most if not all of the semen. Toss the soiled tissues under the corner of the bed and in the morning you can toss them in the trash and act like they are just full of mucous from blowing your nose during the night.

The methods I suggest can serve you well throughout adulthood and in any instance where you want to engage in masturbation without others being aware of what you are doing or have just done. Swim briefs make excellent sleepwear for surreptitiously masturbating in bed but also are an excellent choice if you want to already be somewhat horny and aroused from the moment your head hits the pillow. And this is something any guy at any age might enjoy. Liking the sensations your penis is able to produce with just a little effort on your part is a really fun part of being a guy and should not be something that in any way embarrasses you. All the best!

sebbie 03-22-2021 12:40 PM

Just doin’ exactly what the other guys are doing!
Just doin’ exactly what the other guys are doing!

The desire to wear a tight-fitting garment that will encase the penis and balls is nearly universal for males. Exactly what the desired garment is ( a swim brief, compression shorts or tights, snug-fitting underwear made of a stretchy slick material, etc etc) varies from one guy to another, but nearly every guy has some “interest” in the whole idea.

The tricky part always in not that but other considerations. This all gets intertwined with a guy’s feelings about who he is from the standpoint of sexual orientation. But, more importantly, what other guys might CONCLUDE about which sex I am attracted to based on what they see me wearing. I have never seen sexual orientation as being a 0-1 kind of thing—as in either I am gay or I am not. Still, I realize that a lot of guys think that as teens, being somehow identified as gay will lead to a lot of bullying by the purportedly “straight” guys. And it is not my ACTIONS that convinced the bullies but rather what I am wearing. Of course, for better or worse, swim briefs are often associated with the idea that this is something a gay guy would wear so it is best that I never be seen wearing one!

But then, wearing compression shorts, another commonly worn tight fitting garment, is commonplace among the athletes in a lot of different sports—professional team sports that pay millions of dollars to many players. Are these guys all gay too? Stuff like this raises more issues with respect to trying to tie what a guy wears to cover his groin to his sexual orientation. And the other obvious example is high school swim teams, where nowadays some are wearing briefs but others jammers, the jammers purportedly the bullies who engage in doing this are less “gay” I guess. A swimmer who wears a jammer will not be bullied but a swimmer wearing a brief might be!

I have been digging around on the Internet in an effort to unravel all of this. Water Polo is a sport that commonly is found at high schools in states on the coast (probably most often in California and Florida) but would not be a typical high school sport in most landlocked states. And the teams seem to be most common in what I would call “well to do” communities. Nationally, a high school swim team is much more common than a high school water polo team.

Many high school swim teams give swimmers a choice of wearing a brief or a jammer and currently we see a lot of interschool contests where there are some are wearing each style. However, in the case of water polo, there is no choice!

Water polo is a different story entirely. If a guy is going to play on a water polo team for the school, he must wear the team water polo swim brief. And having identical briefs made with the school logo is a big deal for building team “unity”. Because of what happens underwater in the sport, the brief must fit as snug as possible, so the opposing team cannot grab your brief and pull you down. So tight and small is good, and still tighter and smaller is better.

In order to be part of the team, a new player must be able to get his head around the idea that this will require him to wear something that is quite skimpy. But that is going to be OK because all the other guys are going to be doing the same thing. Surely a water polo player is not going to be bullied by a teammate wearing exactly the same suit. Besides it’s a chance to hang out with a bunch of other guys who are all good with this.

I suspect the teams annually place an order for new suits to be worn at meets during the year. I also suspect that the senior members of the team have a lot to say about the exact cut, color and fit of the new suits. The choice is made partly to intimidate the other teams they well be playing but also seves as a way of intimidating the new, younger players on the team as to whether or not they really want to be part of the team. As in, in order to be on the team you have to do this part like the upperclassmen are able to do. Are you able to do this and proudly wear the suit with the team logo on it?

Of course, water polo players must first be good swimmers so the idea of wearing a swim brief like this may be quite simple. Still, it is a chance to hang out with other guys who are quite OK with all of this as an important part of being on the team.

I have noticed that fewer and fewer swim teams take team photos on their members as they appear wearing briefs or even jammers. The team photos I see that show all the guys in briefs generally have some age on them.

But this is not true for the water polo teams. These teams seem to revel in the idea of taking photos with every guy clad in the official team swim brief, and some of these are really skimpy and snug-fitting.

To illustrate, here are three examples I found of Water Polo teams. Each appears to be the team from a water polo team a high school serving a generally wealthy coastal town.



Twenty years from now these guys will look back on this time and say to themselves “It was great fun hanging out with these guys.” They might have also kept the water polo suit that they wore then as a souvenir and reminder of the wonderful days they spent with their teammates back then.

sebbie 07-17-2021 04:28 PM

Just Enjoying Myself

Sexually, every guy is wired a bit differently with respect to what he enjoys doing. But this is particularly true when a guy is dealing with self-pleasuring or solo sex. Guy’s have an array of options available to them with respect to how a jerk-off session should proceed with respect to the specific ways a guy can do things with, to and by himself. The whole subject often is kept very hidden for an assortment of reasons. Young guys feel that they will be teased and bullied if any of their peers find out what they are doing, as in, if a guy is caught masturbating or even talking about the subject, there are other guys who will bully them maybe for “being gay”.

Yet, nearly every guy engages in masturbation, and this ordinarily does not change in adulthood, or when sexual partners come availably. Many purportedly happily married guys continue with the practice which is often a surprise to their sexual partners if they accidentally find out.

For me, engaging in solo sex has always been a central part of my life. I like self pleasuring so much that my great fear in being with a sexual partner would be that I might have to abandon doing things that I really enjoy about being a guy. But that fear has also sent me on a lifelong quest to uncover ever-better solo-sex techniques and approaches.

Over the years I have written a lot about employing items of clothing as part of my masturbation techniques. Swim briefs obviously (what guy reading this is not fond of jerking off in a favorite swim brief. But also other items, such as underwear thongs, jock straps and an assortment of snug–fitting Lycra garments, shorts, running tights and so on.

Some guys initially may be more than a little wary of all of this. Is this “normal?” What if I like what I am doing to and by myself “too much”? Is that somehow abnormal?

I have a basic rule that if you like how it fits and feels and does not harm anyone else, then the best idea is to simply kick back and enjoy the fun. Sexually stimulating yourself is not going to somehow do damage—in fact it might be helpful both physically and psychologically.

I am a big fan of thongs. I have written dozens of pieces about how I like the fit and feel of a properly sized, snug-fitting thong. I love how once in place, a thong puts some way neat pressure on the perineum area, where a bundle of psychologically and physically exciting nerve endings are located just behind a guy’s scrotum. Once I felt this and realized what was going on down there I was totally hooked. But I also quickly got hooked on the feel of the thong back cinching up between my glutes, an sensation that was enhanced whenever I engaged in any sort of movement.

I also love jock straps—I think in part because the leg straps that hold the bottom of the pouch in place cross and press upward in the same perineum area the thong is hitting. The so-called old school straps are the best at accomplishing this, and the correct strap and thong in combination feels really good.

To paraphrase the Mounds and Almond Joy candy bar ad, “Sometimes I feel like a cup and some days I don’t.”. I am fond of the feel of a cup surrounding my penis and sometimes that is the sensation I want. But I also love putting my penis in the “up” position mainly because the nerve endings on the underside feel so good when lightly touched or gently massaged. Cups pretty much require that a guy point himself downward, but a strap without a cup allows a guy to point himself upward both inside the thong pouch as well as inside the strap pouch being worn over the top.

Of course, once I am in that position this all calls for the tightest pair of compression shorts in my possession—today a pair of super snug Nike Pro shorts, that fit like a second skin. Penis up inside the thong pouch and covered by the Duke strap pouch. My perineum is screaming for attention. That feels really good But the underside of my penis is now super sensitive too even through the layers of cloth. Just a light touch against the Nike shorts is enough to send me to another time and place—something of a self-pleasuring heaven.

Of course, I can’t resist getting on my exercise equipment wearing all of this. My stationary rowing machine with each stroke makes that thong back pressing tight between my glutes feel really great. Can I row some more? Please!

And then the stationary bike, the seat of which tends to hit the perineum area over and over, and the thong back feels really neat with the pressure from the seat as well.

Should I be apprehensive or embarrassed by all the things that are going on with me? After all, my exercise routine seems to be speeding by, and moment by moment I am feeling an array of different sensations, all neat and good.

I dunno. I think I am just going to keep on doing this. I like what I am doing to, for, with and by myself. Should I be embarrassed? I think not! But I surely do feel horny…

sebbie 09-12-2021 12:40 PM

Jason and his Roommate
Jason and his roommate

Among males, the urge to ejaculate is nearly universal. But each guy approaches the issue in a different way. Obviously, teen males engage in solo sex (jerk off) a lot, and this becomes establishing a routine that is not so obvious as to attract undue “attention” to what is happening while continuing to do what needs to be done.

As a teen male, the desire to ejaculate is often relentless. Some guys claim that they ejaculate every day or even maybe twice a day, but some of this might be mostly bragging. I suspect the average schedule for a teen male is about 48 hours, and extending this to 72 hours or about once every 3 days becomes difficult. As time passes since the most recent voiding of semen, the urge to ejaculate keeps becoming ever more intense, as the penis screams for the attention it wants. So delaying too long has its own risks as in ejaculating uncontrollably in a situation that might be embarrassing. Best take some precautions (Swim coach passing out Speedos for us to wear for the first time Friday? I need to prepare myself for that).

By the time guys enter their first year of college at 18 or 19, they have established a bit more control but not by much. As teens living at home with the two-day max schedule, most ejaculations usually occur in bed, at night, in darkness and under the covers. But this may not work nearly as well if I am assigned to a two-man dorm room and have a roommate who may have grown up under circumstances very different from myself, and has deal with his urges to ejaculate in a different manner than the one I have been using.

Dorms for college freshmen are interesting. They traditionally have been segregated by sex, but nowadays there are issues like do you get assigned your dorm room based on the sex you were assigned the day you were born versus what you claim to be now. Freshmen usually get the older dorms, and often the rooms are all doubles with the bath facilities down the hall. And the showers might be simply a row of showerheads with those showering males hanging out nude all around. Not the kind of place a transgender male or even an openly gay guy might feel comfortable with. What if I get an obvious hard-on while I am showering and have a strong urge to jack off? Are there other guys in the shower? If not what if I think I am alone and another guy wanders in just as I am getting going good? A gay guy might be delighted but a straight guy maybe not so much.

So what this means is that the college freshman in this situation is forced back into doing some of the same things that he did when he was living at home as in ejaculating at night under the covers, and hoping that his newly-aquired roommate doesn’t get too suspicious. Take Jason, for example, a bright and good-looking 18-year old who seems to have it all together. Jason is an undercover masturbator, and has been since age 12. He got assigned a roommate randomly by the school when he applied for a dorm room. The roommate could have any imaginable views on solo sex. Maybe in his family, members treat self-abuse as a “sin”, and the roommate grew up thinking that he needed to purge his mind of such thoughts. Or maybe the roommate is very open minded as in if in faced with the situation where his roommate is abusing himself, this would be a place to “join in on the fun”. Or perhaps anything in between. Jason has no clue, and the roommate has no clue except to say that the close quarters without privacy makes sorting this all out very difficult.

Jason, despite seemingly being all together, has another hang up of sorts. He likes to sleep in a swim brief, and preferably a snug fitting one. And Jason is not a swimmer. He would have no reason to be bouncing around his dorm room wearing only a swim brief. So at bedtime Jason quietly slips into his favorite sleepwear and quickly pulls a pair of loose fitting plaid boxer shorts over.

Stuff happens, and at about 2 AM. Jason is right on the edge of ejaculation, so he quickly pulls the plaid boxers down. The swim brief Jason really likes fits quite tight, and the ejaculate semen is mostly contained within the brief. Jason can now pull the brief down under the covers and replace it with only the plaid boxers and br able to pop out of bed as if nothing at all had happened. Stull, he now has a swim brief with lots of milky semen under the bed covers. And swim briefs do not take kindly to the heat of a dryer. He needs to wash out the semen. But the shower where he could do this is not private and down the hall. Jason does this hoping the other guys in the shower do not realize that he is washing out a cum-filled Speedo® at the same time he is showering. He has a cleaner Speedo, but one that is still very damp and needs to be air-dried. Jason hangs the Speedo® in the dorm room to dry. The roommate notices the damp Speedo® and starts to put two and two together. Jason did something that he might be embarrassed to admit having done. But is this how the whole year is going to go?

At this point a lot of things could happen. As I sort through the on-line stores, increasingly I notice snug-fitting colorful briefs where the claim is that they can be worn either as underwear or as swimwear. I presume anything labeled as possible underwear can be tossed in the laundry bag with the other underwear used for day wear, and come out clean from the laundry. Plus this eliminates the need for Jason to try and explain to his roommate why he is drying a name-brand swim brief every other day when he is not a swimmer. What is important is that the on-line purchase be as good at stimulating an erection and containing the cum as the swim brief was but easier to launder.

The school year drags on for 9 months. Jason has obviously found a way to deal with his urges on a schedule that fits his body, even though he might go through a half dozen pair of “underwear” that he purchased on-line. The stunt works. But maybe the roommate, after observing all of this for a time, has gotten way smart about what Jason has been doing to, by and with himself. And how the roommate copes with this could vary all over the place, from a feeling of disgust, to a real desire to do exactly what Jason is doing to an effort to better cope with his own urges, and might to even want to “borrow” a pair of Jason’s underwear briefs and see if the whole idea that works for Jason works for him as well.

As a young college student, I loved to jack off in private in the dorm room, but I usually did it not wearing a swim brief, but rather a pair of the snuggest blue jeans I could find. This is another way a lot of males relieve themselves. The advantage to this is that if a guy hears someone coming down the hallway and about to enter the room the guy can zip up the jeans and act as iff nothing at all has been happening.

When I was a student, the dorm room applications did not ask if I was straight, gay or something else entirely that was not even defined back then. And Universities still have a lot of gender specific member fraternities and sororities, and the presumption rather was that anyone chosen for membership by definition was straight not gay or something else. Of course, that was not always true, though gay members by joining the fraternity usually saw this as a reason to hide their sexual orientation or perhaps using the fraternity to convert them from being gay to straight.

The issues I have discussed above often apply equally well in an all-male fraternity house with even more so with even less privacy for coping with male urges. Another approach might be for Jason, or maybe a fraternity guy struggling with this, to be completely open about what he is doing, why it works, and why he wants to continue and see how the roommate or fraternity brothers react. But this approach has risks. Maybe the roommate will get his nerve up to start asking some questions out of curiousity, but also because the roommate might find these techniques to be quite enjoyable just so long as I can retain the appearance of being straight not gay!

sebbie 09-13-2021 12:32 PM

So, how snug would you like this to fit?
So, how snug would you like this to fit?

This is a “classic” question a store clerk asks when helping a guy pick out the right size for all sorts of different clothing items, not only briefs and swimwear, but items like jeans, and even shirts and full suits. And, styles change, narrow jeans and form-fitting suits are very popular right now.

If the guy were to be truthful, he would say “just snug enough so that merely wearing the item would make me feel horny and aroused!” But guys are never truthful on this subject.

I confess, I sometimes entertain myself by on occasion visiting the major internet porn video sites. One most interesting thing I have discovered is that the sites are divided as to being either the straight section or the gay section. My interest is ordinarily in the solo sex or male masturbation videos, and, oddly enough these are all found in the gay section.

Maybe if I were ever moved to visit the straight side I would discover that this is also the repository for female masturbation videos, as in this is something a straight guy maybe would enjoy watching. But if I want to see males masturbating, this can only be found in the gay section never mind these may be interesting to some females. All of this is very curious. I never thought that straight guys somehow have no interest in engaging in solo sex but that gay guys somehow always do. This idea would be consistent with the 13-year old male bully who accidentally discovers a male classmate masturbating and starts teasing and bullying the classmate because what he saw somehow “proves” that the classmate is gay.

Personally, I am turned off not turned on by most of the partner gay videos featuring gay sex, in part because they most often depict acts of oral or anal sex and are often quite violent. But personally, I am not wired in a way that in any circumstance sees oral or anal sex as psychologically or physically arousing, but I would say the same about seeing these same acts between a man and a woman on the “straight” site as well. And watching a male and female engage in penis-vagina sex is no turn-on either. Maybe this is why I have remained single all my life. Now watching another guy try on a new snug-fitting swim brief—THAT is a real turn-on, both psychologically and physically. Watching a guy masturbating another guy with his hand is not interesting either because I realize that successful self-abuse involves fine interaction between one’s mind and body and this is impossible if another guy is doing the masturbating.

Then I watch the news. A lot of guys somehow claim to be “normal heterosexuals” when in fact their behaviors are anything but normal in this regard. And this even gets into engaging in illegal and dangerous acts at times. Let me toss out a few names of famous people once considered by the public to be normal straight males. Harvey Weinstein. Bill Cosby, Bill Clinton. Or gay males like Kevin Spacey. Then let me add some more names of people who might have done highly questionable things under the guise of just being being a normal straight guy Andrew Cuomo, Prince Andrew, Donald Trump, Bill Gates. Even Joe Biden might appear on this list, having a penchant for hugging females he has barely met, if at all. Is this a way Biden gets turned on sexually, if really weirdly repressed? And we are living in a world in which women (and men too) are more routinely coming forward to complain about being confronted with inappropriate male behavior often by well-known individuals. But I presume a lot of this same thing happens in the world of guys who are not famous.

These thoughts all help clear my mind on a couple of different subjects but in the process raise some more issues. First, if penis-vagina sex was so much fun and so wonderful, why did I choose to remain single all my life having no interest whatsoever in even being close to a woman let alone engaging in penis-vagina sex with her?

Second, if having a male partner is so important in being gay, why am I so turned off even by watching a video of two guys engaging in oral or anal intercourse or even in a partner “hand job”. For me, this is simply not where it is where it is at, either.

So, perhaps I am asexual or even non-sexual and maybe do not have feelings of arousal at all? But that is not at all true either. I greatly enjoy the sexual aspects of being a male in very profound ways, it’s just that I am most aroused in situations where I am the only one and in full control. I think about all the guys who have gotten themselves into trouble in efforts to be with a sexual partner. I have been the wingman in a bunch of different divorces, and the question that I always end up thinking about but never quite dare ask, is that if penis-vagina sex is ultimately such a wonderful part of life, why are the two of you seeking to get out of the situation you have been in. I suppose the answer for some males is because that my partner refuses to have sex with me any more. Then, on occasion I encounter a married couple who do not have sex even irregularly and I scratch my head as to why both partners seem to be fine with that. After all, isn’t the main reason why two people get together is to have regular partner sex? Well maybe, but maybe not.

Believe it or not, I think the main reason I decided to remain single my entire life is that early on I developed a bunch of different ways for doing things to, by and with myself, and at some point I quickly discovered that if I found a partner, male or female, I would have to give up a bunch of activities that I hold dear, with no real chance for integrating a lot of the things I most like do do into a relationship. The partner likely would find me more than weird in that regard, and any marriage would last 24 hours, tops.

Besides, my lifestyle has caused me zero problems. I am not paying off a big divorce settlement. Nor have I caused any unwanted pregnancies. Nor have I ever been infected with HIV or other venereal disease. I do have a drawer brimming with swim briefs in all sorts of cuts and sizes. And another drawer filled with straps some with cups and some without. Another drawer, more recent, has several different VED pumps. Then there is the pile of snug-fitting blue jeans, and another big pile of running tights, compression tees and shorts and all manner of other snug fitting underwear and other similar clothing. Should I suddenly drop dead, whoever cleans all of this out is going to have a heck of a time trying to determine what I have been up to by doing things to, with and by myself.

Which brings me back to Jason, the college student who likes to masturbate at night, under the covers, wearing a really tight swim brief, but to not make what he is doing obvious to his recently-acquired dorm roommate. At some level, Jason is wondering about whether or not his roommate would enjoy engaging in some of the nighttime activities Jason is enjoying, but the big question is how to provide the roommate with just enough hints such that the roommate starts asking questions, and can Jason be open and truthful about what he is doing? I keep thinking about what a turn-on just being back in a double dorm room would be with the night-time erections and trying to understand where a guy you have only recently met is with respect to the stuff I am doing and that I refuse to discontinue doing simply because my living accommodations are with another guy in a double room with no real privacy and his bed but 6 ft away from mine, maybe less.

sebbie 09-14-2021 12:54 PM

Just growing up
Just growing up

Today, I want to share with you some thoughts I have been having about my years when I was growing up, but in particular in the years just past puberty. I grew up on a farm, in a rural area, in the middle of nowhere with the nearest neighbor being a half mile away. My first 5 years of schooling was in a one-room rural school that only had 6 students the last two years I attended. So I did not have a lot of close friends male or female.

I also have only one sibling, a brother 5 years older than I. By age 14, when I was a freshman in high school, my brother was 19 and off to college most of the year and not living at home. So I got to take over the bedroom we had shared before, and this meant that as a young teenager I had a degree of privacy that, as you will see, came in very handy at times given the “experiments” I liked to run.

I have been fascinated with male sexuality and what happens down there. I had a little set of encyclopedias, and mostly I spent my time as a young teenager poring over the articles that used the term “sexual arousal.” What I learned became a basis for running an “experiment” of one sort or another. Usually the experiment involved getting myself way horny and then ejaculating, although these experiments were best run in night under the covers. But then I was in my room alone so there were lots of opportunities to experiment.

My parents were great in almost all respects. They not only asked no questions, on the few occasions when I was really young I mentioned to my mom that I was having “this problem” (ejaculating) during the night. This seemed to concern my mom not at all. She said to me “that is fine, and what is happening to you is fine too.” I can’t imagine a better situation for a 14-year old. I could continue to act as if these events were happening involuntarily, in my sleep as a “wet dream” even though I may have been wide awake and providing some manual “encouragement”. Mom seemed to think that whatever was happening and the reason did not matter, and that I was just a normal boy.

I have had a fondness for briefs since before puberty. Back then the common swimwear was not a brief, but a short legged cotton suit. And almost invariably these suits featured a brief-style inner liner, there so a guy’s vital parts did not fall out while swimming given that the trunk was but a loose fit. I quickly figured out that of I was not going to get the paors of tighty whiteys I longed for, this suit with a brief style liner was a good substitute. I pulled on the shorts and sure enough, instant and very obvious erection and hard on. I looked at my situation and being a young boy I said to my mom “I seem to have a problem here.” My mom said “What is that? I pulled back the waist of the suit and showed her. My penis was as big as I had ever seen it and a ruddy color that looked unnatural to me too, but worse, it was hard and pointes straight forward the bulge easily seen. Interestingly, my mom said to me “the situation you are in must be thrilling you to the core! But the only way you are going to recover is to quit thinking about your penis so much! But that was easier said than done for sure. The question was “How do I NOT think about an erect and hard penis, a penis that thrills me to the core? But I was only 12 or so. What could I expect? No doubt my mom thought the whole sequence was more than a little silly, though she obviously understood my predicament she seemed not to feel very sorry for me.

In those days guys all wore pajamas to bed, tops with sleeves and matching long-legged bottoms—and sleeping in boxer shorts was not popular at all. The tricky part was ejaculating when it was nearly dawn, because invariably I would have splotches of cum trailing down one of my pajama legs and I could hardly show up for breakfast looking that way. This was a real problem. I soon discovered that if I ejaculated earlier at night, say before midnight, the cum would dry leaving only a yellowish starchy stain on the pajama leg. Once dried, that was not nearly so noticeable. So I learned to run my experiments before midnight, and what fun they were! I was learning a lot about myself and what was fun to do, day by day.

It was not long before I figured out that the underside of my penis was a lot more touch-sensitive than the top side, and the underside really loved to be touched and fondled in various ways. I liked to do that and soon I would have a really nice hard-on. Then what to do. Why not flop over on my stomach, penis pointed upward and put my body weight on the top of my penis while moving myself back and forth in repetitive strokes tpo further stimulate the underside. Ejaculation was only moments away. Only later did I learn that this masturbation method was quite aggressive and if I threw enough body weight onto a fully erect penis from above in this way I might even damage something. But I was this skinny little guy about 100 pounds or so, and nothing bad ever happened.

The other down side was that I quickly discovered that my body produced a huge amount of semen employing this technique. For starters I was way turned on and the semen just cam pouring out. Worse it all accumulated in one large and really wet spot on the lower sheet, a spot that might take some considerable effort to remove in the wash. Still, mom never complained. I guess this is what a mom has to put up with in raising a 14-year old boy. (in later years, I had assigned a female primary care physician and she wondered if that was a concern for me. She said, “Don’t worry, I have raised 6 boys, and I have seen everything there is to see!”).

Mom was remarkable in these years. The only complaint I had is that mom thought guys should wear boxer briefs not tighty whiteys, and bought my underwear through mail order Sears or Wards, as the design was tough to find then in the stores. The guys I knew all wore tighty whitey briefs, and I admired them. I thought tighty whiteys would be much more fun to masturbate in, as so much wanted some, but mom insisted.

The thing I find most interesting about this is that nowadays the teenage guys almost all wear boxer briefs similar to the style my mom favored except now maybe not white but somber grays and navy blue. Tighty whiteys are as rare among teens as boxer briefs were in my years growing up. But if you wonder where the roots of my fondness for jerking off in a pair of maybe undersized tighty whiteys, it may be related to my longings for not being able to do the same thing as a young teenager, and this was the one “scar” mom left on me with regard to sex. Still, once I got to the age where I could comfortably go out and buy my own underwear I quickly made up for lost time, I went out and bought some tighty whiteys, kept the boxer briefs in my drawer lest I need convince my mom that I still wore them, but soon I was wearing tighty whiteys exclusively and enjoying the fit and feel which turned to be at least as good as I had long fantasized about. All of y this soon led to buying swim briefs even though I was not a swimmer, another male jerk-off fantasy thing for sure. It was more difficult to concoct a plausible story line but eventually I was out on my own, living alone and no longer needed a story line.

Overall, I had great fun as a teenager in high school. I can tell you a few stories in which for no really good reason and at an inopportune time or place I ejaculated in a situation that was embarrassing though I suspect many if not most males have some similar teen experiences to tell about. One time, I was just riding along in the school bus over a bumpy road, and sure enough the vibrations felt good in a scary way. The ejaculate oddly enough collected on the BACK side of my pant leg, and so long as I remained seated the wet spot could not be seen at all. When it came time for me to get off the bus, I made a quick exit and no one was the wiser.

Another time I was wearing a new pair of what I thought was a great pair of skinnier-than-I-was-used-to jeans, and this time I got a hard-on pointed downward, and I was in a bad way. With each step I was taking, along side a male friend who was walking along side me, as I moved I kept getting harder and harder. Something soon had to give, I had to stop for a minute and I quickly started to ejaculate, and the semen quickly left a stain on the front of my newly-acquired skinny jeans. I suspect the friend I was walking with figured something was going on and he may have noticed the damp cum stains on the leg of my jeans, but he never said a thing. Somehow I survived all of this. Did I mention that I have this “thing” for snug-fitting jeans as well? Nothing better than a pair of undersized tighty whiteys covered by jeans that conform to the shape of my body, or so it was!

In retrospect, mom was pretty open minded about “guy things”. Maybe I should have just asked her to order me one package of boxer briefs and a smaller 3-pack of white cotton briefs that I would wear in warm weather, and see if she would agree to that. But then I would have faced the problem of trying to figure out how I could get 3 pair of briefs that had starchy yellowish cum stains on the pouch from my wintertime activities washed and dried so that they would be ready for summer wear! I was just too scared.

sebbie 09-15-2021 12:33 PM

Off to College (Part 1)
Off to College Part 1

I never dated in High School. Not one date. The whole idea did not appeal to me and I got no joy from even the thought of hanging out with a female partner. I was not attracted to guys either. I never got into anything in my interactions with males my age that could in any manner be considered sexual.

Keep in mind that this was in the first half of the 1960s, and being sexually attracted to a person of your own sex was still considered to be a mental illness that could possibly be cured if a guy could only find a skilled expert psychiatrist. After all the thought was that straight people in theory are happy people who lead happy lives incorporating regular penis-vagina sex. And the stuff some gay guys did, such as anal or oral sex, was considered weird and sick, and breaking a gay guy of his fondness for such acts was part of the purported “cure” for the mental illness of having gay thoughts.

Psychologically I was living in a place other than any of this anyway. What other guys were doing to with and for partners was no concern of mine. If the idea of engaging in penis-vagina sex was a turn-off, that applied even more-so to the idea of engaging in sex involving the mouth or anus with a gay guy. But having said that I was quite interested in the sensations that I had learned to create in my body at night, under the cover of darkness, and had spent my high school years honing my skills and technique. I had found a better and easier-to-navigate sexual world, a place all my own and enjoy myself for the pure fun of it, without having to deal with the complexities of being with a sexual partner male of either sex. In my mind, this was an ideal world, and all these years later I still remain convinced of that.

So, I entered college in 1965, and a lot of college activities are built around social activities that involve potential or ongoing sexual partners. In 1965, all the guys who joined a male fraternity were “assumed” to be heterosexual males looking forward to dating women every weekend along with regular dances and other social events that mixed males and females on a regular basis, presumably males and females in search of penis-vagina sex. The idea of a fraternity consisting mostly if not exclusively of gay males was, well, way out there. Fraternity members were by definition straight and totally focused on how good it felt to have intercourse with a woman.

Of course, that was not me at all. Socializing on weekends with women made me miserable and I wanted no part of that scene at all. But, I did not have to join a fraternity with all of these weird guys in it. I could continue to stay in a dorm and not have to deal with any of this. In those days dorms were segregated by sex, and the rooms generally were doubles, with 2 men in each double room and 2 women in each room in the women’s dorms. Assignments, unless a student had identified a specific person as a roommate, were random, and the thought of 2 gay males rooming together and having sex never occurred to the dorm managers, or, if it did, nothing was ever said. The real concern was with the idea of a female showing up in a guy’s dorm room for, to make out and well, you know, but they had rules that purportedly kept that all from happening. Rather weird, huh?

My brother, five years my senior, had completed a 2-year degree and then worked for 3 years. But at the point in time when I would be a freshman he was interested in finishing the final two years of his bachelors degree, and so the obvious thing to do was to avoid the random roommate selection process and we would room together in a double. This was not terrible awful because we had grown up sharing a bedroom as well, and I could pretty well figure out what my brother's schedule was and when I would likely have the space to myself.

The dorm was set up just like I previously described, two single beds not six feet apart. A mirror and towel rack, and two closets with built in dressers, and two metal desks for study. The bathroom was way down the hall. It looked a lot like a rest room at an airport, with a long row of toilets with doored private stalls, another open area consisting of a long row of sinks, and a shower section with 8 heads that was completely open, so any guy showering could see all the nude males who were doing the same thing. These facilities were brand new and seem very much like a military setup. But lkeep in mind that the school was also a ROTC establishment and for many years all the males were required to be in ROTC so the comparison made sense.

In the mornings, the guys would head to the restroom to S, S and S. clad only in a white towel which they kept in place around their waists at the sinks but then removed for the shower and used to dry off. Early mornings the shower could be packed with nude males and to avoid the crowds some guys opted to shower in the late afternoons or evenings when the area was largely disserted. Still, for a gay male who liked to observe other nude males, this was a great place to be, but no one mentioned that.

The University laundered bed linen, but only once a week. How all of this impacted male behavior with respect to nighttime “wet dreams” I always thought was very interesting. The bed was a military style cot, more or less, consisting of a mattress with a flat spring on the bottom. Not a very comfortable bed. The University wanted to keep the mattresses clean, so every one was fitted with a slick, all=vinyl mattress cover that would presumably keep “liquids” from staining the mattress underneath? What kinds of liquids? Well, you know, some of my penis prone masturbation techniques could wreck havoc on not only a sheet but directly on the mattress underneath. Think of the vinal cover as a mattress condom. Think of a vinyl liner as something of a condom for the mattress in a space where 200 guys were all having “wet dreams” and what that could mean for mattress life if they were not properly protected. Guys may like to claim that they were only getting their “rocks off” on their weekend dates but everyone knows that is a myth.

Keeping the sheets clean was quite a task for the University. Think starchy yellowish week-old cum stains on practically every sheet. This calls for heavy-duty laundry detergent and adversely affects sheet life, and part of the dorm rent no doubt was used to replace the sheets and the occasional mattress that had succumbed to the activity going on under the covers. At one point I decided that the slick vinyl mattress cover made just sleeping unbearable. So ine night I got up, removed the cover and put the sheet back on over the unprotected mattress. As I hid the vinyl cover under the bed, I thought to myself if the mattress gets stained no one would be able to tie me specifically to the crime. The housekeeping staff seemed to not notice at all.

In the second year of all of this my brother had gotten heavily involved with a girl he married shortly atfer he finished his degree, and he was in heavy dating mode. This worked out well for me as these dates tended to not end till the wee hours of the morning and once my brother was gone I would have the room all to myself for a lengthy period of time. I took advantage of that and kept honing my skills as I kept thinking of new and interesting ways to do things to, for and with myself. These were happy times for me to be sure. While all of this was going on, I also became a really really good student, a powerhouse in that regard with respect to the entire campus. Somehow, my combination of activities worked really well, but dating was not one of them.

To be continued in part 2.

sebbie 09-15-2021 02:22 PM

Part 2 Two Years of College to go
Part 2 Two Years of College to go
continuation of previous post

So, my brother had finished his degree and was planning on marrying, but I still had two years of college to go. And the old problem was back. The dorm rooms were doubles, and I was uncomfortable with the idea of living in the same room as a guy who was randomly assigned to my room. Besides, I had more than a few “habits” and “likings” than another normal sexually-active straight guy might think as weird, annoying, or otherwise impossible to deal with and I was struggling with this and what it might mean for the way I lived.

I could not exactly make public that I was seeking a roommate who enjoyed solo sex as much as I did and was willing to not only deal with my “perversions’ but in some manner become part of what I was doing. In short, a gay roommate in 1967, even a semi openly gay roommate would be pretty weird. At some level I knew that there must be other guys who enjoy solo sex at least as much as I do, but the idea of a somehow shared solo sex experience with your college roommate was way out there. For that matter I wasn’t even thinking about sharing what I was doing by myself with anyone, even as a subject of discussion not a demonstration.

Fortunately, the University made a solution available to me that solved all my problems. A new 9-story dorm had just gone up and it was not like living in a military barracks. Instead of a bath down the hall, the new dorm had 8 floors of suites, each suite consisting of two double rooms and a shared area consisting of a sink, wall phone, enclosed shower and a toilet in another enclosed area. Instead of being clad in a towel to go to the bathroom and shower, guys living in the rooms could go into the common area wearing almost nothing or nothing at all. These floors were set up so that each two floors shared a common lounge area and elevator access. But even more interesting is that on every floor ONE of the suites was set up for 5 men not 4, and the 5th person did not share a room with a roommate put had a separate private room still sharing the common area. Since there were only 8 of these single dorm rooms on the entire campus I needed to get up early to get my name in for one of them.

And that I did! I ended up having the most prime piece of dorm real estate on the entire campus—the single room on the top or 9th story of the brand new dorm with a window looking out to the city airport with planes landing regularly. This was completely private when I wanted my privacy. A great place to study AND jerk off in with privacy. Besides I also had 4 “suite mates” that I could interact with but only to the degree that I wanted.

The other two rooms had four guys, one room with two brothers one a year older than the other, The second room had a football player in it, a burly guy who was also something of a jokester. His roommate was a guy that I remember little about, That roommate like to drink, was probably an alcoholic, and having booze in the dorm room was very much frowned upon to the point where discovery usually meant that the student would be dismissed. I remember walking into the room and seeing his closet foiled with a shelf of booze---it looked like the shelf of a liquor store. The dorm counselors soon figured out what was going on. The guy spent little time in the dorm room and I never knew if he left college on his own or was banned, but he wasn’t around much at all.

The older brother and I became quite good friends and the younger brother too. They were quite different. The older brother was a serious scholar but the younger brother was not fond of college. The younger brother liked to play jokes on people, stupid but never really mean stuff, like putting black shoe polish on the black toilet seat. The older brother was annoyed by this to a degree. And the football player was something of a jokester too, so the younger brother and the football player hit it off.

One day the two of them decided it would be fun to gross out their suitemates. They both put on boxer shorts and then both lay on the football players bed and started grabbing each other’s penises trough the cloth and massaging each other. They were never nude, but all of the suitemates were seeing all of this in real time—two guys jerking each other off with an audience. The older brother thought this was pretty weird but he was used to seeing his brother misbehave in various ways. I just watched in silence as all of this went on.

At least not publicly, neither of them got to the point of ejaculation though it was becoming pretty obvious to me that neither of them was that far away, They suddenly stopped cold. Maybe they both thought that ejaculate was too much for their captive audience to bear. But for me the event raised questions in part because this happened not once but several times in the full view of others in the suite. And I was filled with questions about stuff I had never thought about before, in particular was one or both of these guys gay, and doing this in a situation whereby what was happening was only semi private? Was all of this just another big practical joke on the rest of us and the behavior was what they were claiming it was, just a silly effort to gross out their suitemates in a world of 1968 where gay interactions were deeply frowned upon? The University had no explicit rules banning masturbating your roommate! So far as the university was concerned, gay sex did not exist only straight sex, and they did have rules that attempted to ban straight sex in the dorms.

Thar the alcoholic roommate who often was not in the room night after night meant that the football player was living as a single guy much like I was, and the younger brother may have wandered into the football player’s room at night, and then did more of the same. Lots of odd stuff goes on in dorms in a setting where everyone is male.

I’ve thought about these guys and this incident many times in part because when I saw it I was really naïve about gay sex. And I read that a lot of males have what would be called a same-sex encounter with another male that essentially goes nowhere—the guy marries and penis-vagina sex becomes the replacement for the gay sex, and life goes on as a straight male.

I know that the younger brother left school without completing a degree. He really did not like being in college. But he soon married and lived his life with a woman. The football player I completely lost track of. But, all of this happened in an era when it would be considered really odd if a big burly college football player ever admitted to having engaged in sex in any form with another male in any form including jerking off each other. So to this day I think that guy may have been a deeply hidden gay guy and this was a way to play out a fantasy under the guise of everything being a gross out joke on the suitemates.

Me, I’m still struggling with the whole idea of two males both enjoying wearing snug-fitting Speedos and both at the same time masturbating only themselves not each other, but at the same time and in the same private space, and whether that fantasy should be labeled as gay.

sebbie 09-18-2021 11:52 AM

Thinking back
Thinking Back…

In high school, I was a very skinny nerdy kid with a very “long drink of water” look. I had suddenly grown to 5 ft 10 inches, but my body weight stayed stubbornly the same at only 105 lbs. I went through four years of college and my body weight went up to maybe 110 pounds. I might have made it to 120 pounds but that was it. I admired the guys who as they grew they acquired more muscle mass, making their shirts and jeans look right. Me, no matter what clothes I bought, they fit way oversized on my skinny arms, legs and even my chest.

Very early on I also admired the fit guys who looked good wearing only a Speedo, but that required the basics such as an actual chest and thighs, not to mention glutes, and I had none of those. I bought a house after I took a job and decided what it really needed was a hot tub, as that would give me an excuse to own Speedos and wear them every day. So I added a small room on the back of my house and installed a hot tub and bought appropriate “swimwear” for that.

But this did nothing for my gaunt physique. I had a friend who was an excellent swimmer, a native of Greece, who said “no problem! You see I have this friend who is a swimming instructor and she will teach you how to swim.” She tried but physically it just did not work for ma. I could save myself from drowning maybe but that was it.

I decided the problem I was having was way weak upper body strength. Going swimming was a pain as I had to spend time driving to and from the pool. There must be a better way for me to build my body with the idea that this will make swimming easier. Why not a stationary rowing machine, of course! I had a spare bedroom, and I had a small color TV in it. I was also looking at weightlifting equipment that would not cause injury if I was working out alone and I chose a too big weight and dropped it, and the inexpensive home gyms with weight stacks were just that. So the 3rd bedroom became my gym and rowing area.

From the moment I sat on my first rowing machine I knew I had found my sport. And I loved the new no- fuss weightlifting setup too. I watched TV as I rowed. Here were activities that were finally going to make me move along the lines I wanted to go. If it was possible for the rowing machine to build an upper body then my body would have no choice but to obey. I liked these activities so much I never went back to swimming.

The whole idea was to spend an hour rowing followed by various activities on the weightlifting home gym. Speedos are not ideally suited to these activities, though other kinds of Lycra gear are. There was one set of clothing for rowing and weightlifting, and the hot tub was always waiting. So after my daily workout .I would get out of my workout gear, get in a Speedo and hop into the hot tub. There are some interesting things a guy can do with his male body parts up against the jet of a hot tub. Can you say “quick orgasm?” The sensation is like having the cum being “sucked” out of your body, and it happens even if you are not hard at all. This sort of play must sell a lot of hot tubs.

So, for the last 35 years or so I have been rowing and weightlifting pretty much every day. After I broke my hip in an unfortunate accident in 2014, I added a stationary bike to my routine and I have now gone 9000 miles on that a half hour a day.

AND skinny jeans that fit my still lean body are now readily available, but then my thighs are bigger now from all the rowing and bike riding. Today I am wearing a pair of 31 x 30 skinny jeans, the same waist and inseam I wore in high school. At my age of 73, I know of few guys who can say that as the normal aging process adds an inch or so to the waist a year. I have a very big pile of jeans I have accumulated over the past two decades all ranging from 30 x 30 to 32 x 30. Some guys might worry that this would be a huge waste of money (My jeans collection is at least as large as my Speedo collection) but they all have been the right size for 20 years, and I presume if I keep rowing and bike riding on a daily basis my jeans will continue to fit.

Do I have any regrets? Not really! I am still as enthusiastic about stationary rowing as a sport as I was when I first started over 30 years ago. Of course, I also have a big collection of workout gear that works well for rowing, and, being retired now, I live in that every day. Compression shorts and tees, compression running tights, not to mention football pants and wrestling singlets. My go-to setup uses a pair of tighty whiteys under the compression shorts, but an underwear thong is way interesting as well. And sometimes just a strap, with or without a cup. Great sport! Great fun! And the time on the machine goes quickly especially wearing the right gear!

sebbie 10-08-2021 01:24 PM

How snug do you want that to fit?
“How snug do you want that to fit?” is a question a lot of guys get as they start thinking about wearing a new clothing item, but in particular any new clothing item that will cover the groin area. This seems like an innocuous question to be sure, as if it really only has to do with proper sizing for the sake of appearance, but deep down every guy knows that the question often involves issues with a deeper, more personal meaning.

Guys learn at a very early age that there are places in the groin area that are, well, sensitive to having any clothing item touching them, and further, that anything that is looser fitting is probably also less likely to provide significant stimulation down there. Swimwear is probably the best known of the clothing items that guys “worry” about. And there is a psychological element to all of this as well. Part of the appeal of board shorts as swimwear is that the looser, baggy fit is unlikely to provide any significant stimulation to cause the guy to have any psychological concern.

A snug-fitting swim brief is just the opposite, however. And here is the really weird part. If a guy merely THINKS about the possibility that a swim brief will make him aroused or even result in an embarrassing erection, then the odds are much greater that this is exactly what WILL happen if a guy pulls on the swim brief. Merely THINKING about the POSSIBILITY that this could happen could in fact cause it to happen. But generally, guys do not get horny and aroused merely contemplating putting on a pair of loose-fitting board shorts. So these become a “safe” solution, assuming the guy is looking to avoid getting aroused simply by putting an article of clothing over his groin area.

OK, so I am wearing my board shorts, in part because I do not want to get stuck in a situation where I am having a noticeable arousal and erection, and this seems to be working for me, sort of. The problem is, two of the other guys I am with are wearing swim briefs, and because of that they must be experiencing something that I am not experiencing nor enjoying. Clearly, the swim briefs fit quite snug, and I can see an outline of each of their packages down there. I wonder if wearing the swim briefs are in part causing that. The other guys are teasing me, and wondering why I insist on wearing these baggy, loose-fitting board shorts and not sleek snd snug swim briefs like they are wearing. I start to thinking about this, agonizing really over the question of how my body would react if I discarded the board shorts and put on a pair of swim briefs.

Once in a pair of swim briefs, would I be able to “control” myself? How horny would I feel? Would I grow so big that even my body outline would potentially cause me embarrassment? For any guy who has never worn a swim brief, there are lots of unanswered questions here.

The safest thing of course is to go buy a swim brief and then try it on not with a group of guys but in the privacy of your own bedroom maybe in front of a mirror. See how you hang together psychologically seeing yourself wearing one as well as what your physical condition turns out to be. In short, how horny and how aroused do you get once you are wearing a swim brief? If all you can think about is how much you want to ejaculate once you are wearing your swim brief, then you likely have some things you will need to work through before wearing the brief in a public or semi-public setting.

One option at this point would be to try wearing the swim brief as sleepwear and if you are concerned that others might wonder about what you are doing, simply slip on a loose fitting pair of boxer shorts over. A guy’s body does a good job of communicating if you have put yourself in a happy situation or not. If you are uncertain as to whether or not your body “likes” being in the snug swim brief say, at 11 pm, there should be no doubt in your mind when you awaken at 3 AM and observe what has been going on down there. In fact, you may want to thank me for suggesting this idea.

This is all goofy and sweet fun. In the process of wearing your new swim brief to bed, you are bound to learn a lot more about who you really are as a guy and as a human being. And all of that is a great and not-to be-missed. Maybe you will even get to the point whereby putting on a swim brief causes you no issues, either physical or psychological of any sort. But in getting there you have had a lot of pure, not-to-be missed fun!

sebbie 11-01-2021 12:54 PM

A new “woke” college dorm
A new “woke” college dorm

I have discussed at length the design of the traditional college dorm, with students housed two-to-a room and a shared bath with a row of stalls, showers and wash basins in a common area down the hall. I have long lamented the fact that in such an arrangement, it was difficult for a guy to find any private space in order to engage in any sort of masturbation activity, and how this might affect a guy’s outlook, happiness and performance in college. I also have explained that in my last two years as an undergraduate I managed to snag a single room in a suite containing a shared bath and two doubles and this turned out to be an ideal setup for, well, you know.

Let me also add that back then, colleges and universities thought they had a role in playing parent when the parents were not there (locus parentis), as in preventing young single men and women from having sex. So dorms were separate by gender, and in separate buildings. Gays were simply assumed not to exist. So two gay guys or two gay women could request each other as roommates and no one in university housing would be the wiser. Though, straight guys getting an assigned roommate often worried about what the sexual orientation of the roommate might be and this could be all over the place. Worse, what was the assigned roommate going to learn about my masturbation routine given the close quarters?

Interestingly, university housing in recent years has discovered that young men (and women) much prefer single to double rooms, and most new dorms are designed as suites containing baths shared by a common space. Everyone wants some privacy, male or female. Dorms used to be single-sex places and there were only 2 defined sexes. Anything else simply did not exist, according to university housing.

Gradually, the newly-built dorms became towers with men and women residing on separate floors within the same building. This has happened to the 9-story dorm I lived in my cherished single room as an undergraduate. the individual floors became single sex “houses” like in Harry Potter, where men and women could reside on the same floor but in different areas though maybe not with names.

The 97-year old Charlie Munger is the Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway and has money—lots of it. He has been making donations to colleges that are somehow connected to him, one of them being the University of California Santa Barbara. This is a place with beautiful ocean vistas and extremely expensive land, plus lots and lots of undergrads who need affordable housing--affordable as in a dorm room.

Munger donated to the school money to build new dormitories, the first being an eleven-story undergraduate dorm. Read all about the details here. Munger is also an architect as a hobby,


The first 11-story building will house 4500 students, and according to the article, Each residential floor would have eight "houses," each holding 63 students. There are eight suites in each house, and every suite has eight single-occupancy beds. The single rooms are tiny, windowless and cell like. The controversy is centered on the lack of windows. The 8 students share two baths just off the common area which appears to contain a long conference-like table and chairs. The private cells appear to be about 7 ft x 12 ft. and each contains a “faux” window that is really just a digital panel.

California generally likes to claim to be the wokest place in the nation, with the colleges and universities being the wokest of the woke. In my undergraduate days these were the hippies, but no more. Hippies believed that everyone was entitled tpo “do their own thing”. But today wokeness focuses on gender, sexual orientation and race. And we have students divided into houses with 8 students each.

Let me suggest, for example, that 8 gay guys decide it would be fun to hang with just other gay guys, so eight gay guys decide they want to room in a single house. Is that permitted? Same for gay women? Can a university somehow place restrictions on gay sexual behavior as it traditionally has done in attempts to keep men and women out of each other’s dorms in an effort to stop sexual activities like a parent might attempt to do.

Or, what about the straight guy who brings his girlfriend into his single dorm room for sex. Is that allowed? Or, vice versa. What are the other male house members going to think if there are girlfriends wandering around the house on a regular basis in the common area?

But issues become more still more complicated. Suppose we have 8 trans students. Some are males who transitioned to female. Others are females who became male? Can they all live in a single house or should they be separated based on their current not birth gender? And can they identify their house as trans?

And the bisexuals? Can 8 bisexuals all share a common house? If so can it be labeled as such?

And the non-binary, as in students who do not identify as male or female. Is there a separate house for non-binaries?

And race? Are 8 African Americans allowed to be in the same house? 8 Latinos? 8 Asians? 8 Caucasians? Or is there some weird university rule requiring each house to be racially diverse? What happens if 8 students all want to room together by choice? Is it a responsibility of the university to force racial diversity in each 8-student house?

UC Santa Barbara housing faces some interesting questions, questions more complicated than whether or not a guy can find a private space in which to masturbate. I keep reading that only 5 to 10 percent of adult males self-identify as gay, and I presume the largest share of these engage in some form of partner sex that involves the interchange of bodily fluids. But then I also read that a much larger percentage of adult males have engaged in one or more episodes involving same sex activity, maybe 30 or 40 percent. For the most part I presume this activity is mutual masturbation in one form or another.

I realize that my readers here are generally big fans of engaging in masturbation while wearing a snug-fitting swim brief, and that such an activity might be even more arousing when another guy is doing the same thing as each of you watch each other get hard. There are a lot of guys out there where mutual masturbation becomes the only same-sex activity—guys who otherwise ultimately end up living as a straight married guy. To me the interesting part about all of this is what happens when a guys are suddenly in a house with 8 private rooms, guys that may not self-identify as gay, but still take advantage of a great opportunity to engage in mutual masturbation within such a setup.

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